1."Qingming Shanghe Picture" in the Mid Ming Dynasty An Analysis of CHEN Duo s Sanqu Collections of Funny-Odd Rhyme and Fall Blue Porch Manuscript;明代中叶的“清明上河图”——陈铎《滑稽余韵》、《秋碧轩稿》散曲集探析
2.The Sanqu Creation of Song s Family in Songjiang in the Ming,Qing Dynasties and Its Significance in Literary History;明清之际松江宋氏家族的散曲创作及文学史意义

1.A caustic curve or surface.焦散曲面,焦散表面
2.Discussion on style and characteristic of Sanqu in the Whole Sanqu Collection of Ming Dynasty论《全明散曲》所收散曲的体式及其特征
3.On the renaissance of Sanqu in the middle of Ming Dynasty;论词场才子之曲与明中叶散曲之复兴
4.A comparison between the non-dramatic songs by Ma zhiyuan and by Zhang Kejiu;以剧曲为曲与以词为曲——马致远与张可久散曲之比较
5.On the Scholars Mind and the Reasons of Sanqu s Prosperity from the Image of Fishermen in Sanqu of Yuan Dynasty;从元散曲中渔父形象看元代文人心态及散曲兴盛原因
6.The Research and Implementation of Sampling Framework for Accurate Curvature Estimation in Discrete Surfaces;离散曲面上曲率估算的采样框架的研究与实现
7.On the Basis of Rhyme and Music Notes Collate the Wrong in the Book Sanqu of Yuan Dynasty;从曲谱看《全元散曲》存在的若干校勘问题
8.On Several Taoqu about the Spread and Performance of Zaju in the Yuan Non-dramatic Songs论元散曲中几个关于杂剧演出与传播的套曲
9.Authors Good Selection on the Right Sanqu with Distinct Character--Comments on YuanQu 300 Shou XinBian Writeen by Yang-Chunqiu;曲家选曲 特色鲜明——读羊春秋选编的《元散曲三百首新编》
10.Curvatures Estimation and the Improvement of Taubin s Method on Triangular Mesh;三角网格离散曲率估计和Taubin方法改进
11.Study on Multi-modes Surface Wave Dispersion Curves in Bedding Media;层状介质中多模式面波频散曲线研究
12.hymn sheet not containing music不含乐曲的散页圣歌
13.The Zero Diffusion Limit for Nonlinear Hyperbolic System with Damping and Diffusion;带耗散与扩散的非线性双曲系统的零扩散极限
14.We often took a walk along the meandering river after supper.晚饭后我们常沿着那条弯弯曲曲的小河散步。
15.On the NURBS Curves and Surfaces Approximation Algorithm to Constrained Data Set;带约束的离散点集的NURBS曲线曲面逼近算法研究
16.EMD Based Smoothing Algorithm Reseach for Digital Curves and Surfaces;基于EMD的离散数字曲线曲面光顺方法研究
17.Global Classical Solutions to the Dissipative Hyperbolic Geometric Flow on Riemann SurfacesRiemann曲面上耗散双曲几何流的整体经典解
18.The man slouched and stooped in the sunshine.那人在阳光下懒懒散散,弯腰曲背地走着。

