1.With a survey of his life story and the changing of his literary philosophy,the article is orientated towards the emotional features of his late lyric novels: sincerity,bluntness,rationality and humour.文章结合废名的人生经历及其文学观的变化,着重探讨废名后期小说的情感特征:真挚率直、理性谐趣。
2.Falling in love with his sister-in-law,Zhu Yizun s romantic Ci works like "Jing Zhi Ju Qin Qu" are featured by:sincerity,elegance and narrativeness.朱彝尊与其妻妹的恋情使其艳词独具与众不同的真挚、醇雅、叙事性加强等审美特质。
3.In order to select precise category concept-“patterns” to define,expound,and master the lyric artistic style of Tang poetry to replace the traditional ambiguous language,this paper discusses the chief natural characteristics of the lyric artistic patterns of Tang poetry from three aspects of the sincerity,distillation and implicity of the lyric artistic style of Tang poetry.为了扬弃传统的模糊语言而选取确切的范畴概念——“范式”来把握、论述、界定唐诗的抒情艺术 ,本文从艺术情感的真挚、升华和含蓄三方面 ,论述了唐诗抒情艺术范式的主要品性。

1.Sincere friendship is everlasting and unchanging.真挚的友谊天长地久。
2.She knew his love was real.她知道他的爱是真挚的。
3.I mitation is the sincerest form of flattery.模仿是最真挚的奉承。
4.She was a sincerely devout girl.她是个真挚虔诚的姑娘。
5.an earnest and sincere feeling.热心的、真挚的感情。
6.A true friend should be someone who has a genuine interest in you.真正的朋友应该和你有真挚的情感。
7.In your eyes so true.那是你眼中喷出的真挚情火,
8.I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate ...我真挚的(深深的)(热情的)感谢……
9.They were speaking in low but earnest tones.他们谈话的声音很低,但语气真挚
10.I would like to express to all of you here our sincere welcome.让我向在座诸位致以最真挚的欢迎。'
11.Please accept ( I wish to express )my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for ...请接受(致以)真挚的(衷心的)(深切的)感谢……
12.The tear of Muslims is as salty as the others.回教徒的眼泪也和其他的人一样真挚
13." Isn't this sincere and moving?这还不真挚吗? 这还不动人吗?
14.Her sincerity and care has restored my self-confidence.她的真挚关怀使我有了信心。
15.Honest, well-meaning, understanding, having capability and responsibility.真挚,诚实,善解人意,有能力和责任感.
16.My true gratitude is beyond any words description.任何语言都不能表达我的真挚谢意。
17.Originality is a by-product of sincerity.--Henry James独创性是真挚的副产品。——摩尔
18.That had been a night of unmixed joy and rapture.那是充满了真挚的快乐和狂欢的一夜。

1.Whether we speak directly or politely state, we should be sincerely, proper and flexible.情感是公关语言的基本要素,沟通情感是提高公关语言表达效果的重要手段,无论是直抒还是婉陈,均应真挚、适度、灵活。
2.They have the sincere and restrained style.亲情诗词是孙继善先生《空耘斋诗词选》的精华,具有真挚恳切、自责内敛的风格。
3)sincere feelings真挚情感
4)simple and sincere真挚淡泊
5)sincerity and concise真挚深细
6)the beauty of sincerity真挚美
1.Here are the characteristics of his style: the beauty of sincerity in narrating and conveying his emotion; the beauty of artistic conception in the mixing of emotion and scene; the beauty of rigor in its structure and colloquial language.叙事抒情的真挚美、情景交融的意境美、结构的严谨美和语言的口语化 ,是构成朱自清散文文体美的要件。
