1.The communion between the philosophy of the Daoist school and that conceived in Yi Zhuan;《易传》与道家哲学的可通约

1.commensurable root可公度根,可通约
2.Heretical Thought on Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine:interaction of the "Incommensurabilities"中西医结合的另类思考——论通约于“不可通约
3.Any Contracting Party may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General.]任何缔约方均可退出本条约,退约应通知总干事。
4.On Chinese Version of New York Convention on its Fifty's Anniversary《纽约公约》通过五十周年之年再论公约中文文本
5.Notice of Termination of Tenancy by Landlord业主终止租约通知书
6.Notice of Termination of Principal Tenancy终止二房东租约通知书
7.network of standing currency swap arrangement预约通货交易套作网法
8.We usually knock off at about five o'clock.我们通常大约5点下班。
9.Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident及早通报核事故公约
10."New York" is usually abbreviated to "N.Y.".纽约通常缩写成 N.Y.。
11.open system interconnection开放式电脑通讯公约
12.The government denounced the treaty.政府通知废止该项条约。
13.(i) The notice of rejection reaches the offeror;(一)拒绝要约的通知到达要约人;
14.Notice of New Letting or Renewal Agreement新租约或重订租约通知书
15.Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concer国际性通航水道制度公约和规约
16.South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Rarotonga)南太平洋无核区条约(拉罗通加条约)
17.The notice of revocation shall reach the offeree before it has dispatched a notice of acceptance.撤销要约的通知应当在受要约人发出承诺通知之前到达受要约人。
18.Goal3 The prime contractor and the software subcontractor maintain ongoing communications.目标3:主签约人和子签约人保持持续的沟通。

3)communication protocol通讯规约
1.The hardware configuration,communication protocol and software design of front platform computer,which can be used to county electric network reorganize automatic system is introduced in this paper.主要介绍了电力调度自动化系统中前台机的硬件设置和通讯规约。
2.Especiately, this paper lucubrated the main communication network and communication protocols adopted in this four kinds of FA modes communication system.对四种智能馈线自动化模式中所采用的通信系统分通讯主干网和通讯规约两方面进行了详尽剖析。
4)communication protocol通信规约
1.Study on communication protocol plug-in of electric load monitoring and control;电力负荷监控通信规约插件研究
2.Development of RTU emulation measurement system supporting multifold communication protocols;支持多种通信规约的RTU仿真测试系统
3.Test and analysis system of telecontrol communication protocols;远动通信规约测试及分析系统
1.In this paper, the author presents an analysis on the commensuration of the normal form of theories of Chinese medicine and western medicine and the concept of combination of Chinese medicine with western medicine, based on Thomas Samual Kuhn s theory on normal forms and from the point of view of methodology.运用库恩的范式理论,从方法论角度对中西医理论范式的通约性问题、中西医结合概念进行了深入剖析,指出了中西医理论范式之间既存在着难以通约的一面,也存在着部分可结合之处;中西医结合既存在客观的历史必然性,同时又是一个包含不同层次目标的长期历史过程;中西医结合是中医发展的重要途径,但不是唯一道路;在当前,应强调中医发展多元模式并存。
2.In order to understand cultural dialogue rationally,the problem of culture commensuration,the aim of cultural dialogue deserve to ruminate.文化对话是经济全球化背景下不可回避的问题,然而对于跨文化对话仍有许多问题需要反思,尤其对所涉及的对话资格问题、对话双方地位是否平等问题、文化通约性问题以及文化对话目的等问题均值得进一步思考。
6)communication constraint通信约束
1.An adaptive fusion algorithm based on time window is proposed for distributed detection of underwater acoustic signal under communication constraints,such as large propagation delay and low reliability in underwater acoustic sensor networks.针对水声传感器网络中大延迟、低可靠通信约束下的水声信号分布式检测问题,提出了一种基于时间窗口的自适应融合算法。
2.The modeling and control problems for a class of multiple input and multiple output(MIMO) networked control systems with communication constraints and network-induced delays are presented in this paper.讨论了一类存在通信约束和时延的多输入多输出网络控制系统(NCS)的建模和控制问题。
