2)gender recognition性别识别
1.Speech gender recognition based on Gauss mixture model;基于高斯混合模型的语音性别识别
2.On the basis of primitive face images,the face images are preprocessed with gray stretching,gray equalizing,median filtering,image sharpness and image transforms,while the character values of face images are abstracted through the correction dimension algorithm in fractals and the gender recognition models are made with the BP network.以原始人脸图像为基础,用灰度拉伸、灰度均衡、中值滤波、图像锐化和图像变换等多种处理方法对人脸图像进行预处理,用分形几何的关联维方法提取人脸图像的特征值,并通过BP网络建立性别识别模型。
3.Gender recognition of person name can be used in natural language processing and information retrieval.人名性别识别能应用在自然语言处理和信息检索中。

1.Gender identification based on biomimetic pattern recognition仿生模式识别理论在性别识别中的应用
2.Face gender recognition based on supervised kernel local linear embedding基于有监督的核局部线性嵌入的人脸性别识别
3.Study on the Author s Gender Identification for Chinese E-mail Documents Based on SVM;基于SVM的中文电子邮件作者性别识别技术研究
4.The Studing of Human Face Detection and Sexual Identification Based on Complexion;基于肤色的人脸检测和性别识别的研究
5.The Research on Face Tracking in Video Sequence and Gender Classification视频序列人脸跟踪与性别识别算法研究
6.They also cannot take the dynamic idiosyncrasy of recognizer into account.而且没有利用识别器的动态识别特性。
7.The Identical Nature of Psychological Process of Metaphor Recognition;隐喻识别心理过程的无差别性及意义
8.Face Recognition based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Analysis基于非线性DCT鉴别分析的人脸识别
9.Face Recognition Based on DCT and LDA基于DCT和线性判别分析的人脸识别
10.Bayes Discriminant Analysis Method in Lithology RecognitionBayes判别分析方法在岩性识别中的应用
11.Ear Recognition Based on Two-dimensional Fisher Linear Discriminant基于二维Fisher线性判别的人耳识别
12.Identification cards--Physical characteristicsGB/T14916-1994识别卡物理特性
13.not selective or discriminating.没有选择性或者识别力。
14.The Speech Signal Recognition Based on Bionic Pattern Recognition基于仿生模式识别的连续性语音识别方法研究
15.Pattern Recognition with Subject Relativity on Forming Tacit knowledge;隐性知识形成的主体相对性模式识别
16.Current Conditions of Social Sex Idea in the Modern Society Strengthening the Education of Sex Consiousness;当今社会性别观念现状与加强性别意识教育
17.A high performance algorithm for chaotic nature identification based on image recognition一种基于图像识别的高性能混沌特性判别算法
18.A Keyword Spotting Method Applying LDA一个应用线性判别分析的关键词识别方法

gender recognition性别识别
1.Speech gender recognition based on Gauss mixture model;基于高斯混合模型的语音性别识别
2.On the basis of primitive face images,the face images are preprocessed with gray stretching,gray equalizing,median filtering,image sharpness and image transforms,while the character values of face images are abstracted through the correction dimension algorithm in fractals and the gender recognition models are made with the BP network.以原始人脸图像为基础,用灰度拉伸、灰度均衡、中值滤波、图像锐化和图像变换等多种处理方法对人脸图像进行预处理,用分形几何的关联维方法提取人脸图像的特征值,并通过BP网络建立性别识别模型。
3.Gender recognition of person name can be used in natural language processing and information retrieval.人名性别识别能应用在自然语言处理和信息检索中。
3)gender identification性别识别
1.Speech recognition based on CHMM classified by gender identification;基于性别识别的分类CHMM语音识别
2.A realtime speaker gender identification system based on TMS320VC5416DSP is presented.介绍了利用TM S320VC 5416 DSP实现实时说话人性别识别系统。
3.There are many methods for gender identification,including GMM and VQ.进行男女生识别的方法有很多种,如GMM,VQ等,该文提出了基于HMM进行说话人性别识别的方法,该方法通过计算语音信号的Mel频率倒谱系数(MFCC)并使用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)进行性别识别。
4)Identifying logo识别性标识
5)lithologic identification岩性识别
1.A lithologic identification method of igneous rocks and its application:a case of the igneous reservoir in Block Zao-35;火成岩岩性识别方法及其应用研究——以大港枣园油田枣35块火成岩油藏为例
2.Aiming at the fuzzy character that exists in complex lithologic identification,the problems of lithologic identification are researched by cross plot and fuzzy clustering algorithm.针对复杂岩性识别中存在的模糊性,应用交会图和模糊聚类方法对复杂岩性储层的岩性识别问题进行了研究。
3.Because the effect of lithology is far in excess of fluid,lithologic identification is espe- cially important in the area.徐深气田储层主要以火山岩为主,而火山岩储层岩性复杂多变,其岩性的影响远远超过流体的影响,因此岩性识别对该地区显得尤为重要。
6)lithological discrimination岩性识别
1.On the basis of analyzing the speciality of the limestone reservoir which is micrite muscovite quality, the lithological discrimination method and reservoir dividing standards of it are established with combination of oil well and core a-nalysis data.本文在对泥晶白云质灰岩储层的特殊性进行分析的基础上,结合测井和岩心分析资料,建立了泥晶白云质灰岩储层岩性识别方法和储层划分标准,并结合试油资料,总结了该类储层流体性质的识别方法和解释标准,在实际生产应用中取得了较好的效果。
2.This system, which is developed on the basis of FORWARD platform and can be run in Sun workstation and microcomputers, is made up of the 3D horizontal well description and reservoir spread subsystem, the environmental correction subsystem lithological discrimination subsystem and interpretation subsystem.本系统由水平井三维描述及油藏展布子系统、水平井环境校正子系统、水平井岩性识别子系统、水平井解释子系统构成,基于FORWARD平台开发并能在Sun工作站和微机上运行,使用Visual C++/Matlabe/Fortran为编程工具混编而成,较为先进的人机交互式界面系统,将上述子系统融为一体,突出了本系统界面友好、自动化程度高、可用性强的特点。
3.Based on it,this paper introduces the evaluation research and applications from lithological discrimination,reservoir identification and reservoir parameter determination.在此基础上,本文从火山岩岩性识别、储层识别、储层参数确定等方面开展了测井评价研究与应用,总结出适合地区特点、可操作性强的火山岩储层测井评价方法,效果显著。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-