主角情绪,protagonist's emotions
1)protagonist's emotions主角情绪

1.The Effect of Protagonist's Emotion and Time Information Representation on the Situation Model Process主角情绪和时间信息对情境模型加工的影响
2.One of the actor's lines aroused his nostalgia.电影主角的一句话引动了她的怀旧情绪。
3.Patriotism was then at fever pitch.当时爱国主义情绪高涨。
4.Arnold’s Emotion Theory in the Perspective of Emotions Research Today;当今情绪研究视角中的阿诺德情绪理论
5.the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion.有意识的、主观的情绪或情感。
6.University Students Mental Health: An Emotion Regulation Perspective;大学生心理健康情绪调节角度的考察
7.Researchal Angle Changing of Overseas Teachers Emotions and Its Implications;国外教师情绪研究的视角转换与启示
8.Emotion Regulation Theory: A Mental Health Perspective;情绪调节理论:心理健康角度的考察
9.Emotional Therapeutics:New Rectifying Approach for Children s Behavior Problem;情绪疗法:矫正儿童行为问题的新视角
10.2) Rumination and revealing were main regulations of positive emotions, while reappraisal and negligence were main regulations of negative emotions.(2)正情绪调节以重视和宣泄为主,负情绪以忽视和抑制为主。
11.Wang Ping. During the competitions, the most important thing for an athlete is to try every means to control strength, angle, and emotion and keep normal exertion.王平:比赛时,选手最主要得想方设法控制力量、角度、情绪,保持正常发挥。
12.Dismay is not a characteristic mood with him.沮丧并不是他的主要情绪。
13.The hostess tried her best to place the litter girl at her ease.女主人尽量使小姑娘消除紧张情绪。
14.the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism.政策决策者们的主要情绪是乐观的。
15.one's ruling passion主要的情绪[兴趣](支配行为者)
16.Nationalism has been bubbling here.这里一直激荡着民族主义情绪。
17.An Experimental Research on the ANS Specificity of Emotion;情绪的自主生理反应特异性实验研究
18.Research on Motivation-driven Based Autonomous Emotion Model for Virtual Human虚拟人动机驱动的自主情绪模型研究

emotion subjectiveness情绪主观
1.Evolutionism of emotion subjectiveness literature is major part of Chuchuanbaicun s literature theory.在厨川白村的文艺思想中,情绪主观文艺进化论思想占据主要地位,他认为,不同时代出现的不同流派都是文学的支流,尽管在当时风靡盛行,但终不会替代“情绪主观”的主流文学,主流文学也许会在特定时期由于某种原因沉入河底,但终究会容纳各种支流,又以暂新姿态奔流于文艺江
3)subjective emotional主观情绪化
4)The Emotional Democracy情绪性民主
5)emotional democracy情绪式民主
6)subjective emotional loneliness主观情绪孤独
1.Results The study found that subjective emotional loneliness,social support,objective and subjective social isolation,and objective emotional loneliness were good predictors of self-esteem.结论领悟的社会支持、主观情绪孤独与主观社会孤独是影响大学生自信水平的主要因素。

主角1.亦作"主脚"。 2.指文学作品中的主要人物,或戏剧﹑电影等艺术表演中的主要角色及主要演员。 3.主要当事人。