1.On aesthetic connotation of physiognomy of Liu Guan Zhang in The Three Kingdom;论《三国演义》中刘关张相貌的审美内涵
2.This paper analyzed and discussed the impact of anthropology in simulated portrait by means of studying the relationship between races,regions figures skeletons and physiognomy.本文通过种族、地域、体型、骨骼形态与相貌之间的关系,分析讨论了法医人类学知识在模拟画像中的作用。

1.The man's features answer to the description of the murderer.该男子之面貌与凶手的相貌描述符合。
2.because teachers who are not good-looking因为相貌不好看的老师,
3.He is a curious looking man.他是个相貌奇特的人。
4.glum expressions, faces, features忧伤的神情、 面孔、 相貌.
5.Having a face that seems to exhibit honesty and sincerity.相貌老实的,坦率的看起来相貌坦率诚实的
6.He answered the description of the criminal.他与那犯人的相貌描述相符。
7.He has a wonderful face and his face and his manners are very successful.他有一付奇妙的相貌,他的相貌和举止很讨人喜欢。
8.The two brothers are like each other in appearance , but differ widely in their tastes .这两个兄弟相貌相似,但爱好却大不相同。
9.A person of odd or grotesque appearance or dress.一个相貌或衣着古怪的人
10.A good countenance is a letter of recommendation.一副善良的相貌是一封推荐书。
11.She inherits her mother's looks and her father's temper.她继承了母亲的相貌和父亲的脾气。
12.an ugly or ill-tempered woman.相貌丑陋或脾气很坏的妇女。
13.But how much do looks matter at work?那么相貌在职场中又有哪些影响呢?
14.There were two dark-eyed sinister-looking Italians.有两个眼睛乌黑,相貌阴险的意大利人。
15..not just a pretty face (having other qualities or abilities)不仅相貌好(尚有其他优点)
16.Judge not from appearances人不可貌相,海不可斗量
17.The two sisters are as like as two peas.这姐妹俩容貌极相像。
18.a formidable appearance令人畏惧的长相 [外貌]

phase morphology相形貌
1.Study on phase morphology and mechanical properties of epoxy system toughened by fluorinated poly(ether ether ketone);含氟聚醚醚酮增韧环氧树脂相形貌与性能研究
2.Now, phase morphology of alloy can be changed by chemical modification, superheating treatment and electromagnetic vibration.研究了超声处理对Mg-9Al合金Mg17Al12相形貌的影响。
3)morphology of Al4C3 phaseAl4C3相形貌
4)Al3Fe morphologyAl3Fe相形貌
1.The characteristics of Al3Fe morphology change and the hardness of Al-Fe alloy with various Fe contents were investigated.研究了不同含Fe量的Al Fe合金中Al3Fe相形貌和Al Fe合金硬度的变化特点。
5)Facial Features相貌特征
1.Research on Facial Features of Tibet Youth in Sichuan province;四川藏族青年相貌特征的探讨
6)structure appearance相貌结构

相貌见【相貌见】  谓因彼形相状貌而见,如人远见烟起,便言见火,虽不见火,亦非虚妄,是名相貌见。