1.By analysis the function of the feedback in several type control methods,the function of feedback is not only feedback control,but its supervision,in controlling field.通过对几种典型控制的分析,说明反馈在控制领域的应用不仅是反馈控制,它更重要的作用是其监控性,将开环控制的主动性、闭环控制的监控性、反向控制的强制性、变结构控制的"完全自适应性"以及反馈控制的系统内部稳定性等在反馈的监控作用下综合集成起来构成了新型的反馈控制,使大家对反馈概念有个新的认识和扩展。
2)lineal supervision线性监控
3)Performance monitoring性能监控
1.Research and Implementation of Telecom Performance Monitoring System Based on End-To-End Business Model;基于端到端业务模型的电信性能监控系统的研究和实现
2.Research and Implementation of Web Application Performance Monitoring System Based on Aspect-Oriented Programming;基于面向方面的Web应用程序性能监控系统研究与实现
3.This paper designs and implements a scalable performance monitoring tool PerfMon.轻量级、低负载的持续性能监控对于分布式高性能计算环境的管理是至关重要的。

1.Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Automated Complete Blood Count(CBC)Instruments血细胞分析仪性能监控的建立及评价
2.Proportional Counter Used as the Monitor of BESⅢ Drift Chamber;正比计数器作BESⅢ漂移室性能监控
3.The Research and Implementation of Network Performance Monitor and Analysis for ERP;ERP网络性能监控与分析系统的研究
4.Research on Performance Monitoring Method of HLA/RTI Simulation SystemHLA/RTI仿真系统性能监控方法研究
5.Performance Monitoring of Multivariable Model Predictive Controller多变量模型预测控制器性能监控方法研究
6.Design of the monitoring system for main fan in coal mines based on intelligent modules基于智能模块的主通风机性能监控系统设计
7.State Predicting & Performance Monitoring of Fermentation Processes;生物发酵过程状态预报与性能监控研究
8.Researches on Performance Monitoring for Process Industry Based on ICA and Multi-parameter;基于ICA及多参数的流程工业性能监控方法研究
9.Design and Implementation of Application Server Performance Monitoring System;应用服务器性能监控系统的设计与实现
10.data control performance monitor数字控制性能监视器
11.Research Advance of Control Performance Assessment and Monitoring Theory控制性能评价与监控理论的研究进展
12.LonWorks Montioring and Control Network Design and Its Performance Analyse;LonWorks监控网络设计及网络性能分析
13.Research of Oracle Performance Tuning and Real-Time MonitoringOracle数据库性能优化及实时监控研究
14.To Advance the Lightning-Proof Performance of Centralized Supervision & Control System for Power and Enviroment提高动力环境集中监控系统防雷性能
15.The analysis of performance reliability of alarm and control system for electric fire protection电气火灾监控系统的功能可靠性分析
16.Performance Assessment, Tuning and Remote Monitoring of Control System Based on OPC;基于OPC的控制系统性能评价、整定与远程监控
17.Control System Comprehensive Performance Assessment and Monitoring Experimental Platform控制系统综合性能评价及其监控实验平台
18.Impact of control strategies on multivariate statistical monitoring performance系统的控制策略对多变量统计监控性能的影响

lineal supervision线性监控
3)Performance monitoring性能监控
1.Research and Implementation of Telecom Performance Monitoring System Based on End-To-End Business Model;基于端到端业务模型的电信性能监控系统的研究和实现
2.Research and Implementation of Web Application Performance Monitoring System Based on Aspect-Oriented Programming;基于面向方面的Web应用程序性能监控系统研究与实现
3.This paper designs and implements a scalable performance monitoring tool PerfMon.轻量级、低负载的持续性能监控对于分布式高性能计算环境的管理是至关重要的。
4)performance monitor性能监控
1.Streaming switcher performance monitor;流媒体交换矩阵的性能监控
2.Design and realization of a model on computer performance monitoring;综合性能监控管理模型的设计与实现
3.Methods:The main performance information of SQL Server is studied and the system by JNI,PDH,RMI techniques and B/S structure are implemented;Result:a performance monitoring system for SQL Server on J2EE platform is implemented;Conclusion:This application can help administrator(DBA)optimize database performance at a lowest cost.数据库管理员在任何地方都可以监控和优化数据库性能,对SQLServer数据库主要性能信息进行研究,采用了JNI、PDH、RMI技术和B/S结构实现系统,实现了一个J2EE架构下B/S结构的SQLServer性能监控系统,数据库系统管理员(DBA)通过本系统能以较小的维护代价实现数据库优良的性能。
5)qualitative supervision质性监控
1.Since quantitative monitoring has certain self-insurmountable weaknesses,qualitative supervision is increasingly attracting people’s attention.基于量化监控所拥有的自身难以克服的问题,质性监控日益引起人们的关注。
6)monitoring performance监控性能
1.Impact of control strategies on multivariate statistical monitoring performance系统的控制策略对多变量统计监控性能的影响

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-