强迫行为,compulsive behavior
1)compulsive behavior强迫行为

1.obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)强迫观念-强迫行为
2.Analyze the Clinical Intervention and Effectiveness to Compulsion of College Student;大学生强迫行为的临床技术干预与效果分析
3.A person with behavior patterns governed by a compulsion.强迫症患者行为方式受强迫驱使的人
4.the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property.强迫没收某人财产的行为。
5.action by a landlord that compels a tenant to leave the premises (as by rendering the premises unfit for occupancy); no physical expulsion or legal process is involved.地主强迫佃户或租用户离开的行为。
6.the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will.强迫妇女满足性的要求的犯罪行为。
7.A Study on the Issue of Coercing a Transaction by Peddling around the Train;围车叫卖、强迫交易行为疑难问题研究
8.Research of Determining Taenatrjue of Compelling Sex Behavior in Marry at Present;现阶段“婚内强迫性行为”定性问题研究
9.Analysis of criminal spirit of compulsiye sexual behavior within marriage as a non - crime;婚内强迫性行为非罪的刑法精神分析
10.Research on the Nature & Treatment for the Forced Sexual Activity within Marriage婚内强迫性行为的定性及处理之研究
11.Abstract Compulsive Buying Behaviros of Adolescent Consumers青少年消费者强迫消费行为(英文)
12.If the action of transaction by force doesn't happen in business domain, it isn't crimes of transaction by force.不发生在商业活动领域的强迫交易行为,不构成强迫交易罪。
13.To force(another person)to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse;commit rape on.强奸强迫(某人)与之进行性行为,特别是性交;对…实行强奸
14.an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions against your will.强迫自己做琐碎的、重复行为的非理性冲动。
15.Thoughts on the Nature and Penalty of Coercive "Virtual Sex";关于强迫虚拟“性行为”的本质及其处罚的思考
16.Protection of Oxytodn in the Maternal care from Forced-swimming Rats during Pregnancy催产素对孕鼠强迫游泳后母爱行为的保护作用
17.Exposure and Ritual Prevention of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder:A Case Study一例严重强迫症的暴露与仪式行为阻止治疗
18.Acts induced or compelled by the occupant are nonetheless its acts.换言之,占领者所引导或强迫的行为,仍旧属于占领者的行为。

1.Analyze the Clinical Intervention and Effectiveness to Compulsion of College Student;大学生强迫行为的临床技术干预与效果分析
3)Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder强迫观念(强迫行为)
5)compulsive sexual behavior within marriage婚内强迫性行为
1.Whether compulsive sexual behavior within marriage exists has been a controversial issue in criminology.从现代刑法精神的角度来解读婚内强迫性行为这一法律现象,认为婚内强迫性行为侵犯的不是妇女的性的权利,因而,不构成强奸罪,行为人只应该承担相应的民事责任或道德责任,而不应承担刑事责任。

强迫行为强迫行为compulsion 强迫症的一种临床表现。病人常为某种与正常心理相反的意向所纠缠,产生即明知没有必要,而又不可克制的行为。如每逢见到电线杆、石块、柱子等便抑制不住要依次触摸或点数,甚至数漏了又得从头计数一遍。有的患者常重复某种动作,以解内心不安。常与强迫观念同时存在。