1.In Chinese history, Ci was once a kind of new literature style, while geisha played an extremely important role during the course of Ci s coming into being and prosperity.在文学发展史上 ,词作为一种新兴的文体 ,它的产生和繁荣 ,歌妓起到了举足轻重不可或缺的作用。
2.Geisha was a profession and title in old days,but geisha had had great effect on the sprouting,broadcasting,developing and maturing of Ci.歌妓是一种已经消失的职业和称谓,但是歌妓对词的萌芽、传播、发展和成熟产生过重要影响。

1.On Geisha s Role and Author s Status--Geisha s image written by authors;歌妓角色与词人身份——词人笔下的歌妓形象
2.Musicians and Singers, the First Readers Who Embraced the Tang Poetry乐工歌妓:唐诗接受史上的“第一读者”
3.Trying to Being Elegant from Vulgar: the "Quality" and "Appearance" Change of literators’ Geisha pomes in the Northern Song Dynasty俗中求雅:北宋文人歌妓词的“神”“貌”之变
4.On Liu Yong’s Geisha Ci高卑兼有,“词”出有因——浅论柳永的歌妓
5.The Awakening of Self-consciousness of Song Dynasty Lower Level Female in Prostitute Ci Poetry;从歌妓词看宋代下层妇女自我意识的觉醒
6.Annotations on Zhou Bangyan s Passing by Yangzhou Four Times and a Historical Study of Yue Chuyun,a Local Singing Lady;周邦彦四过扬州词以及扬州歌妓即岳楚云考证
7.Liu Yong; the spokesman of geisha -On Liu Yong s geisha poetry and other aspects of his poetry;柳永:烟花女子的代言人——试论柳永歌妓词及其它
8.A Preliminary Study of the Oral Communication and Transmission of the Song Ci-poetry: Centered by Singsong Girls’Singing Ci-poetry;宋词的口头传播方式初探——以歌妓唱词为中心
9.The Contributions of the Singsong Girls to the Yuan Dynasty s Dramas as Viewed from Collected Works from Brothel;从《青楼集》探究歌妓对元曲发展所起的作用
10.Performance of Chang Ci of Singing-girls:A Pattern of Oral Discourse宋代歌妓唱词的演述:一种口头话语方式
11.The Connotation of Mansion Imago Poems Written by Poetesses and Geisha in Song Dynasty宋代一般女性与歌妓楼意象词的丰富内涵
12.The Same Literary Composition with Different Approaches-Real Sentiments--Analyze LIU Yong and YAN Jidao s singing-prostitute complex by comparing;异曲同构 真情世界——比较分析柳永与晏几道的歌妓情结
13.Discussion on the Beauty of Geisha in Song Ci;一枝春雪冻梅花 满身香雾簇朝霞——试论宋词中的歌妓之美
14.Comparison of Xu Wei s History of Violent Drum and Chen Zi-zheng s Whipping the Singing Girl:Disguise,Role and Existence;徐渭《狂鼓史》和沈自徵《鞭歌妓》比较:乔装、角色和存在
15.On the relationship of the Female singer life and the Scholar writings in the Tang and Song dynasty;二十四桥明月夜,玉人何处教吹箫——歌妓流离与唐宋文人创作浅论
16.Yearning for the Passage of Happy Life and Youth" --Living Circumstances and Sentiment in Song Lyrics and Their Relationship with Singing Girls;“流连光景惜朱颜”——宋词中的人生况味及其与歌妓的关系
17.His wife, Liang Hongyu by name, was a well-known woman warrior, rated as high as such ancient Chinese heroines as Hua Mulan who disguised herself as a man in order to get enlisted and Mu Guiying the female commander.夫人梁红玉,虽系歌妓出身,却是女中豪杰,跟古代女英雄花木兰、穆桂英齐名。
18."and it will be in that day that Tyre will go out of mind for seventy years, that is, the days of one king: after the end of seventy years it will be for Tyre as in the song of the loose woman."到那时推罗必被忘记七十年,照着一王的年日。七十年后,推罗的景况,必像妓女所唱的歌。

singing girls歌妓
1.Research into singing girls' extending Song ci歌妓拓广宋词传播范围的研究
2.More than twenty poetic poems in the Song Dynasty written about singing girls mainly depicted their unfortunate lot of life and deeply frustrated experience of feelings.现存的二十多首宋歌妓词 ,大多抒写了当时歌妓们的不幸人生境遇和深深失落的情感体验 ,抒情浓烈奔放 ,语言浅白直率 ,风格别具一格 ,是宋代歌妓词作繁荣的缩影。
3.This paper analyzes Yan Jidao and his Xiao Shan Ci from the three aspects of sorrowful tone, the writer s relationship with singing girls and the dream-alcohol in his Ci respectively.本文从晏几道词中的感伤情调、晏几道与歌妓、晏几道词中的梦与酒三个方面对晏几道及其《小山词》进行了分析。
3)singing girl歌妓
1.There were numerous singing girls in Song Dynasty,who improved their own culture of literature and art in the communication with literators.宋代歌妓人数众多,她们在与文人雅士的交往中提高了自身的文学艺术修养,对宋词的繁荣有着不可忽视的价值:一是传播宋词的生力军,二是宋词创作的参与者,三是宋词繁荣的促进者。
2.It also analyses and probes Liu Yong Fever from the point of spread of singing girls and use of popular literature at that time.本文对柳永词的流行盛况进行了描述 ,并从歌妓的传播与俗语言的使用等角度对“柳永热”进行了分析与探
1.But it couldn′t be lack of singing-girls.宋词的发展繁荣,是以宋代的经济发展和重文轻武政策为前提的,但也离不开歌妓的作用。
5)Song prostitute of the Song Dynasty宋代歌妓
6)Whipping the Singing Girl《鞭歌妓》
1.Comparison of Xu Wei s History of Violent Drum and Chen Zi-zheng s Whipping the Singing Girl:Disguise,Role and Existence;徐渭《狂鼓史》和沈自徵《鞭歌妓》比较:乔装、角色和存在
