1.Based on psychoanalytic theory,the present thesis attempts to present behind the so-called misogyny and male consciousness in Saul Bellow s More Die of Heartbreak lies the special relationship between the narcissistic narrator and his selfobject,thus the feminism s criticism of Bellow s being male-centered in his works is quite partial.文章以索尔·贝娄的小说《更多的人死于心碎》(More Die of Heartbreak,1987)为对象,借助美国精神分析学家海因兹·科赫特关于自恋的新理论,通过精神分析式阅读,指出叙述者表现出的所谓"厌女症"实则其自恋人格的外在表现,籍此挖掘叙述者在现代社会环境中承受的心理疾患和精神危机,打破女性主义对贝娄作品男性中心的狭隘批评。
2.They reflect the repression of the patriarchal society over the women and the misogyny of the malechauvinist culture.西方男性主义文本中所塑造的与淑女、“天使”相对立的恶妇、“女魔”形象 ,实质上远离了女性现实生存的本质 ,反映出父权制社会对女性的压抑以及隐含厌女症的男权主义文化观

1.On the Tendency of "Misogyny" in the Novels of Bai Xian-yong;试论白先勇小说中的“厌女症”倾向
2.A Clinical Analysis on Cases of Secondary Amenorrhea Inducecd by Anorexia Nervosa神经性厌食症引起闭经的女性内分泌临床探讨
3.Anorexia nervosa, a form of starvation, may affect adolescent girls.神经性厌食症是饥饿的一种形式,它对少女有影响。
4.Anorexia can creep up on young girls when they least expect it.年轻女子可能在最没有防备的情況下患上厌食症。
5.One who is affected with anorexia nervosa.厌食症患者受厌食症影响的人
6.Research has shown that women with mental health conditions, including major depression and eating disorders, tend to report more problems with their sex life than other women do.有研究表明,患重度抑郁及厌食症等心理疾病的女性性生活问题要多于其他女性。
7.As a son-in-law, I abominate you.作为一个女婿,我讨厌你。
8.and loss of appetite, or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.没胃口或有像厌食症或暴食症之类的饮食紊乱。
9.He is a chronic sufferer from hay fever and detest gardens.他是一位慢性干草热和厌花症患者。
10.anorexia nervosa & bulimiaph.1. 神经性厌食与贪食症
11.Do you have mental or physical trait that you despise?你有令人生厌的心理或者生理症状?
12.Clinical Research on Child Anorexia with Jian Pi Zhu Xiao Pulvis健脾助消散治疗小儿厌食症疗效观察
13.Jianpi Prescription for children anorexia:an observation of 50 cases健脾剂治疗小儿厌食症50例临床观察
14.He was secretly tired of his girlfriend.他暗暗地对他的女朋友厌倦了。
15.No, thanks. My girlfriend hates people who smoke.不,谢谢,我女朋友讨厌抽烟的人。
16.Women are tired of being labelled as unskilled workers.妇女讨厌被列为非技术工人。
17.The goddess Hera, Zeus' wife, hated her very much.但他的妻子希拉女神非常讨厌她。
18.Most women dislike being ogled (at).多数女子都讨厌让人色迷迷地盯着。

3)hatred of women厌女
1.Through many a work by Lawrence,this thesis shall focus on the most typical two groups of his ambivalence:love of mother,hatred of mother,hatred of women and sympathies with women,in hope of making Lawrence better understood.文章将通过分析劳伦斯的多个作品,聚焦于其中最典型的两对,即恋母和厌母、厌女和同情、支持妇女,以期有助于读者对劳伦斯的理解。
1.Changes of electrogastrography and gaster motility in children with anorexia;儿童厌食症胃电图临床研究
2.Investigation of Serum Leptin Concentrations in Healthy Children and in Children with Anorexia;正常小儿及厌食症患儿血清瘦素水平测定及其临床意义
3.Clinic study of Jianer Qingjie Liquid to treat 100 cases of children with anorexia after upper respiratory tract infection健儿清解液治疗小儿上呼吸道感染后厌食症100例
1.Objective To observe the effect of Yun-Pi Prescription in different dose on small intestinal function of splenic asthenia rats, so as to explore mechanisms of Yun-pi Prescription in treatment of children apositia.目的观察治疗儿童厌食症的有效方药运脾方不同剂量对脾虚大鼠小肠功能的影响,探索运脾方临床治疗效果的作用机理。
2.cases of childhood apositia were treated with the method of clearing away heat and promoting diuresis;and other 50 cases were treated with western medicine as a control.以清热利湿法治疗小儿厌食症 15 0例 ,设西药对照组 5 0例 ,结果痊愈率及总有效率 ,治疗组与对照组分别为 6 4%、2 8%以及 91 33 %、6 2 %。
3.[Objective] To observe the effects of Yun-Pi Prescription of different doss on endurance of rats with splenic asthenia and to explore the mechanism of Yun-pi Prescription in treatment of children apositia.[目的]观察运脾方不同剂量对脾虚大鼠的耐力作用,探索治疗儿童厌食症的有效方药运脾方临床治疗效果的作用机理。
6)the evasive action in learning厌学症
1.This paper aims at the analysis of the origins and decrease of learning desire,and the formation and treatment of the evasive action in learning in order to trigger students’ learning and cure their evasive action in learning.本文分析了求知欲的由来及消退原因,“厌学症”的形成及治疗方案,试图唤起学生的求知欲,治疗他们的“厌学症”。
