1.On the Fatalism in the Novels of Tang Dynasty;论唐人小说中的科名前定思想

1.Predictive Dreams:Construction and Deconstruction--The Influence on Novels of the Ming Dynasty of the Idea of Predestined Academic Distinction“科名前定”观念对明代小说的影响
2.Official Rank Pre-destined:Social Mentality under Social Service Examination System in Song Dynasty-Also on the Influence upon Song Writers Queer-story Fictions;科名前定:宋代科举制度下的社会心态——兼论对宋人志怪小说创作的影响
3.The criminal had had four previous convictions.这名罪犯有四次前科.
5.On the Translation Strategies,Principles and Internationalization of the Names of Scientific Terminology;科技术语的定名原则与译名的国际化
6.What to by the name of quantum mechanics, steal the concept of idealism, in front of the practice of science, be doomed to fail.企图借量子力学的名义,输运唯心论的概念,在科学实践面前注定会失败。
7.This insight has become known as the Coase Theorem, and has had a powerful impact on scholarship in the "law and economics" field.)这一见解目前已成为著名的“科斯定律”,对“法律与经济”领域的学术研究产生了重大的影响。)
8.Cottonclarin 88柯登克拉林88(阴离子表面活性剂混合物,高碱稳定性,用于前处理,商名,德国科宁)
9.B) The earth rotates on its own] axis, which causes the change from day to night.点评:同样的,前者由非限制性定语从句构成。但在科技文中,你需要将其转换成名词结构。
10.The Term of "Ro-Ro Passenger Ship" is Incorrect--Discussion from Principles of Terminology;“客滚船”不妥——从科技名词的定名原则谈起
11.Thinking on the Names of Clinical Basic Disciplines of CM and Their Construction;中医临床基础学科定名及学科建设的思考
12.Scientific definition of TCM--Science,Philosophy,Human,Name and Reality中医学的科学定位——科学、哲学、人、中医、名实
13.This gospel truth was transformed into scientific law.这段至理名言更变而为科学定律了。
14.The 12 Rules for Denominating Scientific and Technological Concepts in English-Chinese Translation;英汉科技翻译中的术语定名规则探讨
15.Studies on the Title,Orientation and Development of Forestry Law;关于林业法的学科名称、定位与发展
16.Debate on the Definition of Exegetics Name in the 20th Century;20世纪训诂学学科名称定义的争论
17.'%ls' does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the object name.''%1!'' 不允许将数据库名称指定为对象名前缀。
18.The rest of the top 20 remained fairly constant, although Paris;排在前二十名的其他城市相对稳定。

title of subject学科定名
3)definition of the subject's name学科名称定义
4)degree of imperial examination科名
5)scientific & technological denomination rules科技术语定名规则
6)Previous conviction前科
1.The prescriptions about previous conviction in China s regulations and laws can not be used to define the concept of previous conviction.我国法律法规中关于前科的规定不能作为界定前科概念的依据。
2.Elimination of previous conviction was stipulated in the criminal law of many countries in the world.前科消灭在许多国家的刑法中都有规定。

定科1.明确规定的法令条例。 2.固定的科目。