永明体,Yongming style
1)Yongming style永明体
1.To Restore the Tone Regulation of Yongming Style——By Comparing and Analyzing the Poems Written in the Different Periods of Qi and Liang Dynasty“永明体”一联声律规则还原——以比照不同时期“齐梁调诗”作分析
2.Jiang Yan s "talent-exhaustion" was simultaneous with the origin of Yongming style.江淹“才尽”与永明体的产生是同步发生的 ,其“才尽”与南朝诗歌的这种“新变”有直接的关系。

1.Reconsideration of the Origin of Yongming Style and Its Relation to the Translative Reading of Buddhist Sutras永明体的产生与佛经转读关系再探讨
2.On the Sutra Chanting and the Emergence about the Poems of Yong-Ming Style in South Dynasty;论南朝佛经转读与永明体的产生是平行关系
3.On the Communication Poetry s Influence on the Formation of Eight Friends of Jingling and Yongming Poem;论交际诗对“竟陵八友”及“永明体”形成之影响
4.On the Emergence of the Poems of Yong-Ming Style with Respect to the Sutra Chanting in the South Dynasty南朝永明体的产生与佛经转读之关系考察
5.Comment of the Book-"The Styles from Yongmingti to Jinti" of He weitang;一部精而得要的学术专著——读何伟棠先生再版大著《永明体到近体》
6.To Restore the Tone Regulation of Yongming Style--By Comparing and Analyzing the Poems Written in the Different Periods of Qi and Liang Dynasty“永明体”一联声律规则还原——以比照不同时期“齐梁调诗”作分析
7.A permanent identifier for an entity.用于说明某个实体的一种永久标识符。
8.A Study of Object-ode Poems and Niyuefu Created Collectively in the Period of Yingming of Southern Qi Dynasty;论永明年间的集体咏物诗和拟乐府诗创作
9.The invention is the only man-made device that can permanently replace a necessary body organ.他们发明了惟一可以永远取代人体必需器官的人造设备。
10.The Change and Transcendence of Feministic Subjectivity: Comparison On Shu Ting s and Zhai Yongming s Poems;女性主体的嬗变与超越——舒婷与翟永明的诗歌比较论
11.By comparison analysis and construction feedback, it verified the effect of stabilization measures and demonstrated that the ship lock slope is stable as a whole.通过比较分析和施工反馈的结果,证明了加固的效果,说明了三峡永久船闸体整体是稳定的。
12.ignition and lighting magneto点火及照明永磁发电机
13.It would never endure.'这种文明永远不能持久。”
14.For ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove命运,你要求永远证明
15.Of or relating to a crystalline dielectric that can be given a permanent electric polarization by application of an electric field.铁电体的一种可通过电场的作用获得永久电磁性的透明的绝缘体的或与此有关的
16.Himons Jewel always value service above promise and show sincerity with actions instead of words.汇明国际服务总是重于承诺,真诚体现于行动,做永远是超越语言表达。
17.Gernsbacher M A, Varner K R. the Multi-Media Comprehension Battery (revised). Technical Report No. 88~3, University of Oregon, 1990.杨丽霞,陈永明,周治金.不同理解能力的个体在词汇加工中的抑制机制.
18.Paintings distinct personality, style Meaningful, the atmosphere, full of scholars demeanor reflects profound cultural foundation.其画作个性鲜明,风格隽永、大气,富于学者风范,体现出深厚的文化底蕴。

Yong Ming style永明体
1.After close study of poems the paper believes that Tang poems with rhyme schemes represented its improvement on Yong Ming style in symmetry and rhymes,they are: duality of its rhyme schemes,"Nian"be.唐近体格律诗对永明体的改进主要表现在对偶和声律上:1、声律规则的二元化;2、联与联之间的“黏”;3、不拘泥于大小韵;4、取消傍纽、正纽之界限。
1.The right and wrong of the Yongming-style and Qilianggong-style poems;永明体及齐梁宫体诗的是与非
2.Xu s topics break away from the limitations of yongming-style poetry which focuses on describing scenery.他独特的文学思想对萧纲等人深有影响,推动了宫体诗产生:他的创作题材突破了永明体以咏物为主的限制,涉及到了内帷;他作诗好为"新变",诗风糅合了永明体的精致和元嘉体的抒情,其艳丽的辞句则开了宫体诗派华美风格的先河。
4)Yongming-style poetry永明体诗
5)Yongming Ti Poem Rhyme永明体诗韵
6)Yongmingti to Jinti《永明体到近体》
1.Comment of the Book—"The Styles from Yongmingti to Jinti" of He weitang;一部精而得要的学术专著——读何伟棠先生再版大著《永明体到近体》
