1.The relationship among the Chinese Plum Flower,Spring,snow and people is reflected in this poem and they are thought of the three basic factors to the creation of literature.何逊的《咏早梅》反映了梅与、梅与雪、梅与人的关系。
2.Wang Lixian thought"spring"language sourcerighteousness works as is,but non-Xu Shen center pours in"Shuo wen""pushes".《""义溯源》一文中,王礼贤先生以为""的语源义当为"出",而非许慎在《说文》中释的"推"。
3.Chinese people have deep emotion towards spring because it implies great and deep history and culture connotation.""具有文字和文化两重意义,中国人对于""可谓一往情深,因为它蕴藏着很多而且很深的历史和现实的文化意蕴。

1.vernal breezes, flowers风、 天的花.
2.For spring, spring comes merrily!天,天愉快地来了!
3.The crocus is a herald of spring.报花是天的预兆
4.after spring returns to the earth,the sights of spring are bright and enchanting.回大地后光明媚。
5.Sweet and fair, she craves not spring for herself alone; to be the harbinger of Spring she is content.俏也不争,只把来报
6.To enchant with or as if with a philter.用药迷惑用药或好象用药迷惑
7.The Poetic Beauty of Spring--An inter pretation of Zhu Ziqing s Spring;意与情——解读朱自清的散文《
8.of or characteristic of or occurring in spring.天的、具有天特点的或者发生在天的。
9.The Chinese people love to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, which are also written on red paper.节时,中国人喜欢贴联,联也是用红纸写的。
10.The three waves consist of this winter and next spring, next winter and the following spring, and another winter and spring.三个浪潮是:今冬明,明冬后,再加一个冬
11.G5:Mum,I want spring rolls.妈咪,我要吃卷。
12."Let me take care of Chun Bao!“宝让我带去罢。”
13.auricula primrose耳状报花②=auricle
14.Tender Bamboo after a Spring Rain雨新篁图(绘画)
15.She is pure and youthful.她很清纯、很青
16.paintings of Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties andSpring and Autumn Period商-西周-秋绘画
17.Ah, what a charming spring night!呵,这醉人的夜!
18.In spring, I take off my winter clothes.天,我脱下冬装。

Spring Songs咏春赏春
3)spring sights春景春情
1.An Affectionate Herbaceous Peony in Spring Tears and a Weak Rose on an Evening Branch ——A Talk on the spring sights and stirrings of love in Qin shaoyou s poems;有情芍药含泪 无力蔷薇卧晚枝——试论秦少游诗词中的
4)spring planting春种,春植
5)spring showers;spring planting.春浴;春植
1.Ore control conditions and prospecting direction for Shangyangshugou gold-copper mining(mineralization) distract in Hunchun of Jilin;珲上杨树沟金铜矿(化)区控矿条件与找矿方向
2.Investigation of vegetation of sandy desertification of Hunchun City Jilin Province;吉林省珲市沙化地植被调查
3.Geochemistry of major elements in soil in central Hunchun of Jilin;珲中部土壤常量元素地球化学特征
