1.Analysis of the Features of Diagnosis and Treatment for FUQINGZHUNVKE;试析《傅青主女科》的诊疗特色

1.A brief discussion on the recipes of calming fetus introduced by Fu Qingzhu'sObstetrics and Gynecology浅谈对《傅青主女科》安胎疗法的认识体会
2.leading female: Zhao Qing played as San Sheng Mu [a goddess];leading male: Fu Zhaoxian played as Liu Yanchang, Liu Dekang as Chen Xiang;女主角:赵青饰三圣母;男主角:傅兆先饰刘彦昌;刘德康饰沉香;
3.Ms. Fu received her Bachelor of Social Sciences from University of Hong Kong.傅女士持有香港大学社会科学学士学位。
4.International Catholic Society for Girls国际天主教女青年协会
5.Young women's attitudes toward the idea of "men managing external affairs women internal青年女性对于“男主外女主内”的态度
6.World Federation of Catholic Young Women and Girls世界天主教青年妇女联合会(天主教青妇联)
7.A Brief Analysis to the Liberalism Feminism,the Radicalism Feminism and the Marxist Feminism View on Science;自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义科学观浅探
8.Master Worker Wang is responsible for the overhaul of this grinder.王师傅主修这台磨床。
9.The disorder mostly affects women and typically deelops in early-to-middle adulthood.这种障碍主要影响妇女,特别是中青年妇女。
10.The young astress has starred in dozens of films.这个青年女演员主演了几十部电影。
11.La Jeunesse and the Early Feminist Translation in China;《新青年》与中国早期女性主义翻译
12.The Emotional World of Feminism;女性主义的感觉世界——苏青解读一种
13.Proactive Mechanisms of Young Female Peasant Workers Merged into the Urban Community青年女性农民工城市融入的主动策略
14.Fifth Generation: Master Chen Yi-Sing, a native of Fu Chow, Yin Duen Pu, Fu Chien.第五代:主陈益唱歌,土生土长的傅周,尹端甫,傅简。
15.Scientific spirit-current Theme of teenager education;论青少年教育的时代主题:科学精神
16.Clinical Analyses of 85 Cases of Gynecologic Malignant Tumor in Young Women;青年女性妇科恶性肿瘤85例临床病例分析
17.Feminist Study on Science and Technology and Women Issue;女性主义关于科学技术与女性问题的研究
18.The Reason for the Lack of Female in the Field of Science and Education--A Feminist Interpretation;科学及其教育中女性为何偏少——女性主义的诠释

FU Qing-zhu's Medical Department for Men傅青主男科
3)FU Qing-zhu傅青主
1.Investigation on the Medical Academic Concept of FU Qing-zhu傅青主的医学学术思想探讨
2.Shenghua decoction made by FU Qing-zhu is a famous formula aimed at syndrome of coagulation cold due to blood deficiency,static blood obstruction.生化汤是著名医家傅青主针对产后血虚寒凝、瘀血阻滞这一病证特点而创制的一张名方,它有明确的病机针对性。
4)Fu Qingzhu傅青主
1.A brief discussion on the recipes of calming fetus introduced by Fu Qingzhu'sObstetrics and Gynecology浅谈对《傅青主女科》安胎疗法的认识体会
5)Fu Qingzhu's Theory on Multicolored Leucorrhea傅青主论五色带下
6)Youth Feminism青年女性主义

傅青主女科傅青主女科 妇科著作。2卷。又名《傅氏女科》。清傅山(青竹、青主)著。刊于道光七年(1827年)。此书卷上分带下、血崩、鬼胎、调经、种子5门,每门分若干证候,计38条、39病证、41方;卷下分妊娠、小产、难产、正产、产后诸证5门,共39条、41病证、42方。本书运用中医脏腑学说,阐明妇女生理、病理特点及诸病临床表现。诊断辨证以肺、脾、肾三脏立论,治则以培补气血,调理脾胃为主。全书文字朴实,论述简明扼要,理法严谨,方药大多简明效验。后世将《傅青主男科》及《产后篇》收入合刊,谓《傅青主男女科》,或作《傅氏女科全集》。其中《产后篇》又名《女科产后篇》,主要介绍产后总论、产前产后方证宜忌及产后诸证治法等。清陆懋修(九芝)曾将本书校订,收入《世补斋医书》。其中《女科》部分析为8卷、8门,改称《重订傅征君女科》,并易《产后篇》为《生化篇》。此书深受后世妇产科医家推崇,刊本达50余种,流传甚广。现有道光七年(1827年)刊本等多种清刻本、抄本及民国刊本。建国后有排印本。