阳明腑实证,excess syndrome of Yang Ming Fu-organ
1)excess syndrome of Yang Ming Fu-organ阳明腑实证
1.Correlation between changes of endotoxin, inflammatory mediators and intestinal endotoxemia in patients with excess syndrome of Yang Ming Fu-organ;阳明腑实证患者内毒素及炎症介质的变化与肠源性内毒素血症的相关性研究

1.The Preparation of Rat Model of Yangmingfushi Syndrome and Study of Its Pathological Mechanism阳明腑实证大鼠模型的制备及其病理机制研究
2.Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Insomnia from Yin-Yang Waxing and Waning以阴阳消长脏腑虚实理论辨治失眠症
3.Research on Distribution about Fushi Syndrome at Onset of Ischemic Stroke and Mechanism of Tongfu to Treat Stroke by Openning Xuanfu;缺血中风起始态腑实证分布情况及通腑法开通玄府治疗中风机制初探
4.The Research of Viscus Syndrome and Viscus Discrimination of the Two Han Dynasty;两汉时期脏腑证候与脏腑辨证方法的研究
5.Clinical observation of acupuncture and medicine combination on treating constipation with phlegm pyretic and FU-Organ sthenia syndrome of acute stage cerebral infarction(32 cases)针药并用辨证治疗脑梗死急性期痰热腑实型便秘32例疗效观察
6.Clinical Therapeutic Research on Decanta and Disintoxication Treating Hemorrhage Stroke with Yang Symptom-complex and Neuroprotective Mechanism;通腑解毒法治疗出血中风阳类证的临床疗效观察及其神经保护机制
7.To substantiate or authenticate with evidence.证实用证据证明为真
8.To prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony; substantiate.证明;证实通过提供证据或证词来证明…的真相;证实,证明…有根据
9.Effect of MDA In serum and TNF-α In Plasma by Huangzhuqingnao Pellet on The Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Rat黄竹清脑颗粒对痰热腑实证脑出血急性期大鼠血清MDA及血浆TNF-α的影响
10.with document attached certifying its authenticity附有证件证明其真实性
11.To certify in an official capacity.证明,证实以官方职位来证明是真的
12.To certify by signature or oath.证明,证实用签名或誓言来证明是真的
13.Copernicus showed that the earth moves round the sun.哥白尼证明地球围绕太阳转。
14.Treating Stroke Disturbance of Consciousness of Tanrefushi Style with the Methods of Tongfuxiedu and Acupuncture;通腑泄毒法加针刺治疗痰热腑实型脑卒中意识障碍
15.Effects of acupuncture combined with herbal medicine on detoxication and purging fu-organ for treatment of patients with constipation of Phlegm-heat and Bowel-repletion in acute cerebral infraction针药结合排毒通腑法治疗脑梗死急性期痰热腑实型便秘
16.In TCM syndrome differentiation system of viscera and the important position脏腑辨证在中医辨证体系中的重要地位
17.Light, my light, the world-filling light, the eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!光明,我的光明,充满世界的光明,吻著眼目的光明,甜沁心腑的光明!
18.Things can get along without you, as history and many facts of life can testify.历史证明,各种事实证明,没有你也行。

syndrome of fu-viscera of Yangming阳明腑证
3)the sthenia syndrome of Yang Ming syndrome阳明实证
1.Objective: To explore the changes of endotoxin(ET) in plasm and sytokines in the pyretic syndrome and the sthenia syndrome of Yang Ming syndrome and the inherence contact.方法:选择具阳明热证患者25例,具阳明实证患者15例,在针对原发病西医治疗的基础上,分别加服白虎汤、复方大承气汤,并另设健康对照组12名,各组于治疗前后测定血浆ET、血清IL-6、TNF-α、IL-10等水平的变化。
4)Yangming Fu-organ disease阳阴腑实
5)Fushi syndrome腑实证
6)shaoyang disease fu syndrome少阳病腑证
1.The existence of shaoyang disease fu syndrome is proven by TCM system and the discussion in the original of three yang diseases.少阳病腑证的存在,不论在中医理论的系统性上还是在三阳病原文的论述中都是肯定的,《伤寒论》以病位体征明示了少阳病腑证的特征。
