空心村,hollow village
1)hollow village空心村
1.For recent twenty years,the scale of peasant house have expanded,for many reasons,which resulted that no-person-village,we named it "hollow village".随着国民经济的发展,农民收入有了很大幅度的提高,近20年来,农村住房建设规模逐年增大,但由于多方面的原因造成了"外华内虚"的村庄结构,即"空心村"。
2.Hollow village not only caused the serious waste of limited land resources,but also influenced the improvement of rural appearance,which become a stumbling block of rural scientific development and new rural residential area construction.随着农村经济社会的发展,农村住房状况发生了明显的变化,同时一些地区却出现了"空心村"现象。

1.The“ hollow village” manages and rural environmental construction of Henan Province;河南省“空心村”治理与农村环境建设
2.Changing from the “Empty Village” to the “Rich Basin”--A Case Study of Zhengyang City;让“空心村”变成聚宝盆——以河南省正阳县的“空心村”整治为例
3.A Study on the Planning Countermeasures of the Inner Decaying Village in the New Rural Construction新农村建设中“空心村”规划整治对策研究
4.Problems and Countermeasures of Hollow Village“空心村”问题及其对策——以汤阴县南阳村为例
5.Causation Analysis and Countermeasures of Hollow Village Problem;“空心村”问题成因分析及解决对策
6.Studies on Measures to Boost Land Rehabilitation and Solve "Hollow Village" Problem;治理“空心村” 提高土地复耕率对策研究
7.Break approach and policies and measures untying “the hollow village” in new rural construction--Jincheng City, Shanxi Province as an example of new rural construction新农村建设中破解“空心村”的途径及政策措施——以山西省晋城市“空心村”整治为例
8.Grasping the Governance of Hollow Village and Promoting the Construction of New Rural Residential Area--A Case of Beiwa Village,Lingshou County抓好空心村治理 推进新农居建设——以灵寿县北洼村为例
9.A Study of "Hollow Village" Reconstruction Based on Urban Management Concept;基于城市经营理念的“空心村”改造模式探析
10.Analysis on the Problem of Hollow Village in China Based on the Land-use Cost;从土地利用成本角度解读我国“空心村”现象
11.From "Hall World" to "Hollow Village":The Historical Changes of a Hakkas Village--Taking Wuyajing Village of Bobai in Guangxi as an Example从“厅堂天下”到“空心村”——关于广西博白县客家村落乌鸦颈村文化变迁的调查报告
12.Quantitative Analysis and Sustainable Utilization of Land in Hollow Villages of Hengshui City in Hebei Province;河北省衡水市“空心村”土地量化分析和可持续利用研究
13.The Counter Measures Research of Idle Housing in Hollow Village--Take Water Source Protection Zones of Heroes Reservoir in Ningbo as an Example空心村闲置住房治理对策研究——以宁波市英雄水库水源保护区为例
14.Trends and Summary on the Study of Rural Settlement Hollowization in China;农村聚落空心化研究现状综述及趋势
15.I had forgotten how refreshing the country air could be.我早已忘记了农村的空气能使人这样心神爽快。
16.The Microscopic Analysis on Village-hollowing in Medium Income and Hilly Land Region of Henan province;河南中收入丘陵区村庄空心化微观分析
17.The integral regimes and countermeasure study on hollow-oriented houses in rural regions;农村住宅空心化形成机制及其调控研究
18.The Study on the Problem of the Vacant households in Rural Areas;关于中国农村聚落中“空心户”问题的探讨

inner-decaying village空心村
1.Study on the inner-decaying village in new village planning;新农村规划如何应对空心村问题
2.Coordinating the features of some rural areas in the process of constructing new socialist countryside further let a lot of soil lie idle and accelerates villages to widen disorderly,therefore,more inner-decaying villages occurs.在新农村建设中,一些地方村容的整治,加剧了村内大片土地的闲置和村庄向外围的无序扩张,出现严重的"空心村"现象。
3)hollow villages空心村
1.Treatment and countermeasures of the hollow villages;空心村现象的治理与对策
4)Inner Decaying Village空心村
1.Forming reasons and countermeasures of inner decaying villages空心村形成原因及其整治对策分析
5)"hollow village" reconstruction"空心村"改造
6)vacant village administer空心村治理
