环渤海区域,Bohai sea region
1)Bohai sea region环渤海区域
1.Economic development brings a series of ecological problems in Bohai Sea Region.环渤海地区经济的发展带来了一系列生态环境问题,要从根本上解决这些生态环境问题,必须加强政策与法制协调机制建设,建立协调区域关系,完善环渤海区域生态补偿机制。
2.Research on the Development Mode of the Port Group in Bohai Sea Region Based on Industrial Cluster Theory;本论文依托天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目《加快环渤海地区开放开发研究——放大港口整合效应,促进天津及环渤海区域经济发展》而产生,是项目待解决问题中的一部分,主要研究通过发展港口集群和港口产业集群的模式,来实现环渤海区域内港口资源的整合,并促进区域经济的一体化发展,具有一定的现实指导意义。
3.Research on the Virtual Operation Model of Main Port Enterprises in Bohai Sea Region;因此本论文依托天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目《加快环渤海地区开放开发研究——放大港口整合效应,促进天津及环渤海区域经济发展》,从港口企业自身的角度,来探索一种新型的港口企业间整合形式,即借鉴企业的虚拟经营模式来实现渤海港口企业的协作,由目前“三强争霸”对抗竞争向“三强合一”合作竞争格局转变,借以取得区域竞争优势,同样这也为带动环渤海地区整体协调发展和战略互动带来积极的影响。

1.A Study on Cordinated Development of the Regional Economy of Bohai Coastal Region;环渤海区域经济发展差异分析与对策
2.Coordinating System and Government Functions of the Bohai Sea Regional Economy;环渤海区域经济协调机制和政府作用
3.Analasis on Financial Development Difference in Bohai Rim Region环渤海区域金融成长差异及原因分析
4.A Study on the Development of Binhai New Area and Regional Economic Cooperation of Around the BoHai Area;滨海新区发展与环渤海区域经济合作研究
5.A Comparative Study on Regional Tourism Cooperation between Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Rim;长三角与环渤海区域旅游合作条件对比研究——兼论环渤海次区域旅游合作道路选择
6.The Legal Consideration of Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Bohai Rim Region;环渤海区域生态补偿机制的法制化思考
7.Analysis on Mode Selection of Industrial Cooperation and Development in Around BOHAI Region;简析环渤海区域产业合作与发展的模式选择
8.The Development Strategies of Commercial Banks in the Pearl River Delta,Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Region;珠三角、长三角、环渤海区域商业银行发展策略
10.Regional Landscape Pattern Changes Surrounding the Bohai Bay in China环渤海区域土地利用景观格局变化分析
11.A Prospection of an empirical study of local protectionism and market segmentation around Bohai region环渤海区域地方保护和市场分割实证研究展望
12.Orientation and Development of Beijing and Tianjin in Bohai Rim Region's Financial Cooperation京津在环渤海区域金融合作中的定位与发展
13.The Macroeconomic Regulation and Control Legal Mechanism Construction of Link Bohai Sea Region Economy环渤海区域经济发展宏观调控法律机制的构建
14.Co-opetition Relations and Affecting Factors of Port Cluster in Bohai Sea Coastal Region环渤海区域港口群竞合关系及影响因素分析
15.Situation and Potential Perils of the Economic Development in the Bohai Sea Rim;环渤海临海区域经济发展态势与忧患
16.Cooperation Mechanism of Creative Industries Development in Circum-Bohai Economic Zone环渤海创意产业发展的区域协作机制
17.Spatio-temporal Evaluation and Forecasting of Regional Carrying Capacity in Bohai-Bay Region;环渤海地区区域承载力时空评价与预测
18.Research on Bohai Rim Regional Economy Integration Development Strategy;环渤海地区区域经济一体化发展战略研究

Bohai Sea Area环渤海区域
1.There are many ports and intense competition in Bohai Sea Area, as the representative of these ports ,the three major ones, Dalian, Tianjin and Qingdao are coincidentally proposed to build an international shipping centre in North China, and put the port development on a very important position in the future urban planning and construction.环渤海区域港口众多,竞争激烈,以大连、天津和青岛为代表的三大港口都不约而同地提出建设我国北方国际航运中心的口号,并在未来城市规划和建设中都把港口发展放在了非常重要的位置。
3)Bohai Rim Region环渤海区域
1.Analasis on Financial Development Difference in Bohai Rim Region环渤海区域金融成长差异及原因分析
2.Orientation and Development of Beijing and Tianjin in Bohai Rim Region's Financial Cooperation京津在环渤海区域金融合作中的定位与发展
4)the regional economy surrounding Bohai环渤海区域经济
5)the economic regional integration surrounded by the Bohai环渤海区域经济一体化
6)Bohai coastal region环渤海地域

渤海湾(见渤海)渤海湾(见渤海)Bohai Wan Bohai Wan渤海湾(Bohaj wan)贝渤、