1.On Guzhu s area and its “territory”;试论孤竹的地望及“疆域”——兼论辽西出土“孤竹”器物之原因

1.On Guzhu s area and its “territory”;试论孤竹的地望及“疆域”——兼论辽西出土“孤竹”器物之原因
2.Explanation and discussion of Guzhu State--A branch of Northeastern Yi Nationality Hanized;孤竹国释论——一支华夏化的东北夷
3.If the truth were known, Tu Chu-chai had probably let on to Wu Sun-fu that he, Li Yu-ting, had suggested (though with the best will in the world) that Tu Chu-chai should try to curb Wu Sun-fu's insistency on paddling his own canoe.说不定他一片好心劝杜竹斋抑制着吴荪甫的一意孤行那番话,杜竹斋竟也已经告诉了荪甫!
4.The soft pulp inside the hard stems坚硬竹竿内的柔软竹衣
5."What's happened, Chu-chai?"“竹斋,怎样了?”
6.small bamboo of southeastern China having slender culms flexuous when young.中国东南部小竹,幼年竹竹竿纤细弯曲。
7.There was a bamboo house with bamboo chairs and tables,其中有座竹房里面有竹桌、竹椅,
8.Reproduction can only be accomplished by consummation孤阴则不生,孤阳则不长
9.Nkosi was an orphan;Nkosi是个孤儿;
10.Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.竹子一种通常为木质的,温带或热带禾本科植物,青篱竹属、竹属、苏麻竹属、毛竹属或赤竹属
11.The carnation or a similar plant of the genus Dianthus.麝香石竹麝香石竹或类似的石竹属植物
12.Any of various other plants, such as the wild pink and the moss pink.石竹类其他植物一种,如野石竹和地衣石竹
13.Bamboo products design, Zhuyun series on funiture and furnishing.“竹韵新语”系列,竹家具和竹家居用品设计。
14.Magically artistic change from "Bamboo from eyes" to "Bamboo from hands"--The enjoying of Black Bamboo Paint;从“眼前之竹”到“手中之竹”的艺术幻化——《墨竹图》欣赏
15.Bamboo Fiber Properties and the Technical Research on Making the Bamboo Fibers with Green Bamboo竹原纤的性能及绿竹制备竹原纤的工艺研究
16.An Description on the Reproductive Organs of Bambusa diaoluoshanensis Chia et H.L.Fung竹亚科簕竹属吊罗坭竹繁殖器官的补充描述
17.A Study of Shooting Law of Dendrocalamopsis vario-striata,Dendrocalamus brandisii and Dendrocalamopsis beechyana var.pubescens吊丝单竹、云南甜竹、大头典竹出笋规律研究
18.crusher ,for bamboo (pulp-making machinery)碎竹机(制浆机械)

Guzhu State孤竹国
1.Explanation and discussion of Guzhu State——A branch of Northeastern Yi Nationality Hanized;孤竹国释论——一支华夏化的东北夷
3)The Bamboo of Solitary and Clean孤清之竹
4)two recluses孤竹二子
1.In later generations,"Solitary Bamboo"syncretizes the solitary bamboo and the characteristics of the two recluses.而后代"孤竹"这个概念常是融合了孤生之竹与与孤竹二子两者的品质,并且士人在咏竹时常把一般的竹子当做孤竹来赞美。
5)Some Notes on Guzhu关于孤竹的探讨
1.Comprehensive utilization of bamboo surplus material by processing;竹加工剩余物的综合利用
2.Influence of acetone pulping on length of bamboo fibre;丙酮制浆对竹纤维长度的影响

孤竹1.独生的竹。 2.古代的一种管乐器。因用孤竹制成,故名。 3.古代乐曲名。 4.商周时国名。在今河北省卢龙县。 5.《庄子·让王》:"昔周之兴,有士二人,处于孤竹,曰伯夷﹑叔齐。"后遂用"孤竹"借指伯夷﹑叔齐。 6.竹的一种。 7.复姓。见《通志.氏族二》。