恋爱关系,love relationship
1)love relationship恋爱关系
1.0:(1) While self-confidence is helpful for undergraduates to establish a good love relationship, the negative predictive power of overall confidence on the dimension of avoidance of intimate relationship is greater than that of the dimension of anxiety, and the impact of domain self-confidence on the two dimensions is not significant.研究得出以下结论:(1)自信有利于大学生建立良好的恋爱关系,总体自信对亲密关系回避维度的负向预测力大于焦虑维度,而领域自信对两个维度的影响不显著;(2)恋爱关系质量对大学生主观幸福感具有显著预测作用,且对主观幸福感情感层面的预测力略大于认知层面;(3)总体自信对大学生主观幸福感有显著预测作用,在自信的五个维度中,成就自信和人际自信对主观幸福和总体情感指数有显著预测作用;(4)恋爱关系是自信与主观幸福感之间的部分中介变量,即:自信不仅可以直接影响主观幸福感,而且可以通过影响恋爱关系质量来影响主观幸福感。

1.Know your organization's written and unwritten policies about romantic, sexual, extramarital, or dating relationships.了解你所在单位对爱恋关系、两性关系、婚外恋关系和恋爱关系的成文和不成文的规定。
2.a triangular relationship between Mary and the two men玛丽与两个男人间的三角恋爱关系
3.Eros is particular strong when the love relationship is in its early precarious stages.性爱在恋爱关系尚不稳定的初期阶段尤为强烈。
4.Relationship Between Love Attitudes and Relationship Adjustments Among Undergraduates in Chengdu成都市大学生爱情观与恋爱关系适应的关系研究
5.You'll have lots of opportunities when it comes to making a love connection.射手座:发展一段恋爱关系你会友很多机会。
6.The Construction and Influence of the Positive Illusion in Dating Relationship;积极错觉在恋爱关系中的形成机制及作用
7.Investigation about Gender Traits and Amatory Satisfaction of Undergraduate;关于大学生性别特质与恋爱关系满意度的调查研究
8.The conjugal affection of her father and mother constituted her ideal of love-affinity她父亲和母亲的伉俪之情就是她心目中理想的恋爱关系
9.Her mother, who disapproved of her relationship with world championship shot-put champion C. J. Hunter,她的毋亲不赞同她与世锦赛铅球冠军C.J. 亨特的恋爱关系
10.a clandestine love affair.偷偷摸膜的爱恋关系。
11.Have a sexual or romantic experience with sb和某人有性关系或谈恋爱
12.of or concerning homosexual love.指同性恋爱的或者与同性恋爱相关的。
13.Research on Gender Relationship Beliefs and Love Affairs of Undergraduates;大学生异性关系信念与恋爱行为的相关研究
14.The Structure of Coping Strategies for Lovelorn and the Relationship of Love Values of the Undergraduates大学生失恋应对方式及与其恋爱价值观的关系研究
15.I don't like long distance relationship.我不喜欢远距离关系。(不喜欢谈远距离恋爱。
16.On Lawrence' Exploration of Relations between the Sexes in "Women in Love"论劳伦斯在《恋爱中的女人》中对两性关系的探索
17.homosexual relationships, tendencies同性恋关系、 癖好.
18.A Research on Gender Relationship Beliefs of Undergraduates and Its Affecting Factors大学生异性关系信念与影响恋爱的相关因素的研究

Amatory satisfaction恋爱关系满意度
4)Attachment relationship依恋关系
1.According to the "continuity of adaptation hypothesis" of attachment theory, attachment relationship refers to the intimate and enduring emotion bond between individual and attachment figures.根据依恋理论的连续适应性假设,依恋关系是指个体与依恋对象之间亲密、永久的情感联结,此联结所提供的情感支持、亲密感和安全感会持续影响个体在人生各阶段的发展与适应。
5)relationship of marriage and love婚恋关系
1.The national-country conformation,as a kind of great narration,restricts the social living and affects the ethic relationship of modern families,including relationship of marriage and love.民族国家建构作为一种宏大叙事,制约着现代中国的社会生活,也影响着现代家族人伦关系,包括婚恋关系。
1.The Investigate and Analysis of Contemporary University Students Love Attitude.;当代大学生恋爱态度调查与分析
2.The Missing Garden of Eden —— Analysis of Love about “Revolution and Love" Novels;迷失的伊甸园——“革命+恋爱”小说之情爱论
3.Searching for Minority Natonality Morality in the Northwest of Guizhou from Love,Marriage and Family;从恋爱、婚姻、家庭关系看黔西北少数民族的伦理道德
