双子宫,Duplex uterus
1)Duplex uterus双子宫

1.The third sign of the zodiac in astrology.双子宫天文学上的黄道第三宫
2.Metroplasty and Reproductive Outcome of Complete Septate Uterus with Cervical Duplication: An Analysis of 27 Cases;27例完全纵隔子宫双宫颈矫治及妊娠结局分析
3.Twins are positioned beside one another in the womb.子宫里,双胞胎一个挨一个就位。
4.Comparative Observation of the Single Layer and Double Layer Suturing Techniques of the Uterous Incision in Caesarian Section by Ultrasonic Technique超声对剖宫产子宫切口单层与双层缝合切口愈合情况的对比观察
5.Hysteroscopic Resection with Dipolar Electrodes for Uterine Submucous Myoma:Report of 456 Cases宫腔镜双极汽化电切治疗黏膜下子宫肌瘤456例分析
6.Clinical Analysis of 25 Cases of Bilateral Uterine Artery Ligationan in Hemorrhage of Cesarean Section剖宫产大出血双侧子宫动脉结扎25例的临床分析
7.Here is the gross appearance of a normal uterus with fundus, lower uterine segment, cervix, vaginal cuff, right fallopian tube, left fallopian tube, right ovary, and left ovary from a young woman.图示:肉眼观一年轻女性正常的子宫,子宫下段,宫颈,阴道断端,双侧输卵管及卵巢.
8.Scientists now believe that twins interact while in the womb.如今科学家认为双胞胎在子宫内会有所互动。
9.The Differential Diagnosis and Two-dimensional Electropheresis Analysis of Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumors;子宫平滑肌肿瘤的鉴别诊断及双向电泳分析
10.The Study on the Effects of Bisphenol A Impact on Mouse Uterus and Its Molecular Mechanism;双酚A对小鼠子宫的影响及其作用机制的研究
11.Treatment of serious postpartum hemorrhage by selective bilateral uterine arterial embolization选择性双侧子宫动脉栓塞治疗产后大出血
12.Uterine cancer: Malignant tumour of the uterus.子宫癌: 子宫的恶性肿瘤。
13.of or involving the uterus.子宫的或与子宫有关的。
14.endometriosis of cervix子宫颈子宫内膜异位
15.Clinical application of bilateral uterine arterial chemoembolization in the treatment of massive hemorrhage due to cesarean scar pregnancy双侧子宫动脉化疗栓塞术治疗剖宫产后瘢痕妊娠大出血的临床应用
16.Diagnosis & Treatment of Infertility with Digital Subtraction Combined Latex Foley Catheter Hysterosalpingography数字减影乳胶双腔管子宫输卵管造影在不孕症诊疗中的应用
17.The diagnosis of both by western medicine gynecologic examination were cervix Naboth cyst.其西医妇科检查均诊断大小双为子宫颈纳氏囊肿。
18.To Evaluate the Clinical Value of Electrosurgical Bipolar Vessel Sealing (Ligasure) in the Use of Transvaginal Hysterectomy;双极血管闭合器在阴式子宫切除术中的应用价值

uterus bicomis双角子宫
3)double uterus and double vagina双子宫双阴道
4)uterine vulsellum forceps子宫双爪钳,子宫多齿钳
5)Helicotylenchus dihystera双子宫螺旋线虫
1.Helicotylenchus dihystera,a kind of nematodes,has a very wide geographical distribu-tion,and is a common and dominant species of pests in crops over a large area.对川北部分地区双子宫螺旋线虫(Helicotylenchusdihystera)在土壤中的垂直分布、水平分布和季节变动进行了研究,进而对温度、湿度、pH、氧气等环境因素对该种自然种群田间分布的影响也作了一定的探讨。
6)double-ended uterine curet双头子宫刮匙

双子宫双子宫  两侧副中肾管完全未融合,各自发育形成两个子宫和两个宫颈,阴道亦完全分开,子宫各有单一的输卵管卵巢。详见附图。一般多在人工流产、产前检查甚至分娩时偶然发现。亦有双子宫、单阴道,或阴道内有一纵隔,此情况类似双子宫,但可能因阴道纵隔妨碍性交,出现性交困难或性交痛。