1.It was an autobiography of a genius,delving into his own soul distorte.因此,王孙的身份与潦倒一生的现实形成了巨大的反差,他只能在艳羡与描写人间豪奢的同时,把期盼寄托给了上帝,这正是一个天才诗人的自叙传,即被残酷现实扭曲了的灵魂的自我发掘。
2.Hou Shi s autobiography, this paper finds out both Cao Xueqin s paternal and maternal ancestors as well as Cao Xueqing himself were not Jinlinese, and that the Caos residence was not in Jinling before or after the Caos came down in the world.沿红学“自叙传”开辟的门径: 曹雪芹及其父祖不是金陵人,曹家宅第不在金陵,曹家的姻亲也均不是金陵人;曹家败事后在金陵无片瓦。

1.Self Awareness and Self Control Captured in Portraying Self and Self Narrating: Analysis of the Self Narration Novels;在叙说自我和自我叙说中获得自知与自治——自叙传小说探析
2.An Interpretation of Yu Dafu s Autobiographical Narratives and Japanese "I-novel"from the Perspective of Narratology;郁达夫“自叙传”小说与日本私小说的叙述学解读
3.On the Images of Luxun's Seft-expressions from the First-person-narrative Fictions of Luxun's Novels从第一人称叙述看鲁迅小说的自叙传特色
4.On the "Literary Self-image"in Yu Dafu s "Self-narrative Biography;论郁达夫“自叙传”中的“自我艺术形象”
5.Literary Presentation of Self-problem--New Unde rstanding of Self-narration Novels自我问题的文学呈现——自叙传小说新论
6.On the Autobiographical Lyricism of WU Mei-cun s Dramatic Creation;论吴梅村戏曲创作自叙传式的抒情性
7.Autobiography of a Nation:LuXun s "Madman s Journals ;民族的自叙传——《狂人日记》再读
8.Compared Yu Dafu with Anne Baby's Novels with The Biography Form郁达夫和安妮宝贝“自叙传”小说比较
9.Maiden Complex and Iillness Narrative Mode in the Autobiographical Narratives of Women Writers in the Early Period of Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学初期女性作家“自叙传”小说的“少女情怀”和“病情叙事”
10.Increasing Exploring of Awakened Female --On the novels kind of autobiographies of Luyin;梦醒女性的执着探索——论庐隐自叙传小说创作
11.Theories of Truth and Justice: Narrative Ethics of (Auto)biographical Literature;“事实正义论”:自传(传记)文学的叙事伦理
12.The “I" in Chinese and Western Autobiography;自在·叙述·他者——中西自传主体论
13.She describes in her autobiograhpy a visit to Russia in1911.她在自传里叙述她1911年拜访俄国。
14.An account of the personal experiences of an author.自传有关作者个人经历的叙述
15.Fabrications in Zuozhuan and Rational Consciousness of Historiographer s Narration;《左传》虚饰与史官叙事的理性自觉
16.Showing and Recount: Female Autobiographical Novels Narrate in the 90~(th) Age;展示与叙述:论90年代以来女性自传体小说的叙事
17.The "Contemporary History" of a Person--Commentating the Autobiographic Narration and the Self-image Creation in "Autobiography of Wang Meng";一个人的“当代史”——论《王蒙自传》的自传叙事及其自我形象的塑造
18.The biographer's account of the poet's life was surprisingly self - referential.传记作者对诗人生活的叙述竟然是自指

Autobiographic nanation"自叙传"叙事
3)autobiographical narrative自传叙事
4)autobiographical narratives"自叙传"小说
5)narratology of autobiography自传叙事学
6)the form of autobiography"自叙传"形式
