无意识抄袭,inadvertent plagiarism
1)inadvertent plagiarism无意识抄袭
2)plagiarism identification抄袭识别

1.Statistical Methods for Detecting Answer Copying;考试抄袭识别的心理测量学研究回顾
2.An Electronic Experiment Reports Management System with Plagiarism Detection一种带有抄袭识别的电子版实验报告管理系统
3.The Study and Realization of Paper Plagiarism Identification System Based on the Text Structure基于篇章结构的抄袭论文识别系统的研究与实现
4.Copying a whole or any part of another student's work; and Submitting work as your own that someone else has done for you.全部或部分抄袭其它学生的作业或找别人代笔。
5.Copying other's exercise may open the door to cheating in the exam.抄袭别人的作业可能会为考试作弊创造条件。
6.Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another person without acknowledging your source.抄袭─用别人的想法和文字而没有显示出处。
7.A Statistical Method Kappa2.0 to Detect Answer Copying and Comparison with Other Methods甄别答案抄袭的kappa2.0方法及与其它方法的比较
8.The FPGA Design of Image Recognition System for the Hand-held Meter Reading Instrument;手持式抄表仪图像识别系统的FPGA设计
9.When Peter told the teacher that he saw Tom copying his homework form Jane, he had an axe to grind, for Tom would not let Peter copy from him.彼得向老师报告,说汤姆抄袭简的作业;他这样做是别有用心,因为汤姆不让彼得抄他的。
10.The teacher made an example of the boy who copied from another student during a test.老师处罚了在考试中抄袭他人的学生以警戒别人。
11.Copying someone else's homework is a serious breach of ethics and will be handled by the Committee on Discipline.抄袭别人的作业严重违反道德,将送交风纪委员会处理。
12.To steal information from a person is called plagiarism. To steal information from the enemy is called gathering intelligence.向别人偷取资料﹐做抄袭﹔敌军偷取资料﹐做收集情报。
13.the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own.剽窃抄袭的行为;把别人的文章或者观点当作自己的。
14.Investigating the Robustness and Effectiveness of Different Methods of Detecting Answer Copying for Multiple Choice Exams;甄别多项选择题考试中答案抄袭的不同方法的比较
15.Issues and Countermeasure of Intell ectual Property on Imitation and Plagiarism in Design;现代设计中的模仿与抄袭问题及其知识产权保护对策
16.Don' t copy from your neighbour !不要抄袭你邻座的东西!
17.He was punished for copying.他因抄袭而被处罚。
18.They copy a great deal during examinations.他们在考试时大量抄袭。

plagiarism identification抄袭识别
1.Plagiarism by University Students:Understanding the Behavior and Finding Ways to Combat It——How Librarians Can Help?;大学生抄袭行为的经济分析与抑制策略——侧重图书馆角色的思考
2.Plagiarism:Not Only An Ethical Matter, But An Illegal Act;抄袭:不仅仅是道德问题,更是违法行为
3.It is thought that Chinese architects should strive to get out of their peripherial occupational status by learning from foreign experience and meanwhile avoiding plagiarism and flippancy in practice,and that the architects should understand their social responsibility correctly,thereby the architects occupational honor and the levels of city planning and architecture designing can be raised.面对国内城市规划与建筑设计存在的问题,文章认为,国内当代建筑应当首先从建筑师自身找原因,同时借鉴国外先进经验,并根据国内当前的实际情况提出勿抄袭、戒浮躁及摆脱边缘化的建议,以期提升国内建筑师的职业尊严,使国内建筑师正确认识自己所担负的社会责任,从而提高国内建筑设计和城市规划的设计水平。
4)unconsciousness (conscioushess)无意识(意识)
5)plagiarism judgment抄袭判定
1.Based on the definition of plagiarism and the law,we put forwards the existent problems and strategies for improvement by analyzing the main methods to deal with plagiarism judgment both at home and abroad,and give a method to judge plagiarism according to the similarity between paragraphs.从抄袭的定义和法律规定出发,在分析比较国内外主要的论文抄袭判定方法基础上,提出存在的问题和改进策略,最后给出一种基于段落相似度的论文抄袭判定算法。
2.Based on the definition of plagiarism and the law,put forwards the existent problems and strategies for improvement by analyzing the main methods to deal with plagiarism judgment both at home and abroad,and produce a way to judge plagiarism according to word-frequency statistics of paragraphs.从抄袭的定义和法律规定出发,在分析比较国内外主要的论文抄袭判定方法基础上,提出存在的问题和改进策略,然后给出一种基于段落词频统计的论文抄袭判定算法。
6)plagiarized papers论文抄袭

"泛魔"识别模型  一种以特征分析为基础的图像识别系统。1959年B.塞尔弗里吉把特征觉察原理应用于图像识别的过程,提出了"泛魔"识别模型。这个模型把图像识别过程分为不同的层次,每一层次都有承担不同职责的特征分析机制,它们依次进行工作,最终完成对图像的识别。塞尔弗里吉把每种特征分析机制形像地称作一种"小魔鬼",由于有许许多多这样的机制在起作用,因此叫做"泛魔"识别模型。这一模型的特点在于它的层次的划分。    "泛魔"识别模型系统的图像识别共有4个层次(见图)。第一层是执行最简单任务的"映象鬼",它们只是记录外界的原始形象,正像视网膜获得外界刺激的映象;然后由"特征鬼"进一步分析这个映象。在分析过程中,每个特征鬼都去寻找与自己有关的图像特征。例如,在识别英文字母时,每个特征鬼负责报告字母的一种特征及其数量,如垂直线、水平线、斜线、直角、锐角,不连续曲线和连续曲线等;再由"认知鬼"接受特征鬼的反应,每个认知鬼都从特征鬼的反应中寻找与自己负责识别的图像有关的特征,发现了这种特征时,它就"叫喊",发现的特征越多,"叫喊"声越大;最后,"决策鬼"根据许多"认知鬼""叫喊"声的大小,选择叫喊声最大的"认知鬼"的反应作为所要识别的图像。    例如在识别字母R时,"映象鬼"先对R进行编码,把信息传递给"特征鬼"作进一步加工,这时会有5个"特征鬼"分别报告图像所包括的一条垂线、两条水平线,一条斜线,3个直角和一条不连续曲线。然后许多"认知鬼"则根据所报告的这些特征及其数量来识别是否是自己负责的字母。这时D、P、R鬼都会有反应,但P鬼只有 4个特征与其符合,并有一特征(斜线)与其不符合;D鬼只有3个特征与其符合,并有两个特征(斜线、直角)与其不符合;只有R鬼有5个特征与其符合,而且这5个特征又包括了R的全部特征,所以R鬼的叫喊声最大,因此"决策鬼"就很容易地作出选择R的决定。    "泛魔"识别模型对于相似的图形也可以分辨,不致混淆;对于失真的图形,如字母的大小发生变化时,识别也不致发生困难。以特征分析为基础的"泛魔"识别模型是一个比较灵活的图像识别系统。它可进行一定程度的学习,如"认知鬼"可逐渐学会怎样解释与它所负责的字母有关的各种特征;它还可以容纳具有其他功能的鬼。这个系统现在也被用来描述人的图像识别过程。