1.Research of flow instability in forced-convection generator;强迫循环下蒸汽发生器流动不稳定性研究

1.Numerical Simulation and Experiment For The Inner Evaporative Cooling System Of Generator Stators;汽轮发电机定子绕组强迫循环内部蒸发冷却分析计算与实验
2.Water cooler is special equipment for forced oil circulation water-cooled transformer, espe- cially the oil water cooler is equipped with transformer for three-phase mine furnaces.本文所介绍的水冷却器是强迫油循环水冷式变压器专用设备。
3.median fatigue strength at N cyclesN次循环中值疲劳强度
4.forced-oil-air cooling强制油循环吹风冷却
5.forced circulation furnace强制循环的热处理炉
6.forced-oil transformer强制油循环式变压器
7.forced-feed water circulation system强制循环式化冷系统
8.cyclically ordered obligatory rule循环顺次强制性规则
9.Multiplier Curve Out-of-Range Types增强曲线越界循环类型
10.Mediations must be carried out on the principles of voluntariness and impartiality and no coercion shall be allowed.调解必须遵循自愿、公平的原则,不得强迫。
11.Analysis on the Urgency to Develop Cyclic Economy in Xi′an Based on the Application of Approach of Environmental Kuznets Curve;西安循环经济发展的紧迫性分析——基于环境库兹涅茨曲线的方法
12.submerged tube forced circulation evaporator浸没管式强制循环蒸发器
13.oil-immersed forced oil circulation with natural cooling自然冷却油浸式强制油循环
14.coil tube forced-circulation exhaust boiler盘管式强制循环废气锅炉
15.pump feed evaporator泵供液蒸器强制循环蒸发器
16.water cooled forced-oil transformer水冷强制油循环式变压器
17.the pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries.血液循环时动脉内的压强。
18.With a device of autocycling and sealedly storing the strong glue.强力胶自动循环装置及密封贮胶装置。

forced circulation强迫循环
1.The forced circulation and the natural circulation are two ways used at shutdown mode.CARR采用停堆初期的强迫循环及停堆后期全堆芯自然循环相结合的策略实现正常停堆和事故停堆后的堆芯冷却。
2.Experiments on critical heat fluxes (CHF) for forced circulation water flow in a vertical annulus at atmospheric pressure are introduced.介绍了在常压下,竖直环形通道内水强迫循环流动的临界热流密度(CHF)实验先后做了两种不同管长的单管CHF实验根据实验结果拟合了适用于本实验参数范围的CHF关系式,计算值与实验值吻合良好给出了这两种不同管长单管CHF的结果并进行了比较
3)forced-directed oil circulation强迫导向油循环
4)forced coolant forced-circulated coolant强迫循环冷却剂
5)forced-oil forced air cooling, forcible oil circulating wind cooling强迫油循环风冷
6)forced circulation受迫循环;强制循环

循环系统的进化鱼的循环系统 李瑞端绘[图]