电信教育,telecom education
1)telecom education电信教育
2)health education telecommunication卫生教育电信
3)Information education信息教育
1.Discussion on the human-oriented principle in information education in institutions of higher learning;论高校信息教育中的“人本位”原则
2.Thought on strengthen peasant information education;关于加强农民信息教育的几点思考
4)honesty education诚信教育
1.Realistic Thinking on Strengthening Honesty Education of College Students;加强大学生诚信教育的现实思考
2.The Imperativeness of Establishing and Perfecting the Mechanism of Honesty Education——Reflections caused by the current situation of honesty education of college students;建立和完善诚信教育机制势在必行——大学生诚信教育现状引起的思考
3.On Honesty Education of Young Children——reflections on a Kindergarten "Fun Sports Meet";幼儿诚信教育缺失分析——对在一次幼儿园“趣味运动会”上所见之思考

1.Confucianism Integrity Thoughts and the Educational Research of the Undergraduates Integrity;儒家诚信思想与大学生诚信教育研究
2.The Sincerity Issue of Sincerity Education: Pondering over the Sincerity Education in Universities;诚信教育之诚信问题——关于当前高校诚信教育的几点反思
3.On Physical Education and College Students Credibility Education;大学生诚信状况与大学体育的诚信教育
4.The Study on Honesty Condition of Normal School Students & Honesty Education in the History Subject in Normal School;中师生诚信状况及中师历史学科诚信教育研究
5.A Psychological Analysis of College Students Negative Credit and Its Enlightenment for Honesty Education;大学生负诚信心理分析对诚信教育的启示
6.Research on the Honesty and Credit Problem of Undergraduate and Constructing Education Mechanism of Honesty and Credit;论大学生诚信问题及诚信教育机制的构建
7.Historical Origin of the Morality of "Honesty" and "Honesty" Education for College Students;诚信道德的历史渊源与大学生诚信教育
8.The Effects of Traditional Concept of Honesty on Honesty Education of Contemporary College Student;论传统诚信观与当代大学生的诚信教育
9.The Connotation of Honesty and Credibility in Our Ancient Country and Modern College Students Education of Honesty and Credibility;略论传统诚信内涵与大学生的诚信教育
11.Education of Credit in Terms of Morality--Brief Research into Credit Construction at Colleges;道德视野中的诚信教育——浅谈高校诚信塑建
12.On the college students’lack of credit and the library’s credit educational function;论大学生的诚信缺失与图书馆诚信教育功能
13.On the Value of Traditional Sincerity in College Sincerity Educational Mechanism;论传统诚信观在高校诚信教育机制中的价值
14.Reflections on Honesty-Oriented Education for University Students;关于大学生诚信问题及诚信教育的思考
15.Empirical Analysis on Shanxi Merchants' Credit Education and Trust Tendency晋商诚信教育与信任倾向的实证考察
16.Strengthening Credit Education Perfecting Morality Education System in Coleges and Universities;加强诚信教育 完善高校德育工作体系
17.Honesty and Credit Education:Important Content of Moral Education;诚信教育:当代大学生德育的重要内容
18.Great Importance Should Be Attached to Integrity Education in Moral Education at University;诚信教育:高校德育的一项重要内容

health education telecommunication卫生教育电信
3)Information education信息教育
1.Discussion on the human-oriented principle in information education in institutions of higher learning;论高校信息教育中的“人本位”原则
2.Thought on strengthen peasant information education;关于加强农民信息教育的几点思考
4)honesty education诚信教育
1.Realistic Thinking on Strengthening Honesty Education of College Students;加强大学生诚信教育的现实思考
2.The Imperativeness of Establishing and Perfecting the Mechanism of Honesty Education——Reflections caused by the current situation of honesty education of college students;建立和完善诚信教育机制势在必行——大学生诚信教育现状引起的思考
3.On Honesty Education of Young Children——reflections on a Kindergarten "Fun Sports Meet";幼儿诚信教育缺失分析——对在一次幼儿园“趣味运动会”上所见之思考
5)Honesty and credit education诚信教育
1.Ethics thinking on efficiency of honesty and credit education for college students;大学生诚信教育有效性的伦理学思考
2.Research progress on honesty and credit education of medical students医学生诚信教育的研究进展
3.In honesty and credit education,colleges and universities should implement the human spirit,pay attention to developing the quality of being honest and credible of students.诚信教育是时代的呼唤和高校的职责,高校诚信教育要贯彻人文精神的理念,重视学生诚信品质的培养,重视诚信教育中学生的主体性以及重视对诚信教育对象的心理规律的尊重。
6)self-confidence education自信教育
1.In order to improve overall qualities of undergraduates majored in pharmacy, the methods of analysis and demonstration are used, and the intension and signification of self-confidence education is put forward.针对社会发展和不同学生的特点,提出自信教育的内涵和意义,探索自信教育的方法和自信教育效果的评价方法,为提高药学本科学生综合素质服务。
