无目的解释,Haphazard Explanation
1)Haphazard Explanation无目的解释
2)object of interpretation解释目的
1.During the process of constructing treaty,the object of interpretation is the decisive factor,which is outside of the rules of interpretation.条约解释往往取决于解释目的,而目的则处于解释规则之外。
3)teleological interpretation目的解释
1.There are a few of methods of the interpretation of law,but they must be in compliance with the supremely teleological interpretation.法官解释法律的方法智巧虽多,归根结底应服从于终极之目的解释。
2.Its ways include semantic interpretation,historical interpretation,systematic interpretation and teleological interpretation.欧盟法的解释遵循统一解释原则,其解释方法主要有文义解释、历史解释、体系解释和目的解释。

1.The Application and Restriction of Teleological Method of Legal Interpretation适用与限制:法律解释中的目的解释方法
2.On the Goal of the Legislative Interpretation of Criminal Law in China论我国刑法立法解释的目标——兼论我国刑法解释的目标
3.Overinterpretation--The Aims of Dong Zhongshu s Explanation of the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Gongyang Commentary;过度诠释——论董仲舒解释《春秋》、《公羊传》之目的
4.Explain the goal of a special economic zone like Shenzhen.解释建立类似深圳的经济特区的目标。
5.a doctrine explaining phenomena by their ends or purposes.通过目的来解释其现象的教条。
6.Can you explain to me the purpose of being ?你能对我解释一下存在的目的吗?
7.The purpose of this article is to explain a new doctrine .这篇文章的目的在于解释一种新学说。
8.The Goal of Grammatical Studies:Prediction or Explanation?;语法研究的目标——预测还是解释?
9.Real estate:an explanation to the key thread of the current economic phenomena;房地产:解释目前经济现象的核心线索
10.The act or process of interpreting.解释解释的行为或过程
11.a strict understanding, interpretation明确的了解、 解释.
12.A definition list is not a list of items. This is a list of terms and explanation of the terms.释义列表就不是一列项目了,而是一列实物以及于其相关的解释。
13.Representation of Artifacts’ Concepts: Function, Intention, and Teleological Explanation;人造物概念的表征:功能、意图和目的论的解释
14.Pragmatic Accounting of TV Advertisements In Goal-Intention Principle;目的-意图原则对电视广告的语用解释力
15.Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.感谢你给我写信并让我解释目前的处境。
16.Class documentation can also be used for interfaces (see Chapter 8).类文档亦可用于“接口”目的(本书后面会详细解释)。
17.We should pay more attention to the problems of the present interpretation system.目前的刑法解释存在许多问题,应该引起重视。
18.The Research on Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Interpretable Fuzzy System Construction;多目标进化算法对模糊系统解释性的研究应用

object of interpretation解释目的
1.During the process of constructing treaty,the object of interpretation is the decisive factor,which is outside of the rules of interpretation.条约解释往往取决于解释目的,而目的则处于解释规则之外。
3)teleological interpretation目的解释
1.There are a few of methods of the interpretation of law,but they must be in compliance with the supremely teleological interpretation.法官解释法律的方法智巧虽多,归根结底应服从于终极之目的解释。
2.Its ways include semantic interpretation,historical interpretation,systematic interpretation and teleological interpretation.欧盟法的解释遵循统一解释原则,其解释方法主要有文义解释、历史解释、体系解释和目的解释。
4)teleological method of interpretation目的解释
1.Thus teleological method of interpretation should be employed occasionally, in order to maintain the value of rule of law, while to make law more flexible .但是 ,法律的权威性及其意义的固定性则可能在解释中受到威胁 ,因而 ,为了达到既维护严格法治 ,又使法律呈现出灵活的价值选择 ,就必须有条件地应用目的解释方
2.Teleological method of interpretation is a very important legal science method.”而作为法学方法的目的解释亦是一种十分重要的法学方法。
3.As an important method of legal interpretation,the teleological method of interpretation is to interpret the legal difficulties based on the purpose of legal norm.作为一种重要的法律解释方法,目的解释的基本含义是按照法律规范的目的阐释法律疑义。
5)interesting interval inter-pretation目的层解释
6)Meaningful Explanation有目的解释

无目1.瞎眼。 2.不长眼睛。 3.没有眼力。