1.Meanwhile,Fielding further strengthens the human writing principle through sharp contrast.作为18世纪"散文体滑稽史诗"的首倡者,亨利·菲尔丁在《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》里,依据小说创作的现实主义理论和"缺憾美"的原则,着力塑造出奥尔华绥绅士、汤姆、苏菲亚小姐等众多人物,努力揭示真实的人性,同时运用对比手法实现了它的写作原则。
2.The allegorical poems by BAI Ju-yi adopt a large number of contrast methods that include class contrast,poets contrast,and other contrasts.白居易讽喻诗大量采用对比手法,主要分为阶级对比、作者与他人的对比、其他对比。
3.This thesis will particularly focus on the methods of contrast Twain employs in the novel with analyses of his characterization, social milieu of the story, and the artistic effects achieved.有关此书的论著甚多,本文将从对文本的细读出发,结合前人的研究成果,重点分析对比手法在小说中的运用。

1.Beauty Set Off by Contrast--On the use of contrast in the Scarlet Letter;对比烘托出的美——论《红字》中对比手法的运用
2.Antithesis and Its Effect in Vision Art Structure视觉艺术结构中的对比手法及效果
3.The Comparison Principle and Image Group of Notre Damede Paris;《巴黎圣母院》的对比手法及其形象体系
4.Sharp Contrast and Prominent Character A Brief Analysis to the Smart Application of Contrast in "Kongyiji;对比鲜明 个性突出——简析《孔乙己》中对比手法的巧妙运用
5.The use of contrast On television filming and production practices;浅谈电视拍摄及制作中对比手法的运用
6.On the Applying of the Contrast Skills to Emily Bronte’s Poetry;论艾米莉·勃朗特诗歌中对比手法的运用
7.Brief Analysis of Banke s Image and Macbeth by Contrast;试析班柯形象及对比手法聚焦下的麦克白
8.Comparing with Techniques of Chinese Tuinal Medicine on Spine and Westem Medicine中医脊柱手法与西医手法的对比研究
9.A Comparison between the Three Translation Versions of The Scarlet Letter in the Transplant of Symbolism and Figuration;《红字》译本对象征、比喻手法的移植比较
10.My Opinion on the Similar Use of Metaphor & Simile in English and Chinese;对英汉相似修辞手法——比喻用法的探讨
11.Its sculpting seeks for briefness,variation,contrast and exaggeration.而其造型手法追求简洁、变化、对比、夸张;
12.A Tentative Analysis of the Development of Metaphor and Association from Shi Jing to Li Sao;浅析《离骚》对《诗经》“比兴”手法的发展
13.On the Technique of Juxtaposition in The Great Gatsby;论《了不起的盖茨比》中的并置对照手法
14.Two Methods for Disinfecting Slippers Contaminated in Operating Room:A Comparison手术室拖鞋清洗消毒方法的对比研究
15.Shakespeare's treatment of madness in `King Lear'莎士比亚在《李尔王》中对疯癫的处理手法.
16.By comparing notes, a remarkable similarity in the methods of the burglaries was noticed.经过对案情的比较,发现盗窃手法十分相似。
17.On the Technique of Comparison and the Characterization of Hamlet论对比衬托手法与哈姆雷特的形象塑造
18.The Comparatively Experimental Study in the Vessel Sealing Method Used in Laparoscopic Operation;腹腔镜外科手术血管封合方法的对比实验研究

artistic method of comparison对比艺术手法
1.The two works use artistic method of comparison at many points,and character images are lifelike in the process of comparison.本文主要分析两篇文章如何运用对比艺术手法塑造人物形象,比较他们对比艺术的异同。
3)technique of comparison and contrast对比反衬手法
1.These conflicts and clashes threading through The Mayr of Casterbridge are designed, highlighted and settled by the technique of comparison and contrast.这些无处不在的矛盾冲突都是以巧妙的对比反衬手法设计、烘托、合理解决的。
4)kong yi-ji contrast《孔乙己》对比手法
5)Outcomes compared to operation手术对比
6)Its opponents比赛对手
