1.Breaking out of the Confines,Spanning History and Time:A Brief Commentary on Xing San s NovelMud Bank;突破思维的定势,跨越时空的警思——评省三的长篇小说《泥岸》
2.Formation and evolution of ancient couplet novel;古代章回体长篇小说的形成与演变
3.A Discussion on the Creation of Liu Jian-wei s Novel;柳建伟长篇小说创作散论

1.He has published short stories, a novella and a novel.已发表多篇短篇、中篇和长篇小说
2.Would you rather read a novel than a short story?你喜欢看长篇小说还是短篇小说?
3.A writer of fiction, especially a novelist.小说家小说的作者,特指长篇小说
4.I'd rather read a novel than a short story.我更喜欢看长篇小说
5.a panoramic novel包罗万象的长篇小说
6.start out to write/with the intention of writing a novel动笔[想]写一部长篇小说.
7.He started out to write a novel.他着手写一部长篇小说
8.The novel and short story are different genres.长篇小说和短篇故事是不同的类别.
9.Now the text. This short text is selected from a novel.现在讲课文。这篇短文摘自长篇小说
10.Novel and short story are different genres.长篇小说和短篇故事是不同的类别。
11.I have read her three novels and countless poems and stories.我看过她写的三部长篇小说、数的诗和短篇小说。
12.Mr Prior expanded his short story into a novel.普赖尔先生把他的短篇小说扩展成长篇小说
13.Short stories and romance novels are forms of fiction.长篇小说、篇小说和浪漫小说都是小说的一种形式。
14.The novelist had issued many saga novels.那个小说家已经发表了很多长篇小说
15.Without any question, I should say fiction, including both novels and short stories.毫无问题,应该说是小说,包括长篇小说和短篇小说。
16.A Value Novel about Growth and Education--On the Dream of Juvenile;一部有价值的成长教育小说——评长篇小说《少年梦》
17.A Small village,A Long history--An Analysis on the Novel of "Ben Hua" by Tie Ning小乡村大历史——铁凝长篇小说《笨花》解读
18.A Concern About Poetical Problems of Contemporary Novels;关注当代长篇小说的诗学问题——兼评《长篇小说的诗学观察》

1.The Variety of Novel Creation of Guizhou Ethnic Writers——Writing trend of Guizhou ethnic writers seen from three novels;走向多元的贵州民族文学长篇小说创作——从三部长篇看贵州少数民族作家创作的走向
2.Research on Periodical Characteristics of HongYing s Novels;论虹影长篇小说创作的阶段性特征
3)long novel tide长篇小说潮
1.The appearance of Hubei long novel tide in new century is tightly connected with the government s advocation and the rich culture resources in Hubei.新世纪湖北 长篇小说潮的出现,是政府的倡导扶持和20世纪90年代以来全国长篇小说创作刺激的结果,也与湖北丰厚的 文化资源密不可分,同时也是湖北作家奋起直追的成果。
1.To Build the Palace of Literature in the Waves of Times ——On Mao Dun s novels 1920s and 1930s;在时代浪潮中构建文学殿堂——谈茅盾二三十年代中长篇小说创作
5)The length of Novel长篇小说的长度
6)historical novel长篇历史小说
1.The theme of new-age historical novel is greatly broadened.新时期长篇历史小说的题材大为拓展。
2.Jottings From Home is the first historical novel by Tan Ge.谈歌的第一部长篇历史小说《家园笔记》是由他多年创作的若干短篇笔记小说撮录连缀而成。
3.In the new era,language has been paid more attention to by historical novelists,so historical novels have made some exploration in individualized construction.在新时期,语言受到历史小说家的高度重视,长篇历史小说首先在个性化构建上进行了探索。
