数障儿童,Mathematical Learning Disabilities
1)Mathematical Learning Disabilities数障儿童
2)Deaf children听障儿童
1.Deaf children are those who have difficulties in hearing.听障儿童是指由于不同听力损失,导致听觉言语障碍的儿童。

1.A Comparative Study on Self-consciousness between Hearing Impaired children and Normal Children;听障儿童与正常儿童的自我意识对比研究
2.The impact of transition on rehabilitation of hearing-impaired children;刍议转衔对听障儿童康复的几点启示
3.Make teaching fun and interesting in the education of hearing-impaired children;把握听障儿童特点 实施兴趣教学
4.Thoughts on hearing and speech training of school-aged children with hearing impairment;关于学龄听障儿童听觉言语康复训练的思考
5.The application of games in aural rehabilitation and speech therapy for children with hearing impairment;游戏在听障儿童听觉康复和言语矫治中的运用
6.Report on the investigation of the family-based education for hearing-impaired children in Hebei province;河北省听障儿童家庭教育状况调查报告
7.Application of the story telling in the language education for hearing-impaired children;故事教学法在听障儿童语言教育中的运用
8.Discussion on the role of encouraging creativity in the education of hearing-impaired children;浅谈培养听障儿童创造力和教育的关系
9.Research of the Connection Personality and Interpersonal Trust of Deaf Children;听障儿童个性及与人际信任关系的研究
10.Establishment a motivation of family resources in hearing impaired children;听障儿童家长资源中心的建立和运作模式初探
11.Comparative Study on Personality Traits Between Children with Hearing Impairment and Hearing Children;听觉障碍儿童与正常儿童人格特质的比较研究
12.A Comparative Study of the Cognitive Styles of Hearing Disabled Children and Normal Children;听力障碍儿童与正常儿童认知方式的比较研究
13.Eye Movement on Discourse Reading of Hearing Retard Children听力障碍儿童篇章阅读的眼动特征
14.Tone Research in Monosyllabic Words of Putonghua for Severe Hearing-impaired Children;重度听觉障碍儿童单音节词声调研究
15.Assessment for A Hearing-impaired Child--A Case Study;听力障碍儿童构音/音位评估——个案研究
16.A Report on Experiment about Hearing Impaired Children s Pronunciation of Combination Vowels;听力障碍儿童复合元音发音实验研究
17.A Research into the Developmental Characteristics of Self-concept of Hearing Impaired Children and the Corresponding Educational Strategies;听觉障碍儿童自我意识发展特点研究
18.A Case Study on the Rehabilitation and Training of Hearing and Language of a Child with Hearing Impairment;听觉障碍儿童听力语言康复训练的个案研究

Deaf children听障儿童
1.Deaf children are those who have difficulties in hearing.听障儿童是指由于不同听力损失,导致听觉言语障碍的儿童。
3)children with mental retardation智障儿童
1.The balancing ability and leg strength of children with mental retardation are normally lower than that of children with normal intelligence.通过对智障儿童下肢力量、动态平衡能力及静态平衡能力的测试,分析探讨智障儿童下肢力量与平衡能力的关系。
2.To make children with mental retardation live happily,become qualifiers and adapt to the society,moral education should be strengthened.为使智障儿童能健康快乐地成长,毕业后能够成为适应社会生活、自食其力的劳动者,成为社会合格的公民。
3.Through observation, analysis, investigation and measurement, advantage intelligence of the children with mental retardation in normal classes is found.本文通过对随班就读的智障儿童进行观察分析、调查了解和测量研究,发现其优势智能,并通过给予心理暗示、进行多维合作、开发生本课程、丰富相关资源、加强多元开发、开辟特殊天地等方式,发展智障儿童的优势智能,帮助他们提高基本的社会适应能力,发展个性特长,培养自信心;同时也帮助教师纠正错误认识,积累特教经验,增强优势智能观。
4)handicapped children残障儿童
1.Since the 1970s,the educational laws and policies for American handicapped children is a reduction of ensuring that all the American handicapped children have equal educational opportunities and educational rights.20世纪70年代以来美国一系列有关残障儿童的教育法规和政策就是保障残障儿童在接受教育方面享有教育机会均等和权利平等的缩影。
2.This article deals with a questionnaire investigation on the parents of 286 handicapped children in Shanghai concerning their family education environment.对上海市286名残障儿童家长进行问卷调查,了解残障儿童家庭教育环境。
5)retarded children智障儿童
1.Practical study of the compensation of whole brain type physical education teaching for the defects of retarded children;全脑型体育教学对智障儿童缺陷补偿的实践研究
2.This study attempts to solve the problems in Chinese teaching of retarded children with the assistance of computer.在智障儿童语文教学中运用计算机进行辅助教学来解决问题。
6)learning disabilities学障儿童
1.Classical cue paradigm was employed to examine the endogenous and exogenous attention in learning disabilities group and age-,gender-,education-matched group with the equipment of EYELINKⅡ.对三、六年级22名学障儿童和22名按年龄、性别和受教育水平匹配的正常儿童在内外源提示下的注意表现进行了眼动研究。

三障──修定三障【三障──修定三障】  ﹝出释禅波罗蜜次第法门﹞  [一、沉昏闇蔽障],谓行人修定之时,沉昏瞪瞢,无所别知,由是障诸禅定,不得开发,名为沉昏闇蔽障。  [二、恶念思惟障],谓行人修定之时,虽不沉昏,而恶念忽起,欲毁禁戒,作诸不善等事,因是障诸禅定,不得开发,是为恶念思惟障。  [三、境界逼迫障],谓行人修定之时,虽无如上沉昏、恶念等事,而身或卒痛,魔恼竞起;或自见身陷入于地,火来烧身;高崖坠落,猛虎奔逐;乃至罗刹诸恶相现,逼恼行人,令生惊怖,障诸禅定,是名境界逼迫障。