1.Illusion because of affection,Expressing affection by affection On the Synthetiall relationship between “affection” and :illusion in 《A Dream of Red Mansion》;因情而言情——《红楼梦》“情”“”关系综论

1.remembrance hallucination追忆性觉 追忆性
2.hallucination of perception知觉性觉 知觉性
3.Freak out on psychedelic drugs服用觉剂而产生
4.marked by or producing illusion.觉的或产生觉的。
5.Of or characterized by hallucination.觉的觉的或以觉为特征的
6.A returning or haunting memory or image.影,象常出现或萦绕脑际的记忆或
7.Illusion because of affection,Expressing affection by affection On the Synthetiall relationship between “affection” and :illusion in 《A Dream of Red Mansion》;因情而言情——《红楼梦》“情”“”关系综论
8.From Unreliable Imagination to Mysterious Fantasy: a Comparative Study of Thought of Fantasy and Illusion in Chungtse and Lotus Sutra由玄到奇:《庄子》、《法华经》想思维比较研究
9.a passing thought, fancy闪现的念头、 想.
10.He was lost in reverie [thought].他陷于想 [沉思] 。
11.Black Matrix Zero正邪想曲Zero
12.It was called Dreamy Blues.名为《梦布鲁斯》。
13.Resembling, characteristic of, or being a phantom; illusive.虚的类似想的,具有空想特征的,成为想的;影的
14.be subject to hallucinations易产生 [易有]
15.a heavenly angel, vision天使、 天国景.
16.Have you ever tripped out?你有过服迷药后的觉体验吗?
17.Turn the slides right - side up in the projector.将灯片转动以对准灯机
18.Duplicate transparency: A duplicate of an existing photograph, in transparency form.复制灯片:复制现成相片的灯片。

4)magic numbers幻数
1.We describe how she started from magic numbers,then set up the shell model of atomic nucleus.介绍了迈耶夫人的生平和她对物理学的主要贡献,回顾了她从数入手,继而建立原子核壳层模型的过程,以及由此带给我们的启示。
2.Both atomic clusters (microclusters) and nuclei are systems of the finite number ofparticles but with different interaction forces among the component particles, and have somesimilarities in their properties, such as saturation, shell structures, magic numbers, isotopic effect,deformation and compound clusters (nuclear) process, etc.原子团簇(或原子簇)和原子核内部粒子之间的相互作用是根本不同的,但都是含有一定数目的多粒子系统,存在着某些相似特性,如饱和性、壳结构、数与同位素效应、变形特性和复合团簇(核)过程等,这些相似性是核物理学家、原子物理学家以及化学家们共同关心的问题。
3.In this paper, Geometric structures of Pb_nS(n=1-13) clusters and Si_mSb(m=1-14) clusters are optimized using the generalized gradient approximation(GGA) density functional theory, the magic numbers and bond binding property of Pb_nS clusters and the magic numbers Si_mSb clusters are obtained by analysing the structures and electronic properties of Pb_nS clusters and Si_mSb clusters.本文应用密度泛函理论中的广义梯度近似分别对Pb_nS和Si_mSb团簇进行了结构优化,通过分析Pb_nS和Si_mSb团簇的结构和电子性质,得到了Pb_nS的数结构和键合性质以及Si_mSb团簇的数结构。
5)magic number幻数
1.The disappearance of conventional magic numbers and the appearance of new numbers near drip-line region studied using relativistic mean-field plus BCS model;用相对论平均场理论研究近滴线区原子核传统数的消失和新数的产生
2.Magic number cluster ion Mn5+ and abundant Mn/O cluster ions havc been formed by 532nm laser ablation of MnCO3 solid sample with time-of-flight mass spectroscopy detection.本文利用激光烧蚀碳酸锰,飞行时间质谱探测的方法,观察到数团簇离子Mn6,讨论了其形成和结构·实验是在自行研制的直射式飞行时间质谱仪上进行的问。
3.It is shown, for the first time, that the pairing strength of the neutron, Gn, increases dramatically around the magic number N=82, while for the proton it is strongly related to the odd-even difference of the neutron number.在相对论平均场框架下系统地研究了稀土区同位素链的对力强度,首次发现了中子的对力强度 Gn在中子数N=82处突然增大以及质子的对力强度Gp和中子的奇、偶性有关的特性,证明了对力强度本质上是和核的壳层结构紧切相关。
6)auditory hallucination幻听
1.The control study of injection of clonazepam into Tinggong for auditory hallucination of schizophrenia;听宫穴注射氯硝西泮治疗精神分裂症听对照研究
2.Treatment of 34 cases of auditory hallucination of schizophrenia with ear needling;耳针治疗精神分裂症听34例

幻【幻】 (术语)空法十喻之一。如幻术师于无实体者能变化而见是也。智度论五十五曰:“众生如幻,听法者亦如幻。”演密钞四曰:“幻者化也,无而忽有之谓也。先无形质,假因缘有,名为幻化。又幻者诈也,或以不实事惑人眼目,故曰幻也。”圆觉经略疏上二曰:“幻者,谓世有幻法。依草木等幻作人畜,宛似往来动作之相。须臾法谢,还成草木。然诸经教幻喻偏多,良以五天此术颇众,见闻既审,法理易明。及传此方,翻为难晓。”