课程自我效能感,Curriculum Self-efficacy
1)Curriculum Self-efficacy课程自我效能感
2)sense of self-efficacy自我效能感
1.The Research of Relations on Heavy Athletics Athlete Sense of Self-efficacy, Cognitive Trait Anxiety and Coping Style;重竞技运动员自我效能感、认知特质焦虑及应对方式关系的研究
2.The results showed as follows: stress level could predict job satisfaction negatively; self-efficacy could not only predict job satisfaction positively, but also adjust the effect of stress level on job satisfaction; higher sense of self-efficacy can make the effect stress level has on job satisfaction from negative to.运用问卷法,以43名国有煤矿安全从业人员为研究对象,探讨了在煤矿这一特定环境下的工作人员其工作满意感、应激水平和自我效能感的关系。
3.A good sense of self-efficacy is one of important aspect.其中,良好的自我效能感是这种能力的重要方面之一。

2.Influence of Teaching Efficacy on the Students Self-efficacy;教师教学效能感对学生自我效能感的影响
3.On the Sense of Teacher Efficacy and Foster of Normal School Student’s Prepare Sense of Self-efficacy;论教师教学效能感对师范生自我效能感的影响
4.The Education Sense of Self-efficacy with High School Student s Language and the Self-efficacy of Education;学业自我效能感与中学生语文自我效能感的培养
5.Explicit self-esteem, implicit self-esteem and general self-efficacy;外显自尊、内隐自尊与一般自我效能感的关系
6.Perceived Self-efficacy and Cultivativation of Autonomous Learning Abilities in Higher Vocational English Teaching自我效能感与高职英语教学自主学习能力培养
7.Career Decision Making Self efficacy Scale职业决策自我效能感量表
8.Apocalypse of Perceived-Self-Efficiency Theory in Teaching自我效能感理论及其对教学的启示
9.On the Cultivation of Self-efficacy in Vocal Teaching and Learning of Normal College;高师声乐教学中自我效能感培养研究
10.Research on Relationships between College Students Stressors and Self-efficacy;大学生压力源与自我效能感关系研究
11.The Research on Undergraduate Students Self-efficacy and Interaction Ways in the Classroom;大学生自我效能感与课堂互动的研究
12.A Study on the Career Self-Efficacy of Enterprise Technicians;企业科技人员职业自我效能感的研究
13.On Composition Perceived Self-efficacy and Its Cultivation of Middle School Students;试论中学生作文自我效能感及其培养
14.A Survey of Sense of Self-efficiency of College Students of Ethnic Groups in Their Studies;少数民族大学生学业自我效能感研究
15.Research on Statues of General Self-efficacy Feeling Condition of University Ideological and Political Instructors;高校辅导员一般自我效能感调查分析
16.On the Cultivation of Self-efficacy of Academically Poor English Majors;论英语专业学困生自我效能感的培养
17.Students’ Self-efficacy is the Mediator in Their English Learning;自我效能感在英语学习中的调控作用
18.On Students Sense of Self-efficiency in Study and Its Cultivation;浅谈学生的学习自我效能感及其培养