Non-Dramatic Songs散曲
1.A Review of Document Sorting and Research on Non-Dramatic Songs;试论散曲文献整理与散曲文学研究
2.On the Subversion of Non-dramatic Songs to the Tradition of the Ancient Poetry;论散曲对古典诗歌传统的颠覆
3.On the Small Ream and Driving Song in Yuan Non-Dramatic Songs;谈元散曲中的小令及带过曲
3)non-dramatic song散曲
1.In his non-dramatic song,we are easy to find out his life by beginning concerned about one s country and one s people,with concerned about one s country and one s people by .在他的散曲中,我们不难看出他的一生以忧国忧民开始,也以忧国忧民而终。
2.Guan Yunshi is an ethnic writer of Yuan Dynasty who enjoyed high prestige for his works of non-dramatic songs.贯云石为元代散曲创作成就突出的少数民族作家,在延佑、至治的曲坛上是领时代风骚的“曲状元”。
3.Due to the different extremities of the traditional poetry taken by the scholars in Yuan Dynasty, the different expectations of the receptors, the different emotions, consciousnesses and value-orientations of the creative subjects, poetry and non-dramatic songs show different aesthetic ten.元代文人对传统诗学继承的两种极端趋向,接受者不同的“期望阈”造成的诗、曲创作精神的悖反,创作主体情感意识和价值取向的差异形成的诗、曲迥异的审美倾向,使得元代诗歌表现出前所未有的雍容典雅、尊经循道、情在理中、合法合度;而元代散曲则冲破了传统诗学的藩篱表现出惊世骇俗的浪子才
1.Zhang Yang-hao is a representative figure of verse writing in Yuan Dynasty.张养浩是元代颇有代表性的散曲作家 ,他的怀古咏史、忧国忧民之作雄视曲界 ,歌吟田园山水的曲作也不乏杰作精品 ,但较少被关注。
2.The Verse being the representative form of Yuan Dynasty literature.作为元代文学代表性样式的散曲,在少数民族散曲家的手中绽放出别样光彩。
5)San Qu散曲
1.As a cultured man in the middle ages of Ming Dynasty , Wang Jiu si was a famous person for his San Qu during that time.明朝中期文人王九思在当时一度颇有名气,其文学成就主要集中在散曲方面。
2.So I study in all of Tang Shi s San Qu affiliating with brief sketch of Tang Shi s life.汤式的《笔花集》发现后被整理出来已有四十余年,所收散曲虽然数量很多,却很少有人对其做专门研究。
6)Analysis of Qu Scope of Sanqu,Qingqu and Xiaoqu散曲、小曲与清曲

散曲  兴盛于元代的一种诗歌形式。是在宋、金时的民谣俚歌的音乐基础上,在当时已很发达的说唱艺术的影响下逐渐形成的独特的诗歌形式。早在词十分兴盛的北宋,就产生了与词不同的俚曲,同时,词调在民间的流传,也会因时因地而异,发生变化。金代初年,北方涌现了大量具有地方色彩的歌调,结合了中原的兄弟民族音乐而具有新的特色,这对新的诗歌形式的产生,起了重要影响。    宋、金之际是散曲的萌芽、发生时期。金末,散曲这一新的诗歌形式已经成熟,在民间流行的基础上,著名诗人元好问开始创作散曲,这是散曲成为当时新兴的重要诗歌形式的重要标志。至元代,散曲就进入了全盛时期。    散曲又被称为"清曲"、"乐府",它可分为两类:小令与套曲。小令又被称为"叶儿",是散曲中最早产生的体制。一般说来,小令是单只曲子,但还包括"带过曲"与"重头小令"。"带过曲"是三个以下的单只曲子的联合,但必须同一宫调,并且音乐衔接,同押一韵。"重头小令"是由同题同调,内容相联,首尾句法相同的数支小令联合而成,支数不限,每首可各押一韵。而且各首可以单独成立。套曲的体制有三个主要特征:①由同宫调的两个以上的只曲组成,宫调不同而管色相同者,也可"借宫"。②一般说来应有尾声。③全套必须同押一韵。套曲由于篇幅较长,可以包容比较复杂的内容,因此既可用来抒情,也可以叙事。    散曲与诗、词相比,在诗歌形式上有以下特点:①它与词一样,是长、短句形式,但是能在正字之外加衬字,更灵活,更适合使用口语。衬字一般加在句首或句中,不能加在句尾。②曲韵与诗韵、词韵不同,用的是当时北方话音韵。协韵方法为通押一韵,不换韵。但是,四声通协,韵字可以复用。③对仗形式比较丰富,除了诗、词的偶句作对外,三句,四句,皆可对,还有隔句对,联珠对等名目,使散曲在字句参差变化中,具有端饬严谨的气度。此外,散曲还有"务头"、"俳体"等形式特点。总之,散曲是有严格格律的倚声填词的诗歌形式,比起诗、词来,它比较自由,但也有些方面更为复杂了。