
1.Morphological Identification and Analysis of EMS Mutants from Hexaploid Wheat Cultivar Yanzhan 4110EMS诱变六倍体小麦偃展4110的形态突变体鉴定与分析
2.Development of EMS Mutant Populations for Cultivar Yanzhan4110 in Wheat and Detection of Variations of Dwarf Genes;六倍体小麦偃展4110EMS突变体库的构建及矮秆基因变异检测
3.Molecular Mapping of Genes Conferring Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Common Wheat "Yanzhan No.2";小麦品种偃展2号抗白粉病基因的SSR标记
4.Numerical Simulation of the Backflow in the Intake Manifold on 4110 Diesel;4110柴油机进气歧管进气回流数值仿真及优化
5.INFORMAL FACTORS, SME NETWORKS AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT--A Study of Textile Enterprises in Zhaizhen, Henan Province;非正式因素影响下的中小企业网络学习与区域发展——河南省偃师市翟镇针织业的研究
6.Analysis of 4110 persons with HIV volunfary counselling and testing in Sanming City of Fujian Province福建省三明市4110名艾滋病自愿咨询检测人员情况分析
7.The Drought Resistant Authenticate and the Assistant Selection with Melocular Markers Techniques of Elytrigia Repens L. and E. Intermedia Nevski;偃麦草和中间偃麦草抗旱鉴定及其分子标记辅助筛选
8.SEM observation on anatomical structure of Elytrigia elongata and E.intermedia中间偃麦草和长穗偃麦草解剖结构的扫描电镜观察
9.Isozyme Studies of Elytrigia Hybrids(E. elongate×E. intermedia) and Their Parents中间偃麦草、长穗偃麦草及其杂种F_1代同工酶研究
10.Physiological Response of Red-osier Dogwood to Salt and Waterlogging Stress;偃伏梾木对盐及淹水胁迫的生理响应
11.Molecular Cytogenetic Characterization of New Wheat-Thinopyrum Intermedium Ssp Trichophorum Germplasms;小麦-偃麦草新种质的分子细胞学研究
12.Study on the Cultural Technique for the Winter Wheat Variety Xiaoyan 503 of Noodle;面条专用小麦—小偃503栽培技术研究
13.Epitaph of Guo Xuji s Great Grandson Guo Can Discovered in Yanshi City,Henan;河南偃师市出土郭虚己曾孙郭傪墓志
14.On the Stray Fragment of the Book of History Carved on Stone Near JiaocunVillage, Luoyang;谈偃师焦村魏石经《尚书·无逸》残石
15.Ode to A Holy Poet--For the Museum of Du Fu in Yanshi;诗圣颂——为偃师杜甫纪念馆作霍松林
16.A Study of the Site of Building Complex Ⅱ in the Shang City at Yanshi, Henan;河南偃师商城第Ⅱ号建筑群遗址研究
17.The Major's persevering benevolence was not to be balked in this way.少校的仁慈是坚决的,它不会因此就偃旗息鼓。
18.Like a rainbow, the Seventeen-arch Bridge is captivating, lying on the lake in the mists.浩淼烟波中,十七孔桥似长虹偃月横卧水面。

Pinus pumila偃松
1.Dendrocola Mycoflora in Branches of Pinus pumila;偃松枝栖真菌的种群结构研究
2.Effect of Vaccinium vitis-idaea—Pinus pumila Elfin Forest on Pine-nut Yield;经营对越桔—偃松矮曲林松籽产量的影响
3.Exploitation and protection of Pinus pumila forest in Daxingan Mountain;大兴安岭偃松林资源及其开发利用与保护
1.Main Archaeological Result and Its Application of Shangcheng Ruins in Yanshi City;偃师商城遗址的主要考古成果与开发利用
2.An Excavation of Three Tombs of Tang Dynasty at Yanshi City,Henan Province河南偃师三座唐墓发掘简报
3.In fact,"留邑" is situated on the site of Liu State Capital at Taojia Village,Yanshi,Henan Province.留邑的地望在今河南偃师南缑氏乡陶家村的刘国故城遗址。
1.This paper focuses on a primary analysis of the Zen buddhist thought of Wenyan—founder of Yunmen sect of “Zen five sects”that existed during the late Tang Dynasty and the five Dynasties.该文对唐末五代时期“禅宗五家”之一云门宗创始人文偃的禅学思想进行了初步分析,指出了其宗教哲学的客观唯心主义本质,同时也揭示了其“机锋”的反理性、反逻辑、反知识的特点。
6)lie supine; lie on one's back偃卧
