1.This paper will study the relationship between YuanZhen s mental experience and the life and death his offspring and its effect on his works.陈寅恪先生在《元白诗笺证稿》从情感及事功方面对元稹创作作的制约作了探讨,我们则从陈寅恪所忽视的子嗣问题入手,探讨其对元稹创作的影响。
2.Bai Juyi\' s offspring situation puzzleed many previous dynasties scholars for a long time.白居易的子嗣情况一直是困扰历代学者的难解之谜。

1.He died sineprole in his 80th year.他八十岁去世,没有子嗣
2.beholding them, as the continuance, not only of their kind, but of their work;他们把子嗣看做不但是本族底继嗣,而且也是自己事业底继续;
3.Children sweeten labours; but they make misfortunes more bitter.子嗣使劳苦变甜,但是也使不幸更苦。
4.None of his issues will be benefited from his estate.他的子嗣都不会在其遗产中得益。
5.We are all Irish, all kings' sons.我们都是爱尔兰人,都是国王的子嗣[59]。”
6.Gaomei is one form to impetrate children.“高禖”祭祀是一种祈孕子嗣的祭祀形式。
7.The child is now the third in line to the Chrysanthemum throne.这孩子是菊花王朝家庭谱系的第三位子嗣.
8.The former symbolizes power, unification and universality, and the latter fertility.前者象征权力统一寰宇,后者象征子嗣昌盛。
9.YuanZhen s Mental Experience and the Life and Death his Offspring;从子嗣之存亡继绝探索元稹的心历路程
10.At last, bearing in her arms the infant progeny of Jove, she reached Lycia, weary with her burden and parched with thirst.最后她来到吕西亚,怀里抱着朱庇特幼小的子嗣,疲乏不堪,口渴难耐。
11.The difference in affection of parents towards their several children is many times unequal; and sometimes unworthy;父母对子嗣之间的慈爱往往是不平均的,而且有时是不合理的。
12.I imagined her life-the idle, probably childless woman我想象她的生活——无所事事,可能还是个没有子嗣的女人。
13.and so both children and creatures.因此,他们对自己底子嗣与自己所造的事物都是一样的看法。
14.They that are the first raisers of then-houses, are most indulgent towards their children;首先树立家业的人们是对于他们底子嗣最为纵容的;
15.The dominant child-bearing thought in the Han Dynasty is to attach importance to male offspring and population growth, to regard men as superior to women.汉代人普遍存在着重视子嗣、望人口增殖、男轻女等生育主导思想。
16.It was widely believed that James' early dissipations had left him incapable of begetting a son.人们普通认为,詹姆士早年生活放荡,致使他不能生育子嗣
17.It is true, that if the affection or aptness of the children be extraordinary, then it is good not to cross it;如果子嗣底所好和能力是超群的,那末最好不要拂逆他,这是真的;
18.In most other countries the rich were less fecund: the Japanese samurai produced little more than one son per father, for example.比如,日本武士阶级之中,平均每个父亲仅有略多于1个子嗣

successor of a family嗣子
3)successor of a family from a different clan异姓嗣子
4)Posterity is auspicious子嗣吉利
5)heirless;lack of progeny无子嗣
6)The heirs are degenerated嗣子不肖
