肺组织病理,lung pathology
1)lung pathology肺组织病理
1.Methods: After setting up the rat pulmonary fibrosis model by intratracheal injection of BLM for 14,28,45 days,the lung pathology was observed.目的:研究肺纤方与泼尼松对照抗大鼠肺纤维化肺组织病理的影响。

1.Evaluation on Lung Function and Pathological Changes of Lung Tissues in Rats with COPD慢性阻塞性肺病大鼠模型的肺功能及肺组织病理学变化评估
2.Research on the Lung Pathological Changes in Mice which Infected by Influenza VirusH1N1流感病毒性肺炎湿热证小鼠模型肺组织病理变化研究
3.The Study of Histopathologic Changes in Experimental Lung Injury with Partial Liquid Ventilation;部分液体通气肺组织病理学变化的实验研究
4.The effect of Jianerqiangshen electuary on bronchial tube and pulmonary morphology of guinea pigs with asthma健儿强身膏对哮喘豚鼠肺组织病理的影响
5.Immunohistochemical and Pathological Study of the Lung of Rat Infected by Angiostrongylus cantonensis广州管圆线虫感染致大鼠肺组织病理改变及免疫组化研究
6.The Effect of Mild Hypothermia on the Pathomorphism and Inflammatory reaction in the Lung Tissue of Rats with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome亚低温对ARDS大鼠肺组织病理形态及炎症反应的影响
7.Clinic, Imaging, and Histopathological Diagnosis in Connective Tissue Disease Related Interstitial Lung Disease结缔组织病肺间质病变的临床、影像和病理诊断
8.Histopathological Observations of Forest Musk Deer Died in Pneumonia and Suppurative Diseases林麝肺炎及化脓性疾病的病理组织学观察
9.Pathological changes of lung tissues resulting from the fighting department of a certain type of missile in sheep某型导弹战斗部所致绵羊肺组织的病理改变
10.Clinical and Pathohistological Analysis of Pulmonary Sclerosing Hemangioma (15 Cases);肺硬化性血管瘤15例临床及病理组织学分析
11.The Expression of HGF, E-Cadherin and Its Relationship with Clinical and Pathological in Lung Cancer;HGF、E-Cadherin在肺癌组织中的表达及临床病理意义
12.The Pathological Research of Partial Esoghagus Replacement with Pulmonary Flap in Dogs;犬肺组织瓣替代食管部分缺损的病理学研究
13.Comparative analysis of lung puncture liquid-based cytology and histopathology肺穿刺液基细胞学与组织病理学对比分析
14.Expression of CD63 and MAGE-1 and its clinicopathological significance in benign and malignant lesions of lung肺部良恶性病变组织中CD63和MAGE-1表达及临床病理意义
15.Expression of ubiquitin and cullin-1 and its clinicopathological significance in benign and malignant lesions of the lung肺部良恶性病变组织中泛素和cullin-1表达及临床病理意义(英文)
16.Expressions of Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptors in the Physiological and Pathological Processes in Mouse Brain and Lung;半胱氨酰白三烯受体在小鼠脑和肺组织生理及病理过程的表达
17.The Ultrastructural Pathology Change, Immunohisto-Chemical Assay and Analysis of AGEs and SP-A in Diabetic Lungs;糖尿病肺组织超微结构病理改变及AGEs、SP-A的免疫组织化学检测和分析
18.Pathological and Clinical Significance of Co-detection of TSG101, MDM2 and P53 in Lung Cancer Tissues;肺癌组织中TSG101、MDM2及P53联合检测的病理与临床意义

the pathologic variety of the lung tissue肺组织病理变化
1.Study on Histopathology of Blattella germanica Infected by Metarhizium anisopliae;德国小蠊感染绿僵菌的组织病理研究
2.Study of Histopathology and Ultrastructure of Ciliary Epithelium in Rabbit Eye with Anterior Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy;实验性兔眼aPVR睫状上皮组织病理及超微结构观察
3.Preliminary study on the pathogen and histopathology of haemorrhagic blood poisoning in Scortum bacoo;高体革(鱼刺)链球菌出血性败血症病原与组织病理的初步研究
1.Analysis of the Pathogen Pathology and Screen, Expression of Immune-related Factor for Hyriopsis Cumingii Plague;本研究以2005年9月采集的三角帆蚌瘟病典型症状病蚌为基本材料,从病蚌组织的病毒分离提取、纯化入手,在研究三角帆蚌瘟病病毒(Hyriopsis cumingiiplague virus,HcPV)的形态与分子结构特征基础上,系统探讨了病毒复感健康三角帆蚌的组织病理变化特点;为探索三角帆蚌瘟病的抗病育种技术途径与方法,应用抑制性消减杂交技术(Suppression Subtractive Hybridization,SSH),初步建立了三角帆蚌肝脏cDNA文库,筛选分析三角帆蚌瘟病的免疫相关因子。
6)Tissue pathology组织病理
1.Using the methods of tissue pathology, microorganism ,blood electrolyte assay and parasite examination the etiology of “mad rush malady” of European eel was investigated.利用组织病理、微生物、血液电解质、寄生虫检查方法对欧鳗“狂奔病”进行分析 ,发现无论是淡水养殖还是海水网箱养殖 ,病鳗的组织病理变化基本一致 ,鳃、肠破坏较为明显 ,肝、脾、肾、心均有不同程度的充血 。
2.The study of morphology and tissue pathology of WSBV in Penaeus monodon with light and transmission electron microscope (TEM) confirmed that WSBV infected cells degenerated.应用光镜和电镜研究斑节对虾白斑综合症杆状病毒( WSBV) 的形态和感染的组织病理,结果证实WSBV 感染的细胞解体坏死。
