
1.Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers.有小黄花头状花序的欧亚杂草。
2.similar to Gutierrezia sarothrae but with flower heads having fewer rays and disk flowers.类似于兔草,但其头状花序有花盘和少量的边花。
3.coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles.一个粗糙草本属,头状花序,呈绿色的花,钩状刺毛。
4."any of various North american plants of the genus Liatris in the composite family, having small, discoid flower heads grouped in a dense raceme or panicle."松伞菊:菊科蛇鞭菊属植物,有小的筒状头状花序聚成一个浓密的总状花序或复总状花序。
5.A flower head of one of these plants.这些植物之一的头状花序
6.stout North American thistle with purplish-pink flower heads.有粉紫色花的头状花序的北美洲结实的蓟。
7.Mediterranean thistlelike plant widely cultivated for its large edible flower head.地中海蓟状植物,种植广泛,巨大的头状花序可食。
8.any of various North American plants of the genus Liatris having racemes or panicles of small discoid flower heads.北美蛇鞭菊属的任何一种植物,小的、盘形头状花序组成总状花序或圆锥花序。
9.any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads.报春花属任何一种短茎植物,具有簇生基生叶和丛生的伞状花序和头状花序的绚丽的花朵。
10.herb having corymbose white-rayed flowers with scaly bracts and silky indehiscent fruits.一种草本植物(菊科),头状花序的边花白色,呈伞房花序,包片呈鳞片状,瘦果具绢状绒毛。
11.Forming a headlike mass or dense cluster, as the flowers of plants in the composite family.头状的,头状花序的形成头状的一簇或稠密的一丛的,如菊科植物的花朵
12.tall European perennial having purple flower heads.一种高大的多年生植物,有紫色的头状花序
13.any of various plants of the genus Coronilla having purple or pink or yellow flowers in long-spiked axillary heads or umbels.小冠花属的任何一种植物,花紫色或粉红色或黄色,头状花序或伞形花序、有长穗、腋生。
14.Having rays or raylike parts, as in the flower heads of daisies.有放射状部分的有或好象有放射状的部分的,如雏菊的头状花序
15.coarse herbs with whitish discoid flower heads and silky pappus.一个粗糙的草本属,白色盘状的头状花序,具绢毛状的冠毛。
16.large genus of chiefly tropical herbs having heads of white or purplish flowers.主要为热带草本植物的一个大属,头状花序,花白色或紫色。
17.perennial herb of North American prairies having dense heads of small white flowers.北美大平原上多年生草本植物,有开白色小花的稠密的头状花序
18.genus of annual or perennial plants of tropical America having solitary heads of brightly colored flowers.热带美洲一年或多年生草本植物的一个属,头状花序,花颜色明亮。

3)determinate capitulum有限头状花序
1.(2)Two inflorescence types,determinate umbel and determinate capitulum,rarely known in Chinese botanic literature,are introduced.(2)介绍了在中国植物学文献中稀见的2种属于有限花序类的花序类型,有限伞形花序和有限头状花序
1.On the basis of the studies of inflorescence conducted by various botanists it is clear that both hypanthodium and catkin evolved from the cymose inflorescences,and should belong to determinate inflorescence,rather than to indeterminate inflorescence.根据有关欧美专家的花序研究,介绍了在中国植物学文献中放在无限花序类的隐头花序和柔荑花序系由聚伞花序演化而出,而应属于有限花序类的论断;同时,作者提出楼梯草属梨序楼梯草组的雄隐头花序系由同属的骤尖楼梯草组的有限头状花序演化而出的论点。
