萧红,Xiao Hong
1)Xiao Hong萧红
1.Tragic Tales of the Miserable Female——Remarks on Female Consciousness of the Characters in Xiao Hong s Novel;苦难的女性悲歌——论萧红小说的女性意识
2.On the Complex Angles in Xiao Hong s Novels;试论萧红作品的复合视角
3.Talking about the Buddhist Spirits in Xiao Hong s Works;论萧红创作中的佛学精神

1.Hometown s Flowers Wait for Xiaohong--on Xiaohong s Unique Homelove;故园花放待萧红——析萧红独特的恋家情结
2.Xiao Hong'S Blindness--To Read XiaoHong's Novel The Abandoned Son With Lecture Symptomale萧红的盲目——以症候阅读法阅读萧红小说《弃儿》
3.An Investigation to the Lyric Essence in Xiao Hong s Literary Works;寂寞萧萧独自红——对萧红作品抒情品质的文化思考
4.The impact of Luxun,Mao Zedong And Xiaohong on Xiaojun s Personality;略论鲁迅、毛泽东、萧红对萧军人格的影响
5.Xiao Hong and Zhang Ailing under the Influence of Lu Xun-- A Comparative Study of the Works of Xiao Hong and Zhang Ailing;鲁迅影响下的萧红与张爱玲——萧红张爱玲创作比较研究
6.Body Presentation in Xiao Hong's Novels: Taking the Reproduction Scene in Her Novel as the Example略论萧红小说中的身体在场感——以萧红小说中的生殖场景为例
7.An outstanding woman writer, she began her creative activity in 1933.萧红是一位才情出众的女作家。
8.Flok Standpoint and Cultural Explanation of Xiao Hong s Novel Creation;萧红小说创作的民间立场与文化阐释
9.Discuss Xiao Hong and Sunli s "Realistic-lyric Local Novels";论萧红、孙犁的“乡土写实抒情小说”
10.Writing on Other Places : Discussing XiaoHong and ChiZijian s Creation;写作在“别处”:论萧红、迟子建的创作
11.Xiao Hong--Unique Experience and to be Intoxicated with Her Art World;萧红——艺术生命的独特体验与沉醉
12.Essay on the Thoughts Upon Life and Soil in Xiao Hong s Novel;论萧红小说对土地与生命的人文关怀
13.An Analysis on the Tragic Consciousness in the Novel of "Tales of Hulan River";萧红小说《呼兰河传》中的悲剧意识
14.The Artistic Features of Xiao Hong s Novels from the Perspective of Life and Death Spot;从《生死场》看萧红小说的艺术特色
15.Two Contradictory Subjects Expressed in Xiao Hong s "Hometown";萧红“故乡”表现的两个矛盾性主题
16."Leave" or "Return"--Xiao Hong s Contradiction of Home;“离”与“归”——流浪者萧红对“家”的矛盾
17.The Story of Hulan River: The Veriest Masterpiece of Xiao Hong s Novel Creation;《呼兰河传》:萧红真正意义上的“代表作”
18.From "Instinctive" to "Artistic"--A Tentative Approach to the Language Used in Xiao hong s Novel;从“本色”到“艺术化”——萧红小说的语言探索

1.The impact of Luxun,Mao Zedong And Xiaohong on Xiaojun s Personality;略论鲁迅、毛泽东、萧红对萧军人格的影响
2.Russian Literature and the Taste Direction of XiaoHong Writing;俄罗斯文学对萧红审美取向的影响
3.On the Space Culture Flavor of Xiaohong s Works;论萧红作品的空间文化意蕴
3)Literatures of Xiao Hong萧红作品
1.Xiao Hong·Literatures of Xiao Hong·the Web of Xiao Hong;萧红·萧红作品·萧红网页
4)the Web of Xiao Hong萧红网页
1.Xiao Hong·Literatures of Xiao Hong·the Web of Xiao Hong;萧红·萧红作品·萧红网页
5)Xiao Hong prose萧红散文
6)Xiao Hong's creation萧红创作
