1.Since then,the Tuanshan which can make people feel cool becomes a symbol of sadness and disfavor.而驱暑纳凉的团扇从此也成为了红颜薄命、佳人失宠的象征,在后世文人的笔下继而成了凄楚悲怨、怀才不遇的代名词。

1.Description of Poetry Emotion About Tragedy Complaint and Beauty--Re analyze Pi pa xing;悲怨美的诗情刻画——再析《琵琶行》
2.Gloomy Poetry Results From A Depressed Heart--A Brief Discussion on Cao Zhis Melancholy and Resentful Works;诗文怫郁 音成于心——曹植悲怨作品简论
3.Sorrowful complaints and having no choice about historical destiny--Brief analysis of the tragic artistic conception in the third section of Han Gong Qiu;历史命运的悲怨和无奈——浅析《汉宫秋》第三折的悲剧意境
4.On Sorrowful and Resentful Tones and Cultural Implications in NINETEEN ANCIENT POEMS;论《古诗十九首》的悲怨情调及其文化意蕴
5.He continually bewailed his tardy journey to his mother's house.他总不断地悲怨自己迟缓迁延,没早早地去探望他母亲。
6.Melancholy: the Internal Force of Chinese Ancient Literature;悲怨:中国古代文学之内驱——一个文学史母题的发展历程描述
7.Another Way of Writing the History of Literature--An Introduction to the Solitary Indignation in a Thousand Years--the Perspective of the Life of the Chinese Literature of Grievance;文学史的另一种写法——《千载孤愤——中国悲怨文学的生命透视》评介
8.A Study on the Tragic Aesthetics of the Relegated Poems by Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen“魂随南翥鸟,泪尽北枝花”——论沈宋贬谪诗的沉郁悲怨之美
9.It achieves a position in poetry circles unique rhythm according to the sadly talk and its sadness into the poet love poem.这首诗以琵琶的悲怨倾诉和诗人悲情入诗的真情律动在诗界独树一帜。
10.complained about their miserable destiny;抱怨他们悲惨的命运;
11.She bore her sorrow without complaint.她毫无怨言地忍受着悲痛.
12.Wailbindicates long noisy crying in grief or complaint意为痛哭或嚎啕大哭(因悲痛或哀怨)
13.Stop moaning;you really have nothing to complain about.别悲叹了,你真的没什么好抱怨的。
14.To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound.嚎叫,咆哮发出悲伤,哀怨的长音
15.Plaintive、Solitude、Walk Back and Forth--Try to Explore the Value on Aesthetics of “BeiHuiFeng”;哀怨、孤独、彷徨——试析《悲回风》的审美价值
16.Sad melody of deep in one heart -Introduce of the pa lace peam;心灵深处的悲歌——浅谈“宫怨诗”
17.Sad Groan--Talk about the Compassion in Women s Works before Tang;哀怨的呻吟——论唐前女性作品中的悲
18.A reinterpretation of the tragic implication of Love Rain;狞厉之爱与怨悱之痛的悲幻扭结——白朴《梧桐雨》悲剧意蕴再认识

tragedy complain and beauty悲怨美
3)lamentable sentiment悲怨情感
1.This paper claims that the composition of frontier poems is not only the result of the prevalence of the parodies of yuefu of the Southern Dynasty, but more of those poets quest for new aesthetic targets and poetic carriers, their pursuit of new aesthetic ideals, their returning to and expression of the lamentable sentiment of literature, as well as their psychological complex disclosin.梁陈文人在创作宫体诗的同时创作了别具一格的边塞诗,本文认为其动因不仅是南朝乐府拟作之盛行,更由于梁陈间诗人对新的审美对象和抒情载体的寻找,对新的审美理想之追求,对文学悲怨情感之依归与抒发,也是对两汉大一统局面向往之心理情结。
4)sad and resentful images悲怨意象
5)sorrowful and resentful tone悲怨情调
6)anxiety and enmity悲愁怨恨
1.JIANG Yan′s ballads and Fu mainly chose anxiety and enmity as their topic.江淹辞赋多以表现悲愁怨恨为主题,形成了以悲凉为主的风格特色。
