1.About The pursuit of the essayists in the new time;新时期杂文家的审美艺术追求
2)San Jia Cun essay"三家村"杂文
3)a sententious essayist爱用警句的杂文家
4)the Eclectics杂家

1.On connections between "Whiliao" by Strategists and "Weiliao" by Glectics;兵家《尉缭》与杂家《尉缭》关系新探
2.Amendments to the Eclectics Category of General Catalogue of the Imperial Collection of Four;《四库全书总目·子部·杂家类·杂纂之属》存目补正
3.A Query about Catalogue The Yan Family Instructions in Ru of Summary of the Catalogue of Sikuquanshu;《颜氏家训》在《总目提要》中归于子部杂家质疑
4.crossing and heterosis of animal杂交和杂种优势(家畜)
5.The politician drew out his speech to almost two hours.这位政治家拉拉杂杂讲了近两个小时。
6.a wagon loaded with household trumpery载有家庭杂物的车子
7.Domestic details imprisoned her.繁杂的家务把她拴住了。
8.Journal of Child and Family Studies儿童与家庭研究杂志
9.New Era in Home and School家庭与学校新纪元杂志
10.a home life that has been extraordinarily squally.极度吵杂的家庭生活。
11.The interview is exclusive to this magazine.本杂志得到独家访问权.
12.Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.家务劳动通常是繁杂的。
13.a story exclusive to this magazine本杂志的独家新闻报导
14.Daily or routine domestic tasks.家庭杂务家庭中日常的或例行的事务
15.The grocery store has a side line of household appliances.那家杂货铺兼卖家用电器。
16.Who does most of the chores in your house?你家里谁做大部分的家务杂事?
17.Some experts consider that E- magazine and paper magazine will supplement each other.业内专家认为,网络杂志和纸介杂志将相辅相承。
18.To improve the quality of(livestock) by crossbreeding with purebred stock.改良品种与纯种家畜杂交来改良(家畜)品质

San Jia Cun essay"三家村"杂文
3)a sententious essayist爱用警句的杂文家
4)the Eclectics杂家
1.The work "Weiliao",also collected in the "History of the Han Dynasty" by the School of Eclectics originated,together with the work "Weiliao" by the military strategists,from the ancient book "Weiliao" with the military stategical ideology in the time of the Warring States.兵家《尉缭》与杂家《尉缭》的关系,学界多有探讨,但是观点仍值得商榷。
2.This thesis, based on the acquired studies of pre-Qin philosophers' learning, the present research inadequacy and also the academic divergence, endeavors to offer a new definition for the pre-Qin Eclectics, beginning with the historical textual research on bibliography.本论文根据先秦诸子学研究的已有成果,针对目前学术界对先秦杂家研究不足和认识、分类上的分歧,首先从目录学的历史考证入手,对先秦杂家进行了重新的界定。
1.On Definition of zawen;杂文:种属概念的悖论——关于杂文概念范畴的重新界定

海涅文集 小说 戏剧 杂文卷作者:(德)海涅 著,张玉书 选编出版社:人民文学出版社出版日期:2002-4-1isbn:7020032915字数:500000印次:第一次印刷版次:1纸张:胶版纸定价:38 元内容提要本套书共分四卷,分别为“批评卷”、“诗歌卷”、“游记卷”和“小说戏剧杂文卷”,比较集中而全面地反映了德国作家海涅的创作成就。本书是其小说戏剧杂文卷。目录一 施纳贝勒沃普斯基先生忆语二 巴哈拉赫的拉比(残篇)三 浮士德博士(舞剧连同对魔鬼、巫师和文学的奇异报道)四 回忆录五 自白六 卢苔齐娅(关于政治、艺术与人民生活的报道)