sense of self-efficacy自我效能感
1.The Research of Relations on Heavy Athletics Athlete Sense of Self-efficacy, Cognitive Trait Anxiety and Coping Style;重竞技运动员自我效能感、认知特质焦虑及应对方式关系的研究
2.The results showed as follows: stress level could predict job satisfaction negatively; self-efficacy could not only predict job satisfaction positively, but also adjust the effect of stress level on job satisfaction; higher sense of self-efficacy can make the effect stress level has on job satisfaction from negative to.运用问卷法,以43名国有煤矿安全从业人员为研究对象,探讨了在煤矿这一特定环境下的工作人员其工作满意感、应激水平和自我效能感的关系。
3.A good sense of self-efficacy is one of important aspect.其中,良好的自我效能感是这种能力的重要方面之一。
3)perceived self-efficacy自我效能感
1.The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Self-efficacy and Coping Style in College Nursing Students;护理学专业大学生情绪智力与自我效能感及应对方式的关系研究
2.The perceived self-efficacy in physics study is an i mportant variable that affects thestudents grades .物理学习自我效能感是影响物理学业成绩的重要变量。
3.Teacher s perceived self-efficacy is an important component of teacher s qualities.教师自我效能感是教师对教育价值和自身教育能力的信念、判断与自我感受,它是教师素质构成的重要方面,对教师专业成长和儿童发展都具有重要作用。
1.Present problems in measuring self-efficiency and its countermeasures;自我效能感测量中存在的问题与对策
2.A Study on Consumer Complaint Behavior Based on Self-efficiency;基于自我效能感的抱怨方式研究
3.The paper proposes four methods for teaching quality improvement: course and textbook optimization, proper bilingual teaching, theme discussion establishment and self-efficiency improvement.针对这一问题,教师应该从提高药学教育专业课的精品化和实用化、采用适当双语教学、积极开展专题讨论课堂模式、努力提高学生自我效能感四个方面着手,提高当代药学教育质量。
5)sense of self-efficiency自我效能感
1.In the article,the author puts forward some measures of improving students sense of self-efficiency in different phases by using the theories of sports skills and self-efficiency.本文从运动技能的学习理论与自我效能理论出发,提出了在动作技能形成的不同阶段提升学生自我效能感的具体措施:(1)动作泛化阶段的替代经验、言语劝说和心理状态等;(2)动作分化阶段的他人评价;(3)动作巩固提高阶段的归因方式;(4)动作自动化阶段的示范、榜样和成功经验。
2.To strengthen the guidance for the students to set up their goals and master learning strategies and to train their abilities of self-study,self-evaluation and self-adjustment in PE in college are two keys to let the students experience constant success and form the good sense of self-efficiency.在高校体育教学中加强对学生自我设定学习目标和学习策略的指导,培养学生自主学习、自我评价、自我调节的能力,并让学生不断获得成功的体验,使学生形成良好的自我效能感,能有效促进学生主动参与体育学习和身体锻炼,提高体育教学的效果。
3.On the basis of a brief presentation of Bandura s theory of self-efficiency, the paper discusses the problems arising from the current teaching in middle schools in our country , believing that one of the important causes of making students lose their confidence in study is that enough attention is not paid to the development of students sense of self-efficiency.自我效能感理论具有极高的理论价值和应用价值。
1.The Relationship between Self-efficacy and Self-esteem of College Students;大学生自我效能感与自尊的相关性研究
2.A Research on Characteristics and Relationship between Self-efficacy and Subjective Well-being of the Impoverished Students in Normal University;高师贫困生自我效能感与主观幸福感的特点及关系研究
3.Relationship among the Achievement Goal Orientation,Self-efficacy and State Anxiety of College Students;大学生成就目标定向、自我效能感和状态焦虑的关系研究

自我疗法自我疗法self therapy  自我疗法(self therapy)斯契夫曼(Sehiffman,M.)根据自己患病和抬疗的亲身经历而提出的一种心理治疗方法,它采用五种具体的程式化的技术,通过在情感水平上对显露的(或防御的)情绪的探讨,使病人能体验隐藏的(或无意识中的)情绪。这种体验过程有治疗作用,它可以解除病人的痛苦和不适当的情绪以及由它们所引起的各种问题与症状。这五种技术是透彻地思考、对一个好的倾听者倾诉、书写、从“后门”进入无意识和格式塔自我疗法。治疗可以在治疗者的帮助下进行,也可以自行治疗。要求根据个人的气质选择不同的技术。一般而言,那些喜欢独处、不愿同人交往的人最好采用透彻地思考和书写的方式来探讨自己的情绪;健谈、喜交往的人可以选择倾诉法;那些对于探讨自已的问题阻力过大的人可以选用“后门”的途径;其他人可选格式塔法。所谓由“后门”进入无意识的方法,这里指注意由美的体验(如梦境、音乐、文学作品和自然界的美景等)所唤起的任何强烈情绪,并努力保持它,同时自问:“这使我想起了什么?”格式塔自我疗法包括三种不同的方法:(l)想像自己同一个曾引起自己不适当或痛苦反应的人会见时的情景。(2)探讨一个已知的内心冲突。(3)探讨经常发生的一个“坏的”梦境。自我治疗的五种技术中前四种适用于较短期的治疗目标,如处理日常生活中遇到的心理问题、避免自挫行为、解除强烈的情绪痛苦等;格式塔自我治疗适用于较长远的目标,例如不加歪曲地看待现实、实现个人的真实潜能或成为自己所向往的那类人。此外,与前四种技术不同,格式塔自我治疗也适用于那些情绪己经稳定的人。 (梁宝勇撰徐俊见市)