1.On the Differences of the Rebellious Temperaments Between Bao Yu and JueHui;试论宝玉、觉慧叛逆性格的差异性

1."Why not?" Chueh-hui persisted.“为什么?”觉慧追问。
2.Chueh-hui walked back and faced his brother.觉慧走回到觉新的面前。
3.Chueh-hui sat up and asked anxiously.觉慧坐起来,关心地问。
4.Chueh-hui shouted, pacing the floor.觉慧依旧在屋子里踱着。
5.Chueh-hui stood on the steps of the building.觉慧一个人在阶上闲步。
6.Chueh-hui didn't like to disturb him.觉慧也不去打扰他。
7.What's there to worry about?" said Chueh-hui.还怕什么呢?”觉慧插嘴说。
8.Chueh-hui was a little surprised that Chin should have mentioned his family.觉慧半惊讶半愤怒地说。
9."I was only reading," Chueh-hui replied with a bitter laugh.“我在读书,”觉慧答道。
10.Chueh-hui retorted hotly.觉慧依旧愤恨地说。
11.Chueh-hui called after him.觉慧在后面大声问。
12.The younger boy's face was expressionless.觉慧也没有什么表示。
13.And he joined Chueh-hui in his stroll.觉民赞叹道,他陪着觉慧在天井里散步。
14.Chuehmin walked up to Chueh-hui and said quietly in his ear:觉民走到觉慧跟前,在他的耳边低声说:
15.Chueh-min sensed the mild sarcasm, but he made no reply.觉民知道觉慧在讥笑他,便不作声了。
16.Chueh-hui burst out angrily.觉慧觉得沉闷难受,愤愤不平地说。
17.After leaving the West Szechuan Mercantile Corporation, Chueh-hui and Chueh-min separated.觉慧和觉民走出了商业场的前门。
18."Wait a minute, Third Brother.“三弟,你不要走,”觉慧被觉新唤住了;

Chueh-hui hailed them with a cheerful shout.觉慧笑着大声问。
3)Chueh-hui cried hotly.觉慧愤恨地答道。
4)Chueh-hui demanded sternly.觉慧严厉地问道。
5)Chueh-hui, also, was feeling the wine he had drunk.觉慧也有酒意。
6)Hwee Hwee Tan陈慧慧
1.Identity and Belief in the Fiction of Hwee Hwee Tan;认同与信仰:论新加坡新生代英语作家陈慧慧(英文)

慧觉【慧觉】 (人名)西洛人,号广照禅师。(参见:广照)。【又】(术语)谓物之智慧能自觉觉人也。刘孝绰文云:严事招提,师仰慧觉。