1.Self-organization and hetero-organization of knowledge state system of knowledge-based enterprise;知识型企业知识状态系统的自组织和他组织
2.Self-organization & hetero-organization characteristics in evolution of military medicine;军事医学发展中的自组织与他组织现象分析
3.Self-organization is the essence based on the System Theory, and the external environment, the hetero-organization also has some corresponding effect.在互联网上分布着大量的商务信息,它们的产生和演化是信息发布者之间自我组织、相互协同的结果,从系统论来看,自组织是根本,同时外部环境——他组织也起了相应的作用。

1.History of Self-Organization & Other-Organization in the Framework of Curriculum Organization自组织与他组织框架下的课程组织沿革
2.A study on the practice difference between Self-organization Education and Other-organization education;自组织教育与他组织教育的实践差异
3.Theoretical Difference between Self- Organization Education & Other- Organization Education;自组织教育与他组织教育的理论差异
4.co-operative business or other organization合作企业或其他组织
5.Self-organization and hetero-organization of knowledge state system of knowledge-based enterprise;知识型企业知识状态系统的自组织和他组织
6.He has formed a new band with his brother on bass.他组织了一个新乐队,由他弟弟弹低音吉他。
7.They organized workers into a labor group.他们把工人组织成了一个劳工组织。
8.They did not allow the workers to organize.他们不让工人组织起来。
9.They also organized the peasants to collect herbs.他们还组织农民采草药。
10.Offence of Organizing Other People to Cross the National Border1973组织他人偷越国边境罪
11.They organized "trash parades."他们组织了“清扫游行”。
12.Their organization is getting more and more powerful .他们的组织日益壮大。
13.He was active in organizing student meetings.他积极组织学生集会。
14.They is mobilize their supporter to vote at the election他们正在组织其支持者向他们拉选票
15.They disqualified him from participation in an organization他们取消了他参加一个组织的资格。
16.He is the strong man in their organization.他是他们组织中的实权人物。
17.He tried to move up the hierarchy in his offices.他试图在他办公室的阶级组织中升进。
18.repeatedly organizing people to secretly cross the national boundary (border) or organizing a large number of people to secretly cross the national boundary (border);多次组织他人偷越国(边)境或者组织他人偷越国(边)境人数众多的

1.This paper has reviewed the development of manufacturing system,analyzed the complexity of manufacturing system and the concept of self-organization system,constructed a series of formulae for de-scribing self-organization of manufacturing system,and finally concluded that today’s advanced manufactur-ing system is undertaking a conversion from other-organization to self-organization.文章通过回顾制造系统的发展,分析了制造系统复杂性和系统自组织的概念,并构建了制造系统的自组织状态方程,由此得出目前先进制造系统正在经历从他组织而向自组织的转化的结论。
2.In my opinion it is necessary to promote a transformation of urban planning s role, form the development style of city in which other-organization (urban planning) is dominant to the style in which self-organization is dominant.通过分析自组织占主导地位的西欧中世纪的城市,提倡变换城市规划角色,从他组织(城市规划)占主导地位的城市发展模式转换为自组织占主导地位的城市发展模式。
3.The persons respecting subject curriculum have faith in other-organization and believe that the superb realm of curriculum organization is to control the factors of confused concepts and principles and explain the concepts and principles logically,regularly and with cause and effect.推崇学科课程的人们持有他组织信念,认为控制混淆概念与原理的因素,逻辑地、有因有果地、从一斑见一豹之规律性地解析概念、原理是课程组织的高超境界。
3)Hetero organization他组织
1.Four topics were discussed scientifically or metaphorically:the position of fractal geometry in the complexity studies,how complex the fractal is,what is the fractal space and fractal time,the fractal mechanism of self organization and hetero organization.在科学的和隐喻的意义上讨论了四个问题 :分形在整个复杂性研究中的地位 ,分形复杂在哪里 ?从分形看系统的时空复杂性 ,分形与自组织和他组织的关
4)other organizations其他组织
1.As a matter of fact,great deals of other organizations have become civil subject directly or indirectly.事实上,"其他组织"已经大量出现,直接或间接地成为了民事主体。
2.The author holds the point that law should admit the group nature of the proprietor organization,and endow the committee of proprietors the legal status of "other organizations",and make clear the relationship between the general meeting of proprietors and the committee of proprietors.提出了完善我国业主团体自治管理制度的建议,认为:我国的业主自治管理团体的法律定位构建应从立法层面上承认业主团体的团体性,进而赋予业主委员会"其他组织"的法律地位,明晰业主大会和业主委员会的关系定位,使业主自治组织能够真正发挥作用,从而促进我国建筑物区分所有制度的完善和发展。
5)organizing others组织他人
1.The crimes of organizing others to cross the border or boundary with a region stealthily shall be differentiated from other relevant behaviors when they interact with each other and their nature shall be determined accordingly.组织他人偷越国(边)境的行为与相关犯罪行为相互交织时,应区分各种情形,作定性处理。
6)hetero-organization measures他组织措施

《关于健全司令部工作与组织》《关于健全司令部工作与组织》On Improving the Headquarters Work and Organization  ,yU牙一作,交定 坚:lJ进耳事百总 及卜制受化GuanyU Iionquan Silingbu GOngz、ZUZhi《关于健全司令部工作与组织(O九了呷roving the Hea心uarterswo厂口珍洲切如月)左权论述司令部建设!石军事著作。是左权于1941年冬在八路军令部工作会议上的一篇讲话,约1粼l) 讲话阐明了司令部工作对于保障竹利的关系,对司令部工作提出了更高求。强调战争情况是不断发展和变化尔令部要了解每一新的情况变化,汲取新的经验。因此,必须认真组织侦察三具体了解并切实研究周围敌情,保证省下正确决心;必须周密组织战役、战斗决贯彻首长决心,保证战役、战斗顺行。各级司令部应有计划地指导部队跳教育,提供必要的教材,及时进行检查结。各级司令机关应发挥更多的创造性时总结和传播经验。要健全司令部工度,改进工作方法,克服粗枝大叶和-的现象,反对主观主义与形式主义。 《关于健全司令部工作与组织》对一步健全八路军各级司令部的工作与起了重要指导作用。 (陈浩1口八U刁11︸山阳仲一目al扁右二劲。撇腰司斤进1织