1.During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the number of temples and monks is restricted, while during that of Emperor Yongzheng, the system loses it power due to the negligence of management.清入关前即已实行度牒制度,康熙初限制寺观及僧道数量,雍正时期,放松对僧道管理,度牒失去效力。
2.Exempting from poll taxation was a kind of tax policy that prevailed only in middle period of Southern Song Dynasty,and levied tax on Buddhist monks and Taoist priests.免丁钱是一种创行于南宋绍兴中期的身丁税,课征对象为寺观僧道,仅盛行于南宋时期。

1.The Legal Regulation by Law of Tang Dynasty and Its Characteristics about Monk and Taoist Priest;《唐律》对僧道的法律规定及其特点
2.An Analysis on the Vulgarization of Buddhism and Taoism从明代小说中的僧道形象解读佛道世俗化
3.Cao Xueqin s "Viewpoint of Freedom from Love" from the Main Characters Course of Buddist Monks in A Dream of Red Mansions;从《红楼梦》人物僧道化历程看曹雪芹的“情空观”
4.Monastic life or practices.僧侣生活或修道生活
5.a member of a religious order living in common.在修道院居住的僧侣众人中的成员。
6.lay brother [ sister ]修道院做杂役的僧侣[修女]
7.You must stop abusing Buddhist monks and Taoist priests and playing about with girls'cosmetics and powder."再不可毁僧谤道,调脂弄粉."
8."Don't ask."The monk smiled. "You'll find out all in good time.""那僧笑道:""你且莫问,日后自然明白的."
9.He lived a life that was essentially monachist in tone.他过着本质上带有修道僧色彩的生活。
10.Sinifcation of Buddhism and Dao an Monk Groups during 379 C.E. (Common Era)公元379年的道安僧团与中国化佛教
11.a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery).宗教人士的集中之地(如僧侣们呆的修道院)。
12."He is believed to have translated Tao Te Ching by, Laozi into Sanskrit at the request of some India Buddhist. "传说他应印度僧人之邀将《道德经》译成梵文
13.a Catholic friar wearing the gray habit of the Franciscan order.身穿托钵僧统一的灰斗篷的天主教男修道士。
14.a Catholic friar wearing the white cloak of the Carmelite order.身穿托钵僧统一的白斗篷的天主教男修道士。
15.Of, relating to, or characteristic of monks or monasticism.修道士或僧侣的、与之有关的或有此特点的
16.The religious explaination to the “sex turns” phenomena of bonze and nun、Taoist priest in the sexual novel;对艳情小说中僧尼、道士“性化”现象的宗教阐释
17.One day while he was watching in the sky, he saw Sanzang and his disciples coming from afar. He knew that the disciples had excellent fighting skills,一天,他正在空中了望,看见唐僧师徒远远地走来,他知道唐僧的徒弟武艺高强
18.To kidnap Sanzang, Red Boy hurled a whirl of wind at him. Sanzang disappeared. Monkey knew this was done by the demon并刮起一阵旋风,趁机劫走了唐僧。风停后,唐僧没有了,悟空知道是妖怪捣的鬼。

Buddist monk system僧道系统
3)Taoism before Buddhism僧道并行
4)No affinity with monks or Taoists僧道无缘
5)To abuse Buddhist and Taoist priests谤僧骂道
6)a Buddhist monk and a Taoist priest一僧一道
