1.On Laoshe s Gentle and Kind Feelings in His Novel "Camel Xiangzi";论《骆驼祥子》中老舍的温厚情怀
2.Xiangzi s Tragedy from Three Women s Perepectives;从三个女人看祥子的悲剧

1.Motionless and dazed, he stood there awhile until he heard someone calving from the bridge. "Xiangzi, Xiangzi ! Come here, Xiangzi!"楞了会儿,桥上叫:“祥子祥子!这儿来!祥子!
2." Don't go yet, Xiangzi.“祥子,你先别走!
3."Just look at that! Really, Xiangzi!“你看,真是的,祥子
4.Old Cheng offered him a cigarette but Xiangzi shook his head.老程递给祥子一支烟,祥子摇了摇头。
5.Xiangzi was the only one whose hands were never idle.祥子,只有祥子的手不闲着。
6."Aren't you now, Xiangzi Speak up! Hey, Xiangzi!"是不是,你自己说,祥子祥子?”
7."Xiangzi" Gao Ma,, the Caos' maid-servant was calling him loudly.“祥子!”曹家的女仆高妈响亮的叫,“祥子
8.After all, he was still Xiangzi and no one could hold a candle to him when he went all out.祥子到底是祥子祥子拚命跑,还是没有别人的份儿。
9.Xiangzi picked up the shafts and walked off.祥子拉起车来就走。
10.Why, Xiangzi, I wondered who it was!我当是谁呢? 祥子啊!
11.How could Xiangzi not see all this?祥子怎能没看见这些呢。
12.Again Xiang& made a move to press the bell.祥子又要去按电铃。
13.Xiangzi looked at his bedding on the floor.祥子看着地上的铺盖卷。
14.Xiangzi sat down jerkily, his muscles taut.祥子青筋蹦跳的坐下。
15.Xiangzi wanted to get things clear.祥子愿把话说到了家。
16."Let me go for the water," Xiangzi offered amiably.“我去吧?”祥子也递个和气。
17.Xiangzi could think of nothing else to say.祥子想不出别的话。
18.Xiangzi didn't answer but scrambled to his feet.祥子没出一声,就地爬起。

"Camel Xiangzi"《骆驼祥子》
1.Profoundly Analysis of Xiangzi’s Tragic Destiny in "Camel Xiangzi";对《骆驼祥子》中祥子悲剧命运的深度探析
3)Camel Xiangzi《骆驼祥子》
1.Cultural Psychological Analysis of Camel Xiangzi and Semantic Interpretation;《骆驼祥子》的文化心理分析与语义诠释
2.Dialect Translation in the English Versions of Camel Xiangzi;方言翻译之管见:《骆驼祥子》英译本方言翻译分析(英文)
3.The New Explainations of Tragical Cause about Lao She s Camel Xiangzi;《骆驼祥子》悲剧成因新探
4)Camel Xiangzi骆驼祥子
1.The Translation Strategies of Two Versions of Camel Xiangzi under the Influence of Power and Discourse;从权力话语理论看《骆驼祥子》英译本的翻译策略
2.Rethinking of "Camel Xiangzi ";对《骆驼祥子》的再思考
3.Studying Camel Xiangzi from its History of Publishing and Accepting;《骆驼祥子》的版本变迁——从出版与接受的角度考察
5)Luotuo Xiangzi《骆驼祥子》
1.The Version Change of Luotuo Xiangzi;《骆驼祥子》的版(文)本变异
2.A Comparison on Luotuo Xiangzi and Job;《骆驼祥子》与《约伯记》比较分析
3.Going along with this trend, this dissertation intends to deepen the understanding of the translator\'s subjectivity through a descriptive analysis on the two English versions of Luotuo Xiangzi, the famous work of Chinese writer Lao She.顺应这一潮流,本文将从译者主体性角度对《骆驼祥子》的两个英译本进行比较研究,结合具体的译本来研究译者,在翻译像《骆驼祥子》这样饱含文化成分的中国作品时,所能受到的限制条件以及如何在这种限制中充分发挥译者的主观能动性。
6)A Camel of Xiangzi《骆驼祥子》
1.On the Narrative Construction of Forklore in A Camel of Xiangzi;论《骆驼祥子》对民俗的叙事建构
2.A Camel of Xiangzi:An Enlightening Tragedy from a Folk View;《骆驼祥子》:民间视角下的启蒙悲剧

白云子祥《佛祖纲目》【白云子祥《佛祖纲目》】  得法云门。住后尝问僧曰。不坏假名。而谈实相。汝作么生。会僧指椅子曰。这个是椅子。祥以手拨椅曰。与我将鞋袋来。僧无对。祥呵曰。这虚头汉。门闻之乃曰。须是我祥兄始得。