暴力犯,violent criminal
1)violent criminal暴力犯
1.The increase of violent criminals proportion brings hidden dangers which cannot be neglected to the reformational work of prisons and other places of custody and it is clear about the constituted threat to the security of prisons and other places of custody.暴力犯比例的增大给监狱机关的监管改造工作埋下了不可忽视的隐患,其对监管安全构成的威胁自不待言。
2.The present study investigated the explicit aggressiveness and implicit aggressiveness of violent criminals.该研究采用IAT测验对暴力犯的内隐攻击性进行了研究。

1.crimes, acts, outbreaks, etc of violence暴力犯罪、 暴力行为、 暴力突发
2.He has a history of violent crime.他有暴力犯罪的记录
3.Violent crimes per 100,000 people每十万人中暴力犯罪率
4.Study on personality of female criminals;女性暴力犯罪与非暴力犯罪人格特征的比较
5.a cell for violent prisoners.关押因暴力犯罪的囚犯的地方。
6.We will severely crack down on crimes committed by Mafia-like gangs, violent crimes, frequent property-related crimes, and drug-related crimes.严厉打击黑恶势力犯罪、重暴力犯罪、发性侵财犯罪、品犯罪等。
7.Impact of Violent Culture on Violent Crime in China;我国当代暴力文化对暴力犯罪的影响探析
8.Talking about violence culture’s inducing influence on violence crime and the countermeasure to the bringing out of violence crime;论暴力文化对暴力犯罪的诱发影响及遏制对策
9.The police chief has again declared war against violent crime.警长重申要尽力制止暴力犯罪行为。
10.It's about time somebody made a stand against the rise of violent crime in Britain.该是有人反对英国暴力犯罪的时候了。
11.The guowth of violent crime is a very real problem暴力犯罪的增加是个非常现实的问题
12.The numbers represent the incidence of violent crimes in each particular circle.每个圈都代表了一种暴力犯罪的数量.
13.We provide assistance for victims of violent crimes.我们为暴力犯罪的受害者提供帮助。
14.violent crime against perso侵犯人身的暴力罪行
15.violent crime against property侵犯财物的暴力罪行
16.the fight against violence, terror and crime;打击暴力、恐怖和犯罪;
17.mentally-ill violent offender精神不正常的暴力罪犯
18.A Study of Comparison with Violent Attitude between Passionate Criminals and the Recidivists;激情犯和累惯犯暴力态度的比较研究

Violent crimes暴力犯罪
1.The violent crimes do harm to not only the party injured,but also the familis and society.暴力犯罪不仅对受害者个体造成严重的身体伤害和心理创伤,同时也给受害者家庭以及社会造成严重的危害,因此,对于暴力犯罪原因的探讨一直是该领域研究的重点。
2.Firstly, the concerning stipulations in Chinese criminal law and the conception of the violent crimes were explored.暴力犯罪是一种古老的犯罪类型,时至今日仍因其常见性、多发性与较为严重的社会危害性成为刑法学界具有现实意义与理论价值的研究问题。
3)Violence crime暴力犯罪
1.A Probe into Violence Crime in A Clockwork Orange;试论《发条橙》对暴力犯罪的可贵探索
2.Thesis on Violence Crime of Criminal Jurisprudence ——Also on Exercising Unlimited Right of Defense;论刑法学意义上的暴力犯罪——兼论无限防卫权的行使
3.Nowadays,the abolishment of death penalty in non-violence crimes such as economic crimes has become a common sense in the circle of criminal law.目前,废除经济犯罪等非暴力犯罪死刑,已成为中国刑法学界的共识。
4)violent crime暴力犯罪
1.Emphasis on ideological education,legal education,psychological health education and self-protection on the part of students and campus guarding are effective prevention against violent crimes in colleges.当今高校暴力犯罪时有发生, 已引起社会各方面的高度关注。
2.People are shocked at the number and the intensity of the violent crimes.本文拟从大学生暴力犯罪的现状入手,解读校园频发暴力事件的各方面的原因,并从刑法和社会学的角度提出相应的预防和救济措施。
5)habitual violent offender暴力惯犯
6)new violent crime新暴力犯罪
