对偶比较法,method of paired comparison
1)method of paired comparison对偶比较法
1.For evaluating teacher work values,the method of paired comparison was administrated to 217 beginning teachers from primary schools and middle schools.选取207名新入职的中小学教师,通过对偶比较法,探讨新入职教师的工作价值观。

1.method of paired comparison对偶比较法 成对比较法
2.A Comparative Study of Paired Comparison and Rank-order Methords With Alternation Ranking Methods对偶比较法、等级排列法和两极递进式排序法的比较
3.Comparative Research on Antithesis and DuiouAntithesis与对偶比较研究(英文)
4.Comparison Between English Antithesis and Chinese Antithesis;英语Antithesis与汉语对偶的比较
5.Comparison between Free PSA Percentage, PSA Density and PSA Density in the Transition Zone in the Detection of Incidental Adenocarcinoma of Prostat in Patients with Serum PSA between 4 and 10 ng/ml比较三种方法在灰区前列腺偶发癌的诊断意义
6.Covert Culture in Antithesis and Dui-ou;英汉对偶修辞格中的隐蔽文化因素比较
7.Evaluation for Work Values of Beginning Teachers with Method of Paired Comparison;新入职教师工作价值观的对偶比较研究
8.Comparative Study on Design of Folk Dolls and Modern Dolls民间玩偶和现代玩偶的设计比较研究
9.The Conflict between Morals and Lusts:A Comparative Study of Encounter and Soap文明与欲望的较量:《偶遇》与《肥皂》比较
10.Table 1.4 compares the boiling points of several alkyl ether that have permanent dipoles with those of hydrocarbons, which have no permanent dipoles.表1.4对若干有永久偶极的烷基醚和没有永久偶极的烷烃的沸点作了比较。
11.Where Is the Way? --A Comparative Analysis of the Struggling Ways of Female Protagonists of "The Color Purple" and "A Doll s House";路在何方——对《紫色》与《玩偶之家》女主人公反抗道路的比较分析
12.A Comparafive Study of Ideal Spouse Among First Married and Remarried Older Younth;大龄青年初婚与再婚择偶标准比较——对1010则征婚启事的量化分析
13.method of comparative study比较研究法 比较研究法
14.The method of successive minus is compared with the method of arithmetic average. The accidental error of method of successive minus is higher than that of arithmetic average obviously.逐差法与算术平均法相比较 ,逐差法的偶然误差明显高于算术平均法。
15.A Comparison between the Three Translation Versions of The Scarlet Letter in the Transplant of Symbolism and Figuration;《红字》译本对象征、比喻手法的移植比较
16.The Spirit of Love--The Comparison between Antigone and A Doll House;爱的精神——《安提戈涅》和《玩偶之家》的比较
17.The Comparison between Older Young Women s Spouse Criterion of First Marriage and of Second Marriage;大龄女青年初婚与再婚择偶标准比较
18.Of course, there are times when we disagree, but neither of us stubbornly clings to his own opinion. We always work together according to the opinion that seems most correct, no matter whose it happens to be.我们偶然也有争论,但从来没有哪个固执己见,哪个意见比较对,就一致地做去。

paired-comparisons method对偶比较法
1.Using the paired-comparisons method,the research explored the line preference of children aged 4.本研究采用对偶比较法,对4岁幼儿进行6类常见线条的偏好调查研究,得出以下结果:4岁幼儿线条偏好的顺序依次是:漩涡线、曲线、弧形线、波浪线、折线、直线;男生和女生对线条的偏好没有明显差异;4岁幼儿对不同方向的漩涡线的偏好有明显差异,对不同方向的直线、波浪线、折线、曲线和弧形线的偏好没有明显差异。
3)Paired Comparison Method成对比较法
1.The subjective annoyance due to intermittence pure tones which range from 100Hz to 4000Hz is studied by paired comparison method at the loudness level of 70phon and 75phon, respectively.采用成对比较法,在70phon 和75phon 两个等响度级下,对125Hz~4000Hz 各倍频程所在中心频率间歇性纯音的主观烦恼度进行了实验研究,结果表明:频率、响度相同的间歇性纯音,其烦恼度与持续时间、间隔时间具有较好的相关性,持续时间相同,间隔时间越短,烦恼度值越大;间隔时间相同,持续时间越长,烦恼度值越大,连续纯音比间歇性纯音更烦恼。
4)relative comparison method相对比较法
1.This thesis thoroughly studied the techonology of online dielectric loss factor measurement, pointed out the shortcomings of conventional methods, and analyzed the reason for reducing the measurement errors by relative comparison method.本文对介损在线检测技术进行了比较深入地研究,指出了常用测量介损方法的不足,分析了用相对比较法减小介损测试误差的原因,提出了介损测量的判断方法和误差处理方法,提出了将测试数据进行横向、纵向比较的方法,通过综合比较进行设备绝缘状况判断。
5)paired comparison成对比较法
1.Secondly,by selecting and simulating of typical pieces of the soundscape and using paired comparison,subjective evaluation is made in the laboratory to obtain the non-similarity matrix of the soundscape data.通过现场调查研究了影响声景观评价的各种因素;选取及模拟典型声景观片段,在实验室内采用成对比较法进行主观评价实验,得到关于各声景观素材的不相似度矩阵;再应用多维尺度分析,获得声景观评价影响因素的维度数。
2.Using 75 varied low frequency noise samples with adjusted-loudness as sound stimuli, we investigate sound quality for low frequency noise with paired comparison method.以等响处理后的 75 个稳态低频噪声样本为例, 采用成对比较法, 设计并完成了有 24 位评价者参与的大规模实验室主观评价实验。
6)Paired comparison method配对比较法
1.The paired comparison method for weight in estimating the duration in expert consulting was particularly studied.以昆明理工大学国际学术交流中心项目为例,系统阐述了大型建设项目总进度目标论证的一般步骤,包括项目结构分解及关键工作分析、关键工作持续时间估算、关键工作搭接与总进度纲要编制、总进度目标的优化和平衡等,并重点研究了专家咨询法估算工作持续时间时确定权重配对比较法。

对偶比较法对偶比较法method of paired comparison  洲禺七川淡法(method of pa:red compa‘son)制作顺序量表的方法之一。把所有要比较的刺激都配成对,然后一对一对地向被试呈现,让被试对刺激中的某一特性进行比较并作出两个刺激中哪一个这种特性更突出的判断、若两个刺激是同时呈现,为了消除方位误差,最好进行两轮实验,第一轮一个刺激在右,另一个刺激在左;第二轮一个刺激在左,另一个刺激在右。若两个刺激是相继呈现,为了消除顺序误差,最好也进行两轮实验,第一轮一个刺激先呈现,另一个刺激后早现;第_轮、一个刺激后呈现,另一个刺激先旱现。在每轮实验中因为每一刺激都要分别与其他刺激进行比较,如果以n表示刺激的总数,则配成对的数目为刀(。一l)22。例如共有10个刺激,则每轮要配成10只(10一l)/2=45对。两轮共90对。当侮一刺激都分别与其各刺激比较后,便可得到它们各自强于其他刺激的百分比。依据各自的百分比大小,可形成一个顺序量表。 (金志成撰林仲贤审)