1.Comment on "Principle of Absorbing Allusion into One s Own": Elementary Analysis on The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons·Allusion;“用人若己”说——《文心雕龙·事类》篇浅说
2.The application of allusions in poems and other literary genres is highly valued by Liu Xie in his great work Wen Xin Diao Long."事类"就是现今意义上的典故。
2)Classified things类事

1.Update subscription class event rule event class name更新订阅类事件规则的事件类名称
2.She was clever about such things.她做这类事挺精明。
3.There's not always logic to these things.这类事并无一定之规。
4.People do not know these things.人们无法知晓这类事
5.Tom was clever about such things.汤姆干这类事挺精明。
6.You have a known worst case.你们是知道这类事的。
7.You've got a known worst case.你们是经历过这类事的。
8.He is clever about such things .他干这类事挺精明。
9.He believes in devils and witches.他相信魔鬼、 巫婆这类事.
10.How do you see things like this?你对这类事是怎么看的?
11.I wanted to know more, more about these things.我想更多地知道这类事
12.No one had ever taught me about these things.没有人曾教过我这类事
13.no stranger to this kind of thing对这类事有亲身体会
14.chosen in preference to another.比同类事物先被选到的。
15.The police have special powers to deal with this state of affairs.警方有权处理这类事态。
16.White folks are strict about such things.白人对这类事非常计较。
17.and things like that.诸如此类的事情。”
18.and a number of the like.诸如此类的事很多。

Classified things类事
3)accident type事故类型
1.In this paper, accident types and emergency measures of gas storehouses are analyzed,based on example investigation and literature study, which is valuable to the reduce of environmental risk of gas store- houses.本文通过实例调查和综合有关文献资料,分析了油库可能出现的事故类型及事故排放量,并提出了较具体的应急抢救措施,对降低油库的环境风险具有一定的指导意义。
4)accident classification事故分类
1.Then by referring to the accident classification in other industries,the classification of urban railway transportation accident is established,namely,fatal accident,major accident,medium accident,minor accident.笔者分析了城市轨道交通事故,在分析我国其他行业事故分类的基础上,确定城市轨道交通事故分类标准,即重大事故、大事故、险性事故和一般事故,并将不同事故分类情况及专家判断评分,按事故的大小不同换算成可以计算的计算尺度,根据事故种类不同计算出事故折算因子,根据风险理论的评价方法,建立了地铁风险评价模型,对地铁的危险性进行量化定级,并通过具体实例进行综合分析评价,该风险评价模型具有一定的工程意义。
5)types of accidents事故种类
6)transaction class事务类

事类1.事情的类似性;同类之事。 2.指文章中引用古事故实以类比事理。