1.Effect of 15% Anda On Controlling Laphygma exigua Hubner;15%安打防治甜菜夜蛾的药效试验

1.To reach base safely on(a bunt or ground ball).安全上垒使(短打或地滚球)成为安打
2.To advance or score(a runner) by hitting a two-base hit.击出二垒安打以二垒安打使跑垒者上垒或得分
3.New York got eight hits, but seven of them were singles.洋基敲出八支安打,但是其中七支是一垒安打
4.Damon is hitless in17 at-bats and batting an embarrassing.233.大门17个打数无安打,打击率降到难堪的2成33。
5.Both hits were doubles, and he also drove in two runs.两个打数都是二垒安打,也敲回两分打点。
6.After a slow start, Giambi has now reached base in nine of his last13 plate appearances, a stretch that includes two home runs and a double.起步比较慢的,技安现在最近十三次打击上垒九次,连续安打包含两支全垒打与一支二垒安打
7.He has30 hits, and21 of them went for extra bases.他有30支安打,其中的21支都是二垒以上的长打。
8.Henn (0-1) gave up three runs and four hits in 3 2-3 innings.0胜1败)32/3局被打出四支安打掉了三分。
9.She signed to the boy to be quiet.他打手势要小男孩安静。
10.slip friction clutch安全打滑摩擦离合器
11.He yawned out a good-night.他打着呵欠说晚安。
12.I would have to look after myself.我得打主意安置自己。
13.Miriam was just sweeping up the kitchen.密里安正在打扫厨房。
14.This be a perfect safety play .这是一种绝对安全打法。
15.No printer installed. Install a printer and try again.未安装打印机。请安装一台打印机并重试。
16.I tried to ring Anne but I couldn't get through.我给安妮打电话了,可是打不通。
17.If a printer is not installed, add a printer.如果未安装打印机,请添加打印机。
18.See a list of installed printers and fax printers.查看安装的打印机和传真打印机列表。

strike and prevention work of public security organs公安"打防"
3)cracking down of public security organs治安打击
4)beating in the public security work公安打击
6)one-base hit一垒安打
