1.Nirvana of Spirit and Transcendence Orientation of Life——Rereading the Prose Poem "Snow" of Lu Xun;精神的涅槃飞升与生命的超越性指向——重读鲁迅的散文诗《雪》
2.Sexual Culture Revolution-The Nirvana Period of Woman Writing;性别文化革命——女性写作的涅槃阶段

1.The Chinese Translation of Nirvanasutra and the Study of Nirvana Belief《涅槃经》的汉译及涅槃信仰研究
2.Mild transition or acute reformation--On LU Xun s Diary of the Insane and GUO Mo-ruo s Phoenix Nirvana;劝转与涅槃——从《狂人日记》与《凤凰涅槃》看鲁迅和郭沫若的救世思想
3.Mixture of “Study of Tiantai” and “Buddhism” by Guan Ding;灌顶对“天台学”与“涅槃学”的融通
4.The Alunite-type Culture Construction--Brief discussion on Newly Edited Stories;涅槃式的文化建构——《故事新编》浅探
5.Nirvana phoenix--Review about enlightenism of new period;涅槃的凤凰——新时期的启蒙主义述评
6.Sexual Culture Revolution-The Nirvana Period of Woman Writing;性别文化革命——女性写作的涅槃阶段
7.Market Driving: the Old-timer Would Inevitable Rise Like a Phoenix From the Ashes;市场驱动:“老字号”凤凰涅槃的必然选择
8.Challenges to Chinese Motors After Entrance into WTO;中国的汽车业面对WTO:凤凰涅槃
9.A Study of the English Version of Uncle Donggie's Nirvana from the Perspective of Skopostheorie从目的论角度看《狗儿爷涅槃》英译本
10.Comment on the Nirvana Thought of Vimalakirti Sutra从《维摩诘经》看大乘佛教的涅槃
11.Sinking or Nirvana-The Final Choice of the Animated Cartoon Major in Universities and Colleges沉沦或涅槃——高校动画专业的最终抉择
12.To the Nirvana--Feminist Interpretation of Toni Morrison s Novels;踏上涅槃之路——托妮·莫里森小说的女性主义解读
13.Newborn from Love;在爱中涅槃——浅析曾卓1955至1976年的诗歌创作
14.Buddha-dhātu and sūnyata Discussion about Yin-shun s explanation of buddha-dhātu in the second part of Mahā parinirvā.na-sūtra;佛性与空——论印顺对《大般涅槃经》后分佛性的解读
15.The Process of Pursuing Loves of Women from Xiangxi in Shen Congwen’s articles;凤凰涅槃——沈从文笔下湘西女人的逐爱过程
16.The Phoenix and Phoenix s Nirvana-A Rebirth Myth Across the Time and Space;凤凰与凤凰涅槃——跨越时间与空间的复活神话
17.Poetic Hearts Are Linked: A Comparative Study of Nirvana of the Phoenix and Phoenix and Turtledove;诗心会通——《凤凰涅槃》与《凤凰和斑鸠》比较论
18.About Buddhism in the Near and the Far;出世修持 进入涅槃——谈《近与远》中的佛教教义

Nirvana of the Phoenix凤凰涅槃
1.Poetic Hearts Are Linked: A Comparative Study of Nirvana of the Phoenix and Phoenix and Turtledove;诗心会通——《凤凰涅槃》与《凤凰和斑鸠》比较论
2.Guo Moruo in his The Nirvana of the Phoenix introduces the theme of self-burning in adversity and rebirth from ashes.凤凰是中国传统文化中重要的原型意象之一,从早期的图腾形象到以屈原为代表的浪漫主义文学传统,凤凰成为高洁、优雅理想人格的鲜明象征,赋予了凤凰意象以丰富的文化内涵,再到郭沫若《凤凰涅槃》的这种在困境中自焚、在自焚中重生的思想路径,正是中国传统文化中的火浴母题。
1.Mixture of “Study of Tiantai” and “Buddhism” by Guan Ding;灌顶对“天台学”与“涅槃学”的融通
4)Da Nie Pan Jing(Mahaparinirvana Sutra)《大涅槃经》
1.The Chinese Translation of Nirvanasutra and the Study of Nirvana Belief;《涅槃经》的汉译及涅槃信仰研究
6)Nirvana Belief涅槃信仰
1.The Chinese Translation of Nirvanasutra and the Study of Nirvana Belief;《涅槃经》的汉译及涅槃信仰研究
