证人证词可靠性,reliability of eyewitness testimony
1)reliability of eyewitness testimony证人证词可靠性
2)the reliability of testimony证词的可靠性
1.So how to ascertain the reliability of testimony makes great sense to the legal practice.证人的错误证词是导致错误判案的重要原因,因此如何鉴定证人证词的可靠性,从中去伪存真,对司法实践具有非常重大的意义。

1.Counsel questioned the reliability of the witness evidence.律师对证人证词的可靠性表示怀疑。
2.The correlation between technological change and lexical change;从词汇变化与技术进步的关系试探见证词的可靠性
3.Counsel question the reliability of the witness ' evidence .律师对证人的证词可靠性表示怀疑。
4.His muddled evidence casts doubt on his reliability as a witness.他的证词糊里糊涂, 使人对他作为见证人的可靠性产生了怀疑.
5.To prove we're reliable?来证明我们的可靠性。
6.The term "reliability" has many popular connotation.“可靠性”一词有许多通俗的涵义。
7.I can vouch for the reliability of the machines.我可以保证这些机器的可靠性。
8.an employment history that was proof of her dependaBility.工作经历便可证实她的可靠性
9.The authority of these witnesses is beyond exception.这些证人的可靠性无可非议。
10.In order to verify the correctness and reliability of Know-how为了验证专有技术的正确性和可靠性
11.reliability evaluation from demonstration data利用验证数据的可靠性评定
12.reliability verification of DB2 database log roll forward;DB2数据库日志前滚恢复的可靠性论证;
13.The results of actual operation show the reliability of the system.实际使用效果证明了该系统的可靠性。
14.Overall Demonstration for Reliability of Borne-car Tropo Station车载式散射通信站的可靠性总体论证
15.In addition, the platform guarantees accessibility over a long period of time.此外,该网络平台保证了长期的可靠性。
16.On the Reliability Demonstration for Aerospace Electronic Warfare Equipment航天电子对抗设备的可靠性验证研究
17.The Design and Certification of Software Reliability of Embedded Manage-Control Software;嵌入式管控软件的可靠性设计与验证
18.Reliability Research and Verificaton of Multi-IP-Reused SOC;多IP复用SOC的可靠性研究与验证

the reliability of testimony证词的可靠性
1.So how to ascertain the reliability of testimony makes great sense to the legal practice.证人的错误证词是导致错误判案的重要原因,因此如何鉴定证人证词的可靠性,从中去伪存真,对司法实践具有非常重大的意义。
3)Reliability assurance可靠性保证
1.Research on Reliability Assurance Approaches in Wireless Sensor Network Systems无线传感器网络系统可靠性保证技术研究
4)reliability verification可靠性验证
1.For reducing the amount of necessary test sample size during the reliability verification with specified risk level,this paper presents a method to make the full use of the reliability test data acquired in the product development phase which will be able to reduce the amount of necessary test sample size and then reduce the risk level.常用抽样检验的方法进行产品可靠性验证,根据这一方法所确定的验证试验方案,在一定的风险下所需样本量较大,有时在工程上是不可接受的。
5)reliability demonstration可靠性验证
1.In order to reduce the total number of the testing cases but not to decrease the confidence level of the testing results for the reliability demonstration of safety-critical software, a new method which uses Bayesian inference with prior knowledge dynamic integration is presented on the basis of analyzing the classical statistical hypothesis testing and the ignorance prior Bayesian method.为了在不降低安全关键软件可靠性验证测试结果可信性的前提下减少测试用例量,在分析经典统计假设测试和无先验贝叶斯统计方法的基础上,提出了一种先验知识动态整合的贝叶斯推断统计测试方法;并提供了软件失效概率的概率密度函数先验分布参数的详细求解办法。
2.A final system reliability demonstration testing is needed before the system is released for production.可靠性验证是系统开发过程中的重要环节。
3.On the basis of the plan of reliability demonstration test for Exponential distribution, by translating Weibull distribution into Exponential distribution, we discussed how to establish the plans of reliability demonstration test for Weibull distribution based on censored samples type Ⅱ.以指数分布下的可靠性验证试验方案为基础 ,通过将 Weibull分布转化为指数分布 ,讨论了定数截尾情况下的 Weibull分布可靠性验证试验方案的制定方法 ,并以某型航天电连接器可靠寿命为指标 ,制定了寿命验证试验抽样方案 。
6)provability predicate可证性谓词

必然性,可靠性必然性,可靠性certainty 必然性,可靠性[沈r侧nty;月oeToaep毗T‘] 预先确信某事件毫无疑问会实现.必然性是某事件可实现性的特征,且标上了最高水平的概率.在概率论中,必然性的概念是与必然事件(certain event)和以概率l出现的事件相联系的.在实践中,只要某事件的概率充分接近于1,人们就称之为必然性事件.