诗品,Shi Pin
1)Shi Pin诗品
1.A stylistic comparison between Shi Pin and Hua Pin;《诗品》与《画品》的文体学比较
2.Comment on the Form and Develop of Imagery Criticism by Zhong Rong Shi Pin;从钟嵘《诗品》论象喻批评方法的形成和发展

1.The Elucidation of the Essence of the Poems and the Top Bourn of Beauty of the Poems in Shipin;《诗品》对诗之本质及诗美境界的阐释
2.Moral Quality、Poetic Quality、Artistic Quality---On Wang Mian s Moral Quality and Poetic and Artistic Creation;人品、诗品、画品——论王冕的人品及其诗画创作
3.Personality and Poem Character--Comment on the Poems of Yu Shi-nan and Xu Jing-zong;人品与诗品——虞世南、许敬宗诗论
4.The arrangement of order of poets of the same grade according to their poems quality in Zhong Rong s Shipin;钟嵘《诗品》关于同品诗人的优劣诠次
5.Differentiating and Analyzing the Knotty Problems in "Poetic Character"--Differentiating and analyzing the comments on the poens of the poets from Henan(Ⅱ);《诗品》疑难问题辨说——豫籍诗人诗评系列辨释(中)
6.Discussion on the knotty problems in Shi Pin(Ⅰ)--Discussion on the comments on the poems of poets from Henan;《诗品》疑难问题辨说(上)——豫籍诗人诗评系列辨释
7.John Keat s Poetry from the perspective of Twenty-Four Poetic Qualities;《诗品》视野下的济慈诗歌创作——兼论西方济慈诗评
8.Analysis on Poem Features by LI Ye and XUE Tao in Light of Taste in Their Presenting Poems;从酬赠诗与诗品论李冶薛涛诗歌之优劣
9.The Ecological Poetics in "Wen Xin Diao Long";试论《文心雕龙·明诗》与《诗品》的生态诗学观
10.An analysis of "Lu Ji poems’ not having sufficient Qi" commented on in Shi Pin;《诗品》陆机诗“气少于公干”疏证
11.A Rough Comparison of the Literary Conceptions of "The Preface to Mao s Poems " and "The Preface to Grades of Poetry";《毛诗序》和《诗品序》文学观念的浅略比较
12."Yuan" in Zhong Rong s Shi Pin--Taking the poems of the Han Dynasty that he criticized as an example;钟嵘《诗品》中的“怨”——以其所评之汉诗为例
13.On the Evaluation of Tao Qian s Poetry from “Appreciation and Judgment of Poetry”;被“误读”的知音——浅析《诗品》对陶诗的评价
14.Opinion of Scholar Poem in Shipin s Common Discussion by Chen Yan;论陈衍《诗品平议》中的“学人之诗”
15.On the aesthetic ideology of Zhong Rong s Shipin in poetic theory(Ⅱ);论钟嵘《诗品》的诗论美学思想(二)
16.On Zhong Rong Shipin s aesthetic ideology in poetic theory (1);论钟嵘《诗品》的诗论美学思想(一)
17.The Spread of Shi Ping and It s Influence on Ancient Chinese Shi Hua;《诗品》的流传与诗话的创体和演进
18.Aesthetic Model and Poetic Significance of Tang Shi Pin Hui《唐诗品汇》的美学范式及其诗学意义

1.Zhixun and Zhizhi——An example of comment on Shipin on the basis of comparing different versions;“直寻”与“直置”——钟嵘《诗品》校议一则
2.Discussion on qi in Zhong Rong s Shipin;试论钟嵘《诗品》中的“气”论美学思想
3.Fengren in Zhong Rong s Shipin dose not mean Fengren Style;《诗品》“风人”非“风人体”
3)Grades of Poetry诗品
1.On the Aesthetic Standard of Purity in Grades of Poetry;浅探《诗品》“清”的审美标准
2.A Rough Comparison of the Literary Conceptions of "The Preface to Mao s Poems " and "The Preface to Grades of Poetry";《毛诗序》和《诗品序》文学观念的浅略比较
4)quality of poetry诗品
1.The quality of poetry originates from the character of the poet, and the poetry rule is nothing but the magical conception.诗以有意境而自成高格 ,能写真景物、真感情者谓之有境界 ;诗是心灵之声 ,有意境则自有诗美 ;诗 ,高度凝练才有韵律之美 ,诗品源于人品 ;诗道唯在妙
5)Shi Pin《诗品》
1.Review of the academic achievement in "study on Zhong Rong and Shi Pin" in Journal of Xuchang University;《许昌学院学报》“钟嵘与《诗品》研究”学术成果述评
2.Bao Zhao s Comments and Further Explanation of Former Comments at Zhong Rong s Shi Pin;钟嵘《诗品》鲍照条疏证
3."Yuan" in Zhong Rong s Shi Pin——Taking the poems of the Han Dynasty that he criticized as an example;钟嵘《诗品》中的“怨”——以其所评之汉诗为例
1.The arrangement of order of poets of the same grade according to their poems quality in Zhong Rong s Shipin;钟嵘《诗品》关于同品诗人的优劣诠次
2.The Elucidation of the Essence of the Poems and the Top Bourn of Beauty of the Poems in Shipin;《诗品》对诗之本质及诗美境界的阐释
3.The Acceptance to Zhuangzi in Shipin;《诗品》对《庄子》的接受
