资金回流,return of fund
1)return of fund资金回流

1.On that score, there is every reason to be optimistic– even if foreign money stages a reversal.在这一层面,即便海外资金回流,前景还是相当乐观的。
2.On the Funds Flow in Less Developed Regions;欠发达地区资金流动、缺口与回流机制研究
3.financial flows资金流量,资金流动
4.Only discounted cash-flow rate of return (DCFROR), however, indicates specifically how much return the project will give on the invested dollars.然而只有贴现回报资金流动率(DCFROR)专门指出方案在投入资金以后的回报效益。
5.flow of funds"资金流量,见 funds flow"
6.Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate.\0返回基于一系列定期现金流和折扣率的投资的网上当前值。\0
7.Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate.返回基于一系列定期现金流和折扣率的投资的网上当前值。
8.Returns the net present value of an investment based on a discount rate and a series of future payments (negative values) and income (positive values)基于一系列现金流和固定的各期贴现率,返回一项投资的净现值
9.Much of that money seeps back into the economy, further oiling the expansion.而其中大部分的外汇资金又流回到经济中,为过热火上浇油。
10.funds flow; flow of funds: The flow of purchasing power into and out of an organization.资金流量;资金流动;资金流转:指一个组织流入和流出的购买力。
11.volatile capital流浪资金(短期资本)
12.capital and liquidity requirement资本与流动资金的规定
13.As a plentiful pool of liquidity, these funds then find their way back into Asia via institutional portfolio flows and foreign-direct investment.因为其极大的流动性,这些资金通过学院式的投资组合和外国直接投资的方式又返回了亚洲。
14.Analysis on cash flow and the cash flow of investment project in cash flow statement;浅析现金流量表现金流量与投资项目现金流量
16.comprehensive recovery of raw materials in extractive metallurgy of heavy metals重金属冶金资源的综合回收
17.recoverable deposits, losses, assets能索回的定金、 能挽回的损失、 能收回的资产.
18.schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund流动资金周转率计算表

recycling [funds]资金回流;资金再循环
3)fund inflow mechanism资金回流机制
1.Thirdly, to establish fund inflow mechanism, it is needed to improve regional financial policy, monetary policy and financial institutional syste.基本结论为第一,受高投资增长率等因素支撑,滨州市近年资金净流入额呈加大趋势,但货币供给总量不足与低效配置仍然是造成资金缺口的主要原因;第二,从省内跨城市分析看,欠发达地区的金融贡献水平明显偏低,与储蓄和投资增幅不配比;第三,有必要在地方环境建设上、货币政策和金融机构体系设计上建立欠发达地区资金回流机制。
4)Cash Flow Return from Investment投资回收现金流
5)Cash Flow Return on Investment(CFROI)投资的现金流回报
6)withdrawal of fund资金回笼

农副产品收购资金倒逼机制农副产品收购资金倒逼机制  【农副产品收购资金倒通机制】中国由于财政对农副产品收购政策性补贴与企业的粮棉油收购资金不到位,或者收购资金流失,导致收购资金不足,从而迫使银行超量发放农副产品收购贷款,中央银行扩大基础货币供应的一种非正常制衡机制。收购资金倒逼机制的产生主要有以下两方面的原因:①收购资金中央和地方之间,未形成对各自所承担的收购资金责任的统一的认定标准,致使资金筹措责任模糊,地方政府难以有效协调,导致财政、企业的资金到位情况较差,倒逼银行代其垫付。②企业不合理占用收购资金。企业在通过多头开户等方式,直接或间接挤占挪用政策性资金从事商业经营,或利用政策性资金弥补商业性亏损,甚至用政策性资金搞基本建设等,结果,政策性资金因非正常用途占用,造成了流失。其后果是,企业财务挂账较多,收购资金缺口较大。这在决不向农民“打白条”、保证农副产品收购资金供应的要求下,形成企业对银行贷款、银行对中央银行再贷款的倒逼机制,迫使中央银行用于农副产品收购再贷款过量投放。