1.On Narrative Strategies and Significance of in Calvino s Novel-Taking Night Walker in Cold Winter as an example;卡尔维诺小说的叙事策略与意义——以《寒冬夜行人》为例
2.The Apprehension of Calvino s Concept of Author from If on A Winter s Night,A Traveler;从《如果在冬夜,一个旅人》看卡尔维诺的作者观
3.Main Features of Meta-fiction in Calvino s Writings;卡尔维诺作品的“元小说”特征分析

1.An Analysis to the Fantasy in Calvino s Loneliness;卡尔维诺小说《孤独》中的荒诞问题
2.Main Features of Meta-fiction in Calvino s Writings;卡尔维诺作品的“元小说”特征分析
3.The themes of If On a Winter s night a Traveler;卡尔维诺《寒冬夜行人》的“主题”
4.The Force of Passion-the Semiology Understanding of Italo Calvino s Baron on the Tree;对卡尔维诺《树上的男爵》的符号学解读
5.Invisible Cites and Italo Calvino s Narrative Art;《看不见的城市》与卡尔维诺的叙事艺术
6.The Research on the Facts of Fairy Tale in Calvino's Our Ancestors论卡尔维诺《我们的祖先》的童话因素
7." Light":Calvino aesthetic ideology of novel creation“轻”:卡尔维诺小说美学中的诗性智慧
8.Italo Calvino s Succession and Transcendence of the Traditional Novel Types;论卡尔维诺对传统小说类型的继承和超越
9.The Apprehension of Calvino s Concept of Author from If on A Winter s Night,A Traveler;从《如果在冬夜,一个旅人》看卡尔维诺的作者观
10.On Calvino s Pursuing of the Open-Encyclopedic Novel Style;论卡尔维诺“开放型百科全书式小说”追求
11.The Pursuit of Fairy Tale Spirit in the Fiction of Calvino and Wang Xiaobo;卡尔维诺与王小波小说世界中的童话追求
12.Identity Crisis of the "Writer": On the Metafiction of Calvino If on a Winter s Night a Traveller;“作家”身份危机:论卡尔维诺的元小说《寒冬夜行人》
13.Calvino s Uncertainty and His Exactitude;卡尔维诺的不确定性和他的精确的写作
14.Mythic Thought and Character Metamorphosis--Analysis on Calvino's Our Ancestors神话思维与人物变形──对卡尔维诺《我们的祖先》的分析
15.On Narrative Strategies and Significance of in Calvino s Novel-Taking Night Walker in Cold Winter as an example;卡尔维诺小说的叙事策略与意义——以《寒冬夜行人》为例
16.Poetic Existence and Aesthetic Thinking--Calvino s Fictions under an Ecological Existentialism Horizon;诗意的存在 审美的玄思——生态存在论视域中的卡尔维诺小说
17.An “Allegoric” Novel About Narrative Literature--On The Castle of Crossed Destinies By Calvino;一部关于叙事文学的“寓言”小说——评卡尔维诺小说《命运交叉的城堡》
18.Comparison of Six Memos for the Next Millennium with " Wen Xin Diao Long;千年与千年之外的交会——卡尔维诺遗产目录中的刘勰

Italo Calvino卡尔维诺
1.Italo Calvino s Succession and Transcendence of the Traditional Novel Types;论卡尔维诺对传统小说类型的继承和超越
2.By Animal Poetics in Italo Calvino s Novels;论卡尔维诺小说中的动物诗学
3.Discussing Wang Xiaobo s Inheritance and Innovation from Italo Calvino;论王小波对卡尔维诺的继承与创新
3)Italo Calvino (1923~  )卡尔维诺,I.
4)Etalon Calvino伊塔诺.卡尔维诺
1.Chiral Resolution of Fluoxetine and Carteolol byHigh Performance Capillary Electrophoresis;卡替诺尔和氟西汀对映体的高效毛细管电泳分离
1.Reconstruct Cardano s Four Special Rules of Quartic Equation:A Discussion on the Paradigms of Research on the history of Mathematics;卡尔达诺关于四次方程特殊法则的构造原理——兼论数学史的研究范式
2.Cardano′s constructive geometric demonstration;卡尔达诺的构造性几何证明
3.Cardano′s rule for five quantities in continued proportions卡尔达诺的5个成连比量的法则